FI Practice Placement Test

Version 1 2016-17


Do NOT write in THIS book!

The exam has 4 sections.

You have two answer sheets.

Write your name and ID number on BOTH answer sheets.

Write your answers to sections 1, 2 and 3 by shading the boxes on the RED answer sheet.

Write your paragraph on the BLACK answer sheet.


Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Complete your answer sheet using a PENCIL

Fill in the correct letter on your answer sheet like this: /
Do NOT answer like this.
Your answers will NOT be marked! /

START NOW. You have 30 minutes.

1. My sister is an author. She - - - books.

A. reads

B. writes

C. sings

D. draws

2. Every night, Mohammed stays up late. He - - - goes to bed early.

A. always

B. usually

C. never

D. rarely

3. I have - - - money you can borrow.

A. some

B. any

C. much

D. many

4. While we - - - dinner , it began to rain.

A. are eating

B. had eaten

C. were eating

D. eat

5. Ahmed is - - - student in the class.

A. taller than

B. the most tallest

C. more tall than

D. the tallest

6. Last night, we - - - a film at City Center.

A. see

B. saw

C. were seeing

D. have seen

7. We finish class - - - four o’clock.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. for

8. I am tired - - - I didn’t sleep well last night

A. because

B. if

C. while

D. when

9. My sister has two children. - - - are both boys.

A. She

B. We

C. They

D. You

10. My cousin wants to be a -- -- and work at a school.

A. engineer

B. teacher

C. doctor

D. translator


There are 5 sections.

You will hear the section number, then there will be time to read the questions.

You will hear each part twice before moving to the next section.

Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Complete your answer sheet using a PENCIL

Fill in the correct letter on your answer sheet like this: /
Do NOT answer like this.
Your answers will NOT be marked! /

START NOW. You have 30 minutes.

Section 1

1.  What do 30% of people travel for?

A: Medical treatment

B: Work

C: Transport

D: Visit Family

2.  Where was the most popular place for tourists?

A: Europe

B: The world

C: France


3.  How many people visited China?

A: 83 million

B: 126 million

C: 2012

D: 58 million

4.  When did Ibn Battuta visit China?

A: 1492

B: 1345

C: 2012

D: He didn’t visit China

5. What reasons did people choose for travelling?

A: Experience something old

B: Study similar cultures

C: Visit a place that they read about

D: Have the same routine

Section 2

6. Which desert is the largest in the world?

A.  Africa

B.  Antarctica

C.  The Arctic

D.  The Sahara

7. How many countries is the Sahara in?

A: 3

B: 1

C: 11

D: 9.4

8. What is the temperature during the day?

A: 10 degrees

B: 0 degrees

C: 180 degrees

D: 50 degrees

9. How many people live in the Sahara Desert?

A: 2 million

B: 1,200

C: 180

D: 70

10. Why are scorpions dangerous?

A: Are on the internet

B: Kill people

C: Live in the desert

D: People are careful


Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Complete your answer sheet using a PENCIL

Fill in the correct letter on your answer sheet like this: /
Do NOT answer like this.
Your answers will NOT be marked! /

START NOW. You have 30 minutes.


4 / ¶1 Mohammed lives in Libya. His wife’s name is Fatema. They have ten children. Mohammed and Fatema have four sons and six daughters. Mohammed has eight grandchildren too. The family lives with Mohammed’s mother and father. His parents are very old. They are ninety years old.
9 / ¶2 Mohammed is a Tuareg. Tuaregs are nomads. Nomads do not stay in one place. They live in Libya, Mali and Algeria. There are one million Tuaregs. They move around the Sahara Desert. It is very big and hot. Tuaregs do not have houses. The family lives in one tent. They move to look for food and water. The Tuareg use camels to move.
13 / ¶3 You cannot see Mohammed’s face. He has a cloth on it. It is blue. All Tuareg men wear a blue cloth. The desert is very hot. Sometimes, the wind is very strong. The cloth helps them in the desert. The Tuareg are called ‘the blue men of the Sahara.’
18 / ¶4 Tuaregs have camels. The men look after the camels. The women stay at home. They make clothes. The children go to school. They finish school when they are eighteen years old. Most children do not go to university. Tuaregs do not eat meat. Their camels are very important to them. They eat corn and dates and cheese. Tuaregs like milk too.
22 / ¶5 Mohammed loves the desert. He works very hard. He does not see his family often. He travels for one month sometimes. It is not easy but he does not want to live in a city. Some Tuaregs do move to the city and they find life there isn’t the same as life in the desert.

1. How many children does Mohammed have?

A: four

B: ten

C: six

D: eight

2. What is the best heading for paragraph 1 (lines 1-4)?

A: Mohammed’s wife

B: Mohammed’s children

C: Mohammed and his family

D: Mohammed’s parents

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 (lines 5-9)?

A: Kinds of nomads around the world

B: The Sahara Desert

C: Nomads in Algeria

D: Facts about Tuaregs

4. ‘Nomads’ (line 5) means people who

A: live in one place

B: people who travel often

C: people who have two houses

D: people who often move

5. What does Mohammed cover his face with?

A: a hot cloth

B: a blue cloth

C: a strong cloth

D: a desert cloth

6. The word ‘It’ in line 10 means

A: Mohammed’s face

B: cloth

C: the wind

D: the desert

7. Who takes care of the camels in the Tuareg tribe?

A: the women

B: the children

C: the men

D: the family

8. The word ‘Their’ in line 17 means

A: children

B: men

C: women

D: the Tuareg

9: What is the main idea of paragraph 4 (lines 14-18)?

A: The work Tuareg men do

B: The Tuaregs and camels

C: Work that Tuaregs do

D: The education of Tuareg children

10. The text implies that Tuaregs

A: often don’t see their families

B: never move to live in the city

C: don’t have any work to do

D: don’t like living in the desert


Write an essay answering the following question

Who is an important person to you? Why is this person important?
