Yehiel Kaplan


1.  Personal Details

Permanent Home Address: 30/9 Shivtey Israel St., Modiin, 71724

Home Telephone Number: 077-3203979

Office Telephone Number: 04-8249219

Electronic Address:

Fax Number: 04-8240681

2.  Higher Education

Date of Degree / Degree / Name of Institution and Department / Period of Study
A. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
1978 / Rabbinical Ordination, Conferred by Rabbis Eliezer Yehudah Waldenberg, Zalman Nechemia Goldberg and Yehuda Gershuni / Hesder Yeshiva, Har-Etzion, Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion / 1974-1978
1983 / L.L.B. / Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / 1979-1983
1985 / L.L.M.
Thesis Under Direction of Prof. Menachem Elon: “Public in the Legislation of Jewish Medieval Franco-German Communities”. / Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / 1984-1985
1988 / Not Applicable / Visiting Scholar. Focus of Studies: Medieval Roman and Canon Law, Law School, the University of California, Berkeley / 1987-1988
1994 / Dr. Jur. Thesis Under Direction of Prof. Menachem Elon: “Jewish Public Law of Franco-German Jewry from the Xth through the XVth Century / Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / 1986-1993
B. Post-Doctoral Studies
August 1996 / Not Applicable / University of Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Post Dr. research - Family Law. / March-August 1996

3. Academic Rank and Tenure

Academic Rank and Tenure / Name of Institution and Department
Associate Professor With Tenure / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa

4. Offices of Academic Administration

  1. Discipline Committee, University of Haifa, 1997, 1998.
  2. Teaching Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, 1996-Present.

3.  Library Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, 1998.

4.  Committee for Determining Standards for Granting Grants to Outstanding Lecturers, University of Haifa, 2006-Present.

  1. Acceptance Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, 2006-Present.

5. Scholarly Positions and Activities outside the University

1. Legislation

1.  Presentation of point of view concerning legislation in the sphere of Social Rights of Children, Sub Committee of the Knesset Legislation Committee – Khok Umishpat, 5 Kislev 5764 (30.11.03).

2.  Presentation of point of view concerning amendment of law regarding the Financial Relationship Between Husband and Wife, the Knesset Legislation Committee – Khok Umishpat (Meetings during winter 2007-5768).

2. Evaluation of Masters Thesis

Tel Aviv University (2)

Bar-Ilan University (2)

3.  Evaluation of PhD or J. D. Thesis

*Bar-Ilan University (5)

*Tel Aviv University (1)

*The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1)

4. Evaluation of Articles Sent to Law Reviews

Mishpatim (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) (4).

Mechkarei Mishpat (Bar Ilan University) (3).

Dinei Israel (Tel Aviv University) (1).

Netanya Law Review (Netania College) (2).

Mishpachah Bamishpat (Shaarey Mishpat College) (1).


5. Evaluation of Articles in Books

Evaluation of article in: Essays in Jewish Law and Halakhah: Judge and Litigation in Jewish Law.

Evaluation of article in: The Case for the Child – Towards the Construction of a New Agenda.

Evaluation of article in: Book in Honor of Prof. Jackson.

6. Evaluation of Research Proposal

Israel Science Foundation (ISF) – Evaluation of proposal no. 1478/10-39.0.

6. Participation in Scholarly Conferences

a. Active Participation

Subject of Lecture/Discussion/Comments / Place of Conference / Name of Conference / Date
Public Utility in Jewish Public Law. / Jerusalem / International Conference, Jewish Law Association / 1990
Justice & Equity in Jewish Medieval Taxation. / Jerusalem / International Conference, Jewish Law Association / 1994
Majority and Minority in decisions of the Jewish Medieval Community. / Haifa / The Historical Society of Israel / 1995
The Interpretation of the Concept 'Best Interest of the Child' in Israel. / Jerusalem / International Conference, “Children's Rights and Traditional Values” / 1996
Custody and Guardianship of Parents in Jewish Law. / London / International Conference, Jewish Law association / 1996
Maintenance of Children in Jewish and Israeli Law: Moral or Legal? / London / International Conference, “Moral Agendas for Children’s Welfare in the Nineties” / 1996
Custody of Parents in Jewish Law: Equality Between Father and Mother. / Jerusalem / International Conference, The Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies / 1997
Enforcement of Divorce Judgments by imprisonment. / Jerusalem / International Conference, Jewish Law Association / 1998
"He Will be Coerced Until he Declares: 'I am Willing'". / Ramat Gan / Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University / 1999
Consent of Minors to Medical Treatment. Determination of Legal Capacity in light of Findings of Scientific Research. / Jerusalem / “Social Science in the Law", Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / 2001
Enforcement of Divorce Judgments by limitation of the right of employment / Jerusalem / International Conference, The Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies / 2001
Independent Representation of Minors / Haifa / The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children”, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2002
Corporal Punishment as a Means of Education in Jewish Law / Jerusalem / International Conference, Jewish Law association / 2002
Equality in Child Custody: From The Tender Years Doctrine to Equal Doctrines / Haifa / “Equality Between Husband and Wife”, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2003
The Liability in Torts of the Recalcitrant Spouse (With Dr. Ronen Perry). / Haifa / “New Trends in Divorce Law”, faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2004
Punitive Maintenance as a Solution to the Plight of the Wife of the Recalcitrant Spouse. / Haifa / “The Financial Relationship Between Husband and Wife”,
Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2005
New Israeli Legislation Concerning Enforcement of Divorce Judgments – Theory and Practice. / Ramat-Gan / Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University / 2005
Marriage Agreement in Jewish Law. / Jerusalem / International Conference, The Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies / 2005
Economic and Social Rights of Children in Israeli Law / Jerusalem / International Conference, Children’s Rights – Theory and Practice / 2005
The Split in Status in Matters of Divorce – Consequences Concerning Religious and Secular Courts / Haifa / “The Relationship Between Religious and Secular Courts in Israel,” Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2006
Annulment of Marriage / Ramat-Gan / International Conference, Jewish Law Association, Bar-Ilan University / 2006
Children’s Rights in Proposal of Constitution – Current Proposal and Desirable Law / Haifa / “Draft of Proposal of Constitution… Analysis and Evaluation”, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2006
The Sources of Parent-Child Relationship in Jewish Law / Jerusalem / International Conference, “Jewish Law, Catholic Church Law, and Israeli Law.” / 2006
Formation of Civil Part of Family Law in Israel: Is the Final Outcome the Result of Prior Thought? / Haifa / "New family", Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2007
Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom in the Rabbinical Court / Kiryat Ono / "Fifteen Years to New Basic Laws", Ono Academic College / 2007
New Trends Concerning Interpretation of Wills – Is it "true and stable"? / Haifa / "New Trends in Legislation in Family Law and Inheritance", Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2008
Enforcement of Divorce Judgments and Annulment of Marriage in Rabbinical Courts in Light of Constitutional Law in Israel / Ramat-Gan / International Conference, "Marriage & Constitution", Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University. / 2008
The Rights of the Adopted Child: From Paternalism to Autonomy / Haifa / "The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children", Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2009
Enhancement of International Rights and Norms Prescribed for children: The Promise of Interpretation of Religious Law / Ramat-Gan, Hod Hasharon / International Conference, "International Society of Family Law ", Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University, Shaarey Mishpat College / 2009
Privacy in Jewish Law: The Balance Between Conflicting Values / Jerusalem / International Conference,
The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies / 2009
Obligation Inherent in Marriage as a Solution to the Plight of the Wife of the Recalcitrant Spouse / Haifa / "The Relationship Between Family Law and Contracts And Torts” , Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2010
Second Marriage of Jews in Israel: The Relationship between Secular Law and Religious Jewish Courts / Netanya / International Conference, Jewish Law Association / 2010
Maintenance and New Trends in the Financial Relationship Between Husband and Wife - Current Law and Desirable Law / Haifa / "New Trends in the Financial Relationship Between Husband and
Wife-Theory and Practice", Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2011
The Legal Foundation of Intellectual Property in Jewish Law: Problem and Solutions / Jerusalem / International Conference, " Intellectual Property in Jewish Law" , Yad Harav Hertzog / 2011
Desirable legislation in an Attempt to Enhance Childrens' Rights / Haifa / "Desirable legislation in an Attempt to Enhance the Legal Status of Children in Israel ", Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / 2012

b. Organization of Conferences or Sessions

Subject of Conference / Role at Conference / Comments / Place of Conference / Name of Conference / Date
“The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children”, Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / “The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children” / 2002
“Equality Between Husband and Wife”, Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / “Equality Between
Husband and Wife” / 2003
“New Trends in Divorce Law”, Organization of Conference. / faculty of Law, University of Haifa / “New Trends in Divorce Law” / 2004
“The Financial relationship Between Husband and Wife”, Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / “The Financial Relationship Between Husband and Wife” / 2005
“The Relationship Between Religious and Secular Courts in Israel”, Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / “The Relationship Between Religious and Secular Courts in Israel,” / 2006
"New family", Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "New family" / 2007
"New Trends in Legislation in Family Law and Inheritance", Organization of Conference. / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "New Trends in Legislation in Family Law and Inheritance" / 2008
"The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children", Organization of Conference / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "The Legal Relationship Between Parents and Children" / 2009
“The Relationship Between Family Law and Contracts and Torts”, Organization of Conference / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "The Relationship Between Family Law and Contracts And Torts” / 2010
"New Trends in the Financial Relationship Between Husband and
Wife-Theory and Practice", Organization of Conference / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "New Trends in the Financial Relationship Between Husband and
Wife-Theory and Practice", / 2011
"Desirable legislation in an Attempt to Enhance the Legal Status of Children in Israel ", Organization of Conference / Faculty of Law, University of Haifa / "Desirable legislation in an Attempt to Enhance the Legal Status of Children in Israel " / 2012

7. Invited Lectures

1. Lectures to Lawyers: Advanced Study

A.  Israel Bar Association

  1. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –1998 – Family Law – 2 Lectures.
  2. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –2000 – Family Law – 2 Lectures.
  3. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –2002-2003 – Family Law – 2 Lectures; Property Law – 1 Lecture.
  4. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –2004 – Family Law – 2 Lectures.
  5. Israel Bar Association – Nazareth Branch –2005 – Inheritance – 2 Lectures.
  6. Israel Bar Association – Nazareth Branch –2005 – Family Law – 4 Lectures.
  7. Israel Bar Association – Tel Aviv Branch – Panel – Family Law – 2005 – 1 Lecture.
  8. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –2005 – Family Law – 2 Lectures.
  9. Israel Bar Association – National Conference – Panel – Eilat – Inheritance – 2005 – 1 Lecture.
  10. Israel Bar Association – Tel Aviv Branch –2006 – Family Law – 1 Lecture.
  11. Israel Bar Association – Tel Aviv Branch –2007- Family Law – 1 Lecture.
  12. Israel Bar Association – Tel Aviv District–2007- Family Law – 1 Lecture.
  13. Israel Bar Association – Haifa Branch –2008 – Family Law –1 Lecture.

B. Bar-Ilan University: Center for Commercial Studies

1. 2008 – Family Law –1 Lecture.

2. Lectures to Judges

A. Lectures to Judges in Civil Courts: Institute for Advanced Study of Judges

1.  2004 – Interaction Between Constitutional Law and Family Law –1 Lecture.

2.  2007 – Family Law –1 Lecture.

B. Lectures to Judges in Druze Courts

1. *Academic Training for Judges in Druze Courts in Israel–2006-5767– 2 Lectures.

2. *Academic Training for Judges in Druze Courts in Israel–2011-5771– 2 Lectures.

C. Lectures to Judges in Rabbinical Courts: Annual Conference

1. The Annual Conference of the Judges in Rabbinical Courts in Israel–2007-5768– 1 Lecture.

8. Coloquim Talks

Presentation/Comments / Name of Forum / Place of Lecture / Date
The Legal Personality of the Medieval Spanish Jewish Community / Institute for Research in Jewish Law / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem / 1993
White Lie in Jewish Law / “White Lie”, Faculty of Law / University of Haifa, Haifa / 1999
From Best Interest of the Child to Children’s Rights – The First Stage of Transition From Paternalism to Autonomy / “New Israeli Trends in the Definition of the Family in Israeli Law” / The College of Management-Academic Studies, Law School, Rishon Lezion / 2000
Chairman of Panel: Corporal Punishment in Jewish Law, / “Five Years to the Ban of Corporal Punishment” / Shaarey Mishpat College, Hod Hasharon / 2005
On the Liability in Torts of the Recalcitrant Spouse / “Abuse of Spouse – New and Old Legal Remedies” / Netanya Academic College, Netanya / 2005
Law and Religion in Family Law in Israel / TheSecond Haifa-Milan Bilateral Meeting, Faculty of Law / University of Haifa, Haifa / 2005
Marriage and Divorce in Israel: The Interaction Between Religious and Civil Law / "The Constitutional Framework Governing the Relationship Between State and Religion in the Italian and Israeli Constitutional Systems", TheSecond Haifa-Milan Bilateral Meeting, Faculty of Law / University of Haifa, Haifa / 2009

9. Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

1984-Drory Prize and Herzog Prize - Research -Masters Thesis.

1986-Zilberg Prize - Research-Masters Thesis.

1989-Wolf Prize –Research - Dr. Jur Thesis .

1990-Fulberg Prize - Outstanding Students.

1992 -Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Scholarship for Excellence - Research-Dr. Jur.