Worksheet: Bacteria

A)Web site name: Cells Alive

Web site address:

Look at the diagram of a bacterial cell and click on the labels to get details.

1). / What does the Nucleoid contain? ______
2). / Are there more “ribosomes” or “flagellum” shown in the diagram? ______
Click on “Cell wall”
3). / What is the function of the capsule? ______
4). / What is the bacterial cell wall composed of ? ______
5). / What shape is a “coccus” bacterium? ______
6). / What is the function of pili? ______

Click on “Microbiology” at the top left of the screen, and then “Dividing Bacteria”

7). / How do bacteria reproduce? ______
8). / Why is the earth not covered with bacteria?
9). / What happens in the “lag” phase? ______
Click on “Microbiology” at the top left of the screen, and then “Parasites”
10). / Why is Cryptosporidium increasingly important? ______
11). / What diseases can Entamoeba cause? ______
12). / There is a rapid influx of ______into a contacted cell.

13). Which animal carries Giardia? ______

14). What are the two “eyes” on Giardia? ______

B)Web site name: FCCJ

Web site address:

15). Can most bacteria cause disease? ______

16). Give an example of a bacterium that cannot live outside human cells:


17)What is “colonisation resistance”? ______


18). What problems can be caused by taking antibiotics? ______



19). What vitamin is produced by bacteria in the gut? ______

20). Why is the stomach usually sterile? ______

21). What are three bacteria found in the small bowel (small intestine)?


22). Where is E. coli usually found? ______

23). Who is often infected with Staph. aureus? ______

24). Where are spirochaetes found? ______

C)Web site name: University of Kansas

Web site address:

25). What does the “E.” in E. coli stand for ? ______

26). How much of the bacteria in an adult’s intestine is E. coli? ______%

27). When was Escherichia first isolated and characterized? ______

28). What parts of the body usually do not contain “helpful” bacteria?


29). Which strain of E. coli causes hemorrhaging? ______

30). Which toxin does this strain produce? ______

31). What problems, apart from hemorrhaging, does this strain cause to people who are infected with it? ______


D)Web site name: New Scientist magazine

Web URL: -ban-cuts-drug-resistant-bugs.html

Read “Antibiotic ban cuts drug resistant bugs”

32). What did the WHO report conclude in August 2003?


33). Why are low doses of antibiotics used in animal feed? ______


34). Which country is the world’s largest exporter of pork? ______

35). What change was seen in the percentage of Enterococcus that were antibiotic resistant?

Before the ban: ______% resistant, after the ban ______% resistant.

36). List any household items that now routinely contain antibiotics, or other anti-bacterial chemicals: ______

E)Web site name: Centers for Disease Control

Web URL:

37). What serious complications can Chlamydia cause? ______


38). Roughly how many infections were there in 2006? ______

39). Why are teenage girls and young women at high risk? ______


40). How much more likely are women infected with Chlamydia to get infected with HIV? ______

Commercial companies, such as Monsanto, also use bacteria to add genes to crop plants to produce a “transgenic” plant. This is often called “recombinant DNA”, because it re-combines DNA from different species.

F)Web site name: Monsanto Inc.

Web site address:

41). What enzymes were needed to help transfer genes between species?



42). What was the first commercial application of recombinant DNA technology?



43). Which bacterium is used by Monsanto for introducing genes into plants?


44). Which crops are hard to grow from single cells? ______

45). Roughly what percentage of potato cells accept new genes? ______%

46). What is the difference between traditional plant breeding and plant biotechnology? ______



47). What is Bacillus thuringiensis ? ______


48). How does this bacteria kill pests? ______


49). Why are chemical insecticides rarely used in Africa? ______


Some people are concerned about the process of moving genes from one species to another ( recombinant DNA or genetic engineering ). The last website looks at some of the potential problems

G)Web site name: San Francisco State University

Web site address:

Click on one of the essays about Genetic engineering.

50). Which essay did you pick? ______


51). Briefly summarize the essay: ______










