Lydd Airport Inquiry - CORE DOCUMENTS LIST – 16 September 2011– Final list

CD Number / Description of Document / Date of document
Application Documents
CD1.1 (LAA) / Application Cover Letter and Application Form for Proposed Runway Extension / 15Dec 2006
CD1.2 (LAA) / Application Cover Letter and Application Form for the Proposed Terminal Building / 15 Dec 2006
CD1.3 (LAA) / Cover letter, dated 2 April 2007 and Ownership Certificate, dated 3 April 2007 (both applications Y06/1647/SH & Y06/1648/SH) / 2 3 April 2007
CD1.4a (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Runway Extension - Existing Runway – Dwg ref: FSB92590A/204 / 2006
CD1.4b (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Runway Extension - Site of Proposed Runway Extension –
Dwg ref: FSB92590A/205 / 2006
CD1.4c (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Runway Extension - Existing Runway with Proposed Extension – Dwg ref: FSB92590A/206 / 2006
CD1.4d (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Runway Extension - Proposed Runway Extension General Arrangements – Dwg ref: FSB92590A/207 / 2006
CD1.4e (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Runway Extension - Site Plan – Dwg ref: FSB92590A/PL0018 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5a (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Location Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL001 Rev B. / 2006
CD1.5b (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Site Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL002 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5c (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Site Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL003 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5d (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Ground Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL004 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5e (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Part Ground Floor plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL005 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5f (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Part Ground Floor plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL006 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5g (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL007 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5h (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL008 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5i (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL009 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5j (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Part Plant Level Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL010 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5k (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Roof Level Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL011 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5l (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Existing Site Sections – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL012 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5m (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Site Sections – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL013 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5n(LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL014 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5o (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL015 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5p (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL016 Rev B / 2006
CD1.5q (LAA) / Planning Application Drawings: Terminal Building - Site Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL017 Rev B / 2006
CD1.6 (LAA) / Terminal Development Transport Assessment / Dec2006
CD1.7 (LAA) / Runway Extension Transport Assessment / Dec 2006
CD1.8 (LAA) / Terminal Building Planning Statement / Dec 2006
CD1.9 (LAA) / Runway Extension Planning Statement / Dec 2006
CD1.10 (LAA) / Stakeholder Consultation Strategy / Dec 2006
CD1.11 (LAA) / Architectural Design and Access Statement / Dec 2006
CD1.12 (LAA) / Flood Risk Assessment Report for the Proposed Terminal Construction / Dec 2006
CD1.13 (LAA) / Airport Safety Management Document relating to the Planning Application for a Runway Extension and a New Terminal Building / Dec 2006
CD1.14 (LAA) / Terminal Building Environmental Statement / Dec 2006
CD1.15 (LAA) / Terminal Building Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary / Dec 2006
CD1.16 (LAA) / Terminal development – Figures / Dec 2006
CD1.17 (LAA) / Runway Extension Environmental Statement / Dec 2006
CD1.18 (LAA) / Runway Extension Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary / Dec 2006
CD1.19 (LAA) / Runway Extension ES Figures and Plates / Dec 2006
CD1.20 (LAA) / Cover Letter detailing 2007 submission / 9 Oct2007
CD1.21 (LAA) / Response to Consultation, Volume 1 of 4 / Oct2007
CD1.22 (LAA) / Non-Technical Summary, Volume 2 of 4 / Oct 2007
CD1.23a (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Landscape and Visual Amenity (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.23b (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Supplementary Information on Socio- Economic Impacts / Oct 2007
CD1.23c (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Bird Hazard Control Programme (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.23d (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Air Quality Impact Assessment (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.23e (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, January 2007 / Oct 2007
CD1.23f (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Air Quality Derived Predicted Impacts Table / Oct 2007
CD1.23g (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Invertebrate Surveys of Drainage Ditches and Runway Extension Footprint / Oct 2007
CD1.23h (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Over wintering Bird Survey 2006/2007 / Oct 2007
CD1.23i (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Predicted Noise Impacts on Bird Species of Conservation Importance (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.23j (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Design Statement for Terminal Building Roof Design / Oct 2007
CD1.23k (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Sustainability Initiatives incorporated into Terminal Building / Oct 2007
CD1.23l (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Draft Travel Plan / Oct 2007
CD1.23m(LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - B737 Trial Flight Report, February 2007 / Oct 2007
CD1.23n (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 - Transport Assessment Data / Oct 2007
CD1.23o (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 – Figure 7.3 from Terminal Building Transport Assessment / Oct 2007
CD1.23p (LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 – Swept Path Analysis Plans – Terminal Building / Oct 2007
CD1.23q(LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3A of 4 – Preliminary Layout Plan for Hammonds Corner Improvements / Oct 2007
CD1.24a(LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3B of 4 – Schedule of Mitigation Measure / Oct 2007
CD1.24b(LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3B of 4 – Geomorphologic Assessment for the Proposed Runway Extension / Oct 2007
CD1.24c(LAA) / Technical Appendices, Volume 3B of 4 – Community Noise Impacts (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.25a (LAA) / Statement to Inform, Volume 4 of 4 - Statement to Inform on the Predicted Impacts from the Proposed runway extension at LAA on the Dungeness to Pett Level SPA (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.25b (LAA) / Statement to Inform, Volume 4 of 4 - Statement to Inform on the Predicted Impacts from the runway extension at LAA on the Dungeness SAC (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.25c (LAA) / Statement to Inform, Volume 4 of 4 -Statement to Inform on the Predicted Impacts from the Proposed New Terminal Building at LAA on the Dungeness to Pett Level SPA (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.25d(LAA) / Statement to Inform, Volume 4 of 4 -Statement to Inform on the Predicted Impacts from the Proposed New Terminal Building at LAA on the Dungeness SAC (Runway and Terminal) / Oct 2007
CD1.26 (LAA) / Cover letter detailing purpose and content of 2008 submission package / 18 Aug2008
CD1.27a(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Site Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL002 Rev D / August 2008
CD1.27b(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Site – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL003 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27c(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Ground Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL004 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27d(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Part Ground Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL005 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27e(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Part Ground Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL006 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27f(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL007 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27g(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Part First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL008 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27h(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Part First Floor Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL009 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27i(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Plant Level Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL010 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27j(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Roof Level Plan – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL011 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27k(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Site Sections – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL013 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27k(i) (LAA) / Application Drawings: Existing Site Sections – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL013 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27k (ii)(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Site Sections – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL013 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27l(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL014 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27m(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL015 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27n(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Elevations – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL016 Rev C / August 2008
CD1.27o(LAA) / Application Drawings: Comparison or Original submitted Sections and the Current Proposal – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL019 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27p(LAA) / Application Drawings: Comparison of Original submitted Sections and the Current Proposal – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL020 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27q(LAA) / Application Drawings: Comparison of Original submitted Elevations and the Current Proposal – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL021 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27r (LAA) / Application Drawings: Comparison of Original submitted Elevations and the Current Proposal – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL022 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27s(LAA) / Application Drawings: Comparison of Original submitted Elevations and the Current Proposal – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL023 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27t(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Material Examples – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL024 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.27u(LAA) / Application Drawings: Proposed Material Examples and Fixtures – Dwg ref: FSA92590A/PL025 Rev A / August 2008
CD1.28 (LAA) / Overview and Planning Policy Update, Volume 1 of 8 / August 2008
CD1.29 (LAA) / Non Technical Summary and Revised Schedule of Mitigation Measures, Volume 2 of 8 / August 2008
CD1.30 (LAA) / Revised Design and Access Statement (Terminal Building), Volume 3 of 8 / August 2008
CD1.31(LAA) / Landscape Strategy, Volume 4 of 8 / August 2008
CD1.32 (LAA) / Lighting Impact Assessment, Volume 5 of 8 / August 2008
CD1.33a (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Invertebrates Study / August 2008
CD1.33b (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Assessment of Hammonds Corner / August 2008
CD1.33c (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Impact on Designated Sites, Drainage Ditches and Great Crested Newts / August 2008
CD1.33d (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Ornithology Study / August 2008
CD1.33e (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Biodiversity Action Plan / August 2008
CD1.33f (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Construction Environmental Management Plan (Runway Extension) / August 2008
CD1.33g (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 6 of 8 - Sewerage Report / August 2008
CD1.34a (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 7 of 8 - Noise Study (Runway and Terminal) / August 2008
CD1.34b (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 7 of 8 - Air Quality and Human Health / August 2008
CD1.34c (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 7 of 8 - Nitrogen Deposition (Runway and Terminal) / August 2008
CD1.34d (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 7 of 8 - Carbon Management Report / August 2008
CD1.35a (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 8 of 8 - Transport Assessment Additional Analysis / August 2008
CD1.35b (LAA) / Supplementary Environmental Information, Volume 8 of 8 - Revised Outline Travel Plan / August 2008
CD1.36 (LAA) / Geomorphological Assessment for the Proposed Runway Extension at Lydd Airport (September 2008) / Sept 2008
CD1.37 (LAA) / Cover letter detailing the purpose and content of 2009 submission package, dated 11 March 2009 / 11 Mar 2009
CD1.38 (LAA) / Overview of Applications and Supporting Material, Volume 1 of 5 / March 2009
CD1.39 (LAA) / Non Technical Summary, Volume 2 of 5 / March 2009
CD1.40a (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 3 of 5 - Socio-Economic Update 2009 (Runway and Terminal) / March 2009
CD1.40b (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 3 of 5 - Aircraft Crash Risk to Dungeness Nuclear Power Stations (Runway and Terminal) / March 2009
CD1.41a (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 4 of 5 - Community Noise Assessment (Runway) / March 2009
CD1.41b (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 4 of 5 - Community Noise Assessment (Terminal) / March 2009
CD1.42a (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 5 of 5 - Surface Water Drainage Supply (Runway) / March 2009
CD1.42b (LAA) / Supplementary Information, Volume 5 of 5 - Proposed Foul Water Solutions (Terminal) / March 2009
CD1.43 (LAA) / Cover letter detailing the purpose and content of 2009 submission, dated 11 December 2009 / 11 Dec 2009
CD1.44 (LAA) / London Ashford Airport (Lydd) Response to Shepway District Council’s Letter dated 15 October 2009 / Dec 2009
CD1.45(LAA) / London Ashford Airport (Lydd) Response to Shepway District Council’s Letter dated 15 October 2009 – Technical Appendices (December 2009) / 15 Oct 2009 and Dec 2009
CD1.46 (LAA) / Secretary of State decision 1992 / 1992
CD1.47 (LAA) / Letter from the Government Office for the South East dated 22 June 2010 calling-in the Applications / 22 June 2010
CD1.48 (LAA) / Officer's Report to Committee dated 24 September 2009 / 24 Sept 2009
CD1.49 (LAA) / LAA's Response to the Officer's Report in August 2009 / August 2009
CD1.50 (LAA) / The Council's Response to LAA's Response to the Officer's Report dated 15 October 2009 / 15 Oct 2009
CD1.51 (LAA) / Supplementary Report to the Officer's Report to Committee dated 3 March 2010 / 3 March 2010
CD1.52 (LAA) / Minutes of the committee meeting of 3 March 2010 (including the reasons for approval) / 3 March 2010
CD1.53 (LAA) / The Consolidated Appropriate Assessment dated June 2010 / June 2010
CD1.54 (LAA) / Letter from Shepway District Council dated 5 March 2008 / 5 March 2008
CD1.55 (LAA) / London Ashford Airport Statement of Case / October 2010
CD2.1 (LAA) / Bureau Veritas AA, June 2009 / June 2009
CD2.2 (SDC) / Bureau Veritas, Initial Response to Applicants Rebuttal For Shepway District Council, October 2009 / October 2009
CD2.3 (SDC) / Appendix 7 to SDC’s Supplementary Report to the Officer's Report to Committee (dated 19 February 2010) / Feb 2010
CD2.4 (SDC) / Supplementary information to schedule of applications (for March 2010 Council meeting; LAA document, supplementary to the Officer’s Report)SDC have removed / March 2010
CD2.5(LAAG) / Unofficial Transcript of the Shepway District Council determination meeting on 3 March 2010, transcribed by / 3 March 2010
CD2.6(CPRE) / Statement of Case and Statement of Evidence of behalf of CPRE Hampshire in relation to Planning Appeal Ref: APP/P1750/A/09/2118357/NWF(Been removed – now in evidence) / 2009
CD2.7(SDC) / Planning Application Documents - Scoping Opinion / 2005
CD2.8(SDC) / Planning Application Documents – BV Technical Reports and Advice / 2007-2010
CD2.9(SDC) / Planning Application Documents – Key Correspondence / 2006-2010
CD2.10(SDC) / Planning Application Documents – Council reports, minutes/resolution and late representations / March 2010
CD2.11(LAA) / Surface Water Drainage Strategy by WSP
CD2.12(LAA) / Revised FRA, prepared by WSP / 2010
CD2.13(RSPB) / Lydd Airport Bird Control Manual 2010 / 2010
CD3.1(RSPB) / RSPB correspondence with Shepway District Council related to the LAA planning applications, which are the subject of this Inquiry from 2005 to 2010 inclusive
CD3.2 (LAAG) / LAAG response to original Lydd Airport Planning Application (December 2006) / 26 April 2007
CD3.3(LAAG) / LAAG response to first set of Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI(1)) (October 2007) / 15 Nov 2007
CD3.4(LAAG) / LAAG response to second set of Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI(2) (August 2008) / 24 Oct 2008
CD3.5(LAAG) / LAAG response to third set of Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI(3)) (March 2009) / 7 April 2009
CD3.6(LAAG) / LAAG response to fourth set of Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI(4)) (December 2009) / 14 Jan 2010
CD3.7(NE) / Natural England responses to Shepway District Council’s formal consultations on LAA’s Environmental Impact Assessment including responses to supplementary information consultations. / 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
CD3.8(NE) / Natural England formal correspondence with Shepway District Council related to the LAA planning applications which are the subject of this inquiry from 2006 to 3rd March 2010 inclusive. / 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
CD3.9a (CPRE) / Letter from CPRE Protect Kent to Shepway District Council, March 2007 / 2007
CD3.9b (CPRE) / Letter from CPRE Protect Kent to Shepway District Council, November 2007 / 2007
CD3.9c (CPRE) / Letter from CPRE Protect Kent to Shepway District Council, March 2009 / 2009
CD3.9d (CPRE) / Letter from CPRE Protect Kent to Shepway District Council, June 2009 / 2009
CD3.9e (CPRE) / Letter from CPRE Protect Kent to Shepway District Council, 5 January 2010 / 2010
Statements of Common Ground
CD4.1(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between London Ashford Airport (Lydd) and Shepway District Council / Nov 2010
CD4.2(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & NE / 15/2/2010
CD4.3(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & Kent Wildlife Trust / 22/2/2011
CD4.4(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & Lydd Airport Action Group / 22/2/2011
CD4.5(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between Nigel Deacon, LAA & Dr John Allan, Natural England / 22/2/2011
CD4.6(LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between LAA, Natural England and RSPB (submitted 23/02/2011) / 23/2/2011
CD4.7(LAA) / Supplementary Statement of Common Ground between London Ashford Airport (Lydd) and Shepway District Council (submitted 15/03/2011) / Nov 2010
CD4.8 (LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between London Ashford Airport (Lydd) and CPRE Protect Kent (submitted 22/03/2011) / 22/3/2011
CD4.9 (LAA) / Statement of Common Ground between London Ashford Airport (Lydd) and Natural England (submitted 29/03/2011) / 29/3/2011
CD4.10 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & KWT on Air Quality (submitted 5/4/2011) / 30/3/2011
CD4.11 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & NE on Great Crested Newts (submitted 6/4/2011) / 6/4/2011
CD4.12 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & NE on Ditch Mitigation Strategy (submitted 6/4/2011) / 6/4/2011
CD4.13 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & KWT on Airfield Biodiversity Action Plan (submitted 6/4/2011)
CD4.14 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & KWT on Lighting Impact on Moths (submitted 6/4/2011)
CD4.14 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & KWT on Lighting Impact on Moths (submitted 6/4/2011)
CD4.15 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA & SDC & RSPB on Planning Mattters (submitted 15/56/2011)
CD4.16 / Supplementary Statement of Common Ground between LAA & NE on protected species (submitted 1/8/2011)
CD4.17 / Statement of Common Ground between LAA, NE & RSPB / 7/9/2011
CD5.1 (NE) / Directive 79/409/EEC / 1992
CD5.2 (NE) / Directive 92/43/EEC / 1992
CD5.3 (NE) / Directive 2009/147/EC / Nov 2009
CD5.4 (NE) / Directive 85/337 EEC (as amended by Council Directive 97/11/EC) / 1985
CD5.5 (NE) / Directive 2009/147/EC Duplicate of CD5.3 / 2009
CD5.6 (NE) / Directive 85/337 EEC (as amended by Council Directive 97/11/EC) Duplicate of CD5.4 / 1985
CD5.7 (NE) / Directive 2009/147/EC Duplicate of CD5.5 / 2009
CD5.8 (NE) / Directive 85/337 EEC (as amended by Council Directive 97/11/EC) Duplicate of CD5.4 / 1985
CD5.9 (NE) / European Commission’s 2001 ‘Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 site / 2001
CD5.10 (NE) / European Commission, April 2000, Managing Natura 2000 Sites: The Provisions of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC / 2000
CD5.11 (NE) / European Commission, January 2007, Guidance document on Article 6(4) of the ‘Habitats Directive’ 92/43/EEC (clarification of the concepts of alternative solutions, imperative reasons of overriding public interest, compensatory measures, overall coherence and opinion of the Commission) / 2007
CD5.12(NE) / Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 / 1981
CD5.13 (NE) / The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 / 2006
CD5.14 (RSPB) / Climate Change Act 2008 / 2008
CD5.15(NE) / Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 2010 / 2010
CD5.16 (NE) / Conservation (Natural Habitats & c.) Regulations 1994, superseded by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (S.I. No 490) / 1994 and 2010
CD5.17(NE) / Air Quality Standards Regulations / 2010
CD5.18 (NE) / Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)(England and Wales) Regulations 1999 as amended / 1999
CD5.19 (NE) / Circular 05/2005 Planning Obligations / 2005
CD5.20 (NE) / Circular 11/95: The Use of Conditions in Planning Permissions / 1995
CD5.21 (NE) / Circular 2/99: Environmental Impact Assessment / 1999
CD5.22 (NE) / Circular 01/03: The Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosives Storage Areas) Direction 2002 / 2002
CD5.23 (SDC) / ODPM circular 6/2005 biodiversity and geological conservation – statutory obligations and their impact within the planning system / 2005
CD5.24(LAA) / The Future of Aviation White Paper, 2003 / 2003
CD5.25(LAA) / The Future of Air Transport Progress Report, December 2006 / 2006
CD5.26 (LAA) / Localism Bill / 2010
CD5.27 (LAA) / Adding Capacity at Heathrow, Department for Transport / January 2009
CD5.28 (LAA) / Air Passenger Demand and CO2 Forecasts, Department for Transport / January 2009
CD5.29 (LAA) / Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 / 2000
CD5.30 (LAA) / Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 / 2002
CD5.31 (LAA) / Air Quality Strategy / 2007
CD5.33 (SDC) / Directive 2009/71/EURATOM
CD5.34 (LAA) / Guidance on Preparation of Airport Master Plans
CD5.35 (LAA) / Reform of Air Passenger Duty: a consultation (submitted 11 May 2011) / March 2011
CD5.36 (LAA) / Developing a sustainable framework for UK aviation: scoping document (submitted 11 May 2011) / March 2011
CD5.37 (LAA) / CLG Planning for Growth (submitted 1 July 2011) / 31 March 2011
CD5.38 (LAA) / Government Response to the Committee on Climate Change Report on Reducing CO2 Emissions from UK
Aviation to 2050 / August 2011
CD5.39 (LAA) / UK Aviation Forecasts / August 2011
CD6.1(SDC) / PPS1Delivering Sustainable Development / 2005
CD6.2 (SDC) / Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1: Planning and Climate Change – Published in December 2007 / 2007