Present: Councillor E Thorpe – Chairman

Councillors: M Saunby – Vice Chairman, C Baker, S George, J Fitchett, A Perryman,

L Ingham, A Spencer (Borough), M Brookes (County)

Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

2 residents attended.

1 resident had concerns regarding the field to the rear of Monarchs Road, in that a contractor had put in a fence and ripped out hedging. Clerk to make enquiries regarding this matter.

The same resident reported that the 30mph sign on Boston Road is not flashing up until vehicles are almost on top of it. Clerk to report to Highways.

The second resident came to request another donation is made this year to the Methodist Church for their Flower Festival. The resident was told that he should apply in writing and the request would be considered.

The second resident also queried why there was not a crossing on Station Road as this is a busy road. The resident was explained to that the road did not score up by Highways to warrant a crossing – he was also told that the Parish Council had requested this done only a couple of months previously.

(Residents left the meeting)

14/14 / Chairman’s Comments
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
15/14 / Apologies for absence and reason given
No apologies were received.
16/14 / Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
17/14 / Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 5th February, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
18/14 / Police Matters
The clerk had received an email from the Police to show the crime figures since the last meeting:
1 x suspicious circumstances – investigated and males found to be legitimate
1 x Possession of firearm with intent to endanger life – 2 arrests and firearm seized
1 x theft of vehicle number plates – ongoing investigation
1 x theft of diesel from a lorry – ongoing
19/14 / Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
Clerk to follow up on the Monarchs Road report and vehicle activation sign report.
20/14 / Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
Clerk updated members regarding the installation of the superfast broadband promised for the village. 36% of premises will get basis broadband and 64% will get superfast broadband. The improvements are due to be made between October 2014 and March 2015
21/14 / Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council
Update from Parish Walkabout.
Cllrs Thorpe and Mossman met with 2 Highways officers. The officers had been sent a list of issues which were outstanding within the village.
-  Station Road traffic calming – Mr Davies (Highways Officer) informed Cllrs Thorpe and Mossman that there are two options regarding the reactive traffic sign – first that the Parish Pays for the sign but then pays a commuted sum to the County Council (which would likely work out more expensive) or secondly that the Parish allows Highways to arrange for the purchase of the sign and the installation and the Parish Council then pays the County Council Highways a commuted sum within the contribution made towards the traffic calming works (this works out cheaper and simpler). After a proposal from Cllr Mossman that Highways should carry out all of the work within the traffic calming programme – it was resolved that this was the preferred option. Clerk to inform Highways.
-  Station Road – the repairs to the footpath have started and will be completed
-  The wooden rails around the roundabout area have been replaced where necessary but Highways has no plans to paint them – it was resolved that the probation services could do this in drier weather
-  The road surface on the roundabout is poor – Highways have decided to trial a new surface on this area to see if it improves the service
-  The issue of mud on the roads has been one that has been going on for a long time – farmers not clearing mud off the roads – much work has been done to build networks to get this tackled sooner – it is now being dealt with much quicker
-  Dropped kerbs – Wigtoft Road – this has been delayed
Highways will send a letter which covers what they have agreed to do and the timeframe they agree to do it in. Highways informed the Cllrs that due to the end of the financial year being imminent, in order to ensure that money to carry out work scheduled for this financial year is done, albeit delayed, some work will be started but not finished immediately to enable the funds to remain available.
Cllr Perryman asked whether the sign showing recycling area (former Park Avenue site) which is on Station Road could be removed. Clerk to report this to County Council.
22/14 / Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a.  Email received from resident regarding levels of building at the tyre recycling site at Reed Point.
Cllr Brookes informed members that the enforcement team at the County Council are following up on 3 matters which have been reported to them, namely vehicular access (where lorries are not using the A roads; the depositing of soil opposite the site – a 28 day enforcement notice has been issued regarding this matter; and finally drainage on the site was reported to not have been done properly – this was found not to the the case as drainage has not been started on site.
With regards to levels on the site – the levels are as per the plans. These are higher than others due to the flood risks and the type of development.
The enforcement has begun at Kirton.
Members are happy that the experts are following the prescribed actions required of them by the Planning Inspectorate and do not wish to take matters further at this time.
b.  National Association of Local Councils – Financial Briefing – a draft Legislative Reform Order has been approved by Parliament to change the ruling regarding 2 signatories for cheques or other payable orders to be made – this means that internet banking will now be an option. NALC is drafting new model Financial Regulations and also there are amendments being made to the Governance and Accountability for Local Councils – A Practitioners Guide. Once these are done it will be possible to have internet banking/bank transfers.
c.  Report from children’s centre for ¼ October to December 2013
This was put in the reading file for members to digest at their leisure. Clerk to request that the reports continue.
d.  Request from probation services to use their services on a more regular basis.
It was resolved that during the warmer/drier weather this could be a good option for many jobs in the village.
23/14 / Planning applications:
B/14/0039 – Formation of new vehicular access to field at land between The Bungalow and Tysdale, Boston Road, Sutterton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/14/0059 – Construction of rear extension and conservatory and attached garage to side of the property and conversion of original garage to play room at The Willows, Wigtoft Road, Sutterton – NO OBJECTIONS
24/14 / Accounts for payment
It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 12 of 12 dated March 2014 should be paid.
25/14 / Parish matters
a.  Receipts and payments list
No further action required
b.  Inspection Rota for cemetery and play equipment.
Cllr Hemming still has the book – Clerk to request she forwards on to Cllr Mossman to update and then he can pass on to Cllr Perryman
c.  Noticeboard
Cllr Thorpe will speak to the gentleman who made the noticeboard regarding its maintenance
d.  Brickwork on Roundabout
Clerk given names of other contractors who may be able to do work – i.e. have required level of liability cover to do work on the highway
e.  Matters for report (none working lights/potholes etc.)
Fence at side of Berridge down again
f.  Matters for inclusion on the next agenda.
Pill Box - Cemetery
32/14 / Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at 7.15pm in the Lounge of the Village Hall, Sutterton with the public forum at 7.00 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Dated : Chairman: