Stingers Soccer Club: October 6, 2010 Meeting

Members Present:Mike Freeman, Keith Van Horn, Gray Berhorst, Dan O’Neil,

Zachary Phillips, George Pardo, Julie Martin, Mike Spruell

Others Present:Zac Crawford, Kyle Lineberger, Julia Boldrin, Lyn Thompson

The meeting was called to order

DOC Reports

The DOC reports are attached and were discussed. In a nutshell, the changes made to Julie’s developmental program have been successful – create a more authentic experience. For the future, it is important that the young kids feel like a team so could we provide the option to sign up as a team. We could add another practice a week for academy training. It would be similar to accelerated. We won’t make any changes this year. We discussed getting more team training at the U9-U10 level. The weekly program will be to hold one mixed session a week, all teams at a team based training where Kyle helps each team and a third practice with just the individual team at a time and place of the coach’s choice. Kyle will implement right away.

Financial Report

The financials were reviewed and discussed. The financial picture for Stingers is getting clearer. Stingers has done a pretty good job of cutting some expenses. In addition, the camps have brought in some additional revenue. Overall, Stingers needs to get more players. We have more than last year but have room for additional players. In addition, we need to get the accounts receivable in check. There is a large outstanding balance and we need to collect on the actual past due (some of the money is not past due but part of a payment plan). The blue sombrero system has been creating problems. It is dynamic, not static thus it is hard to compare period to period. We will stick with it though.

Election Committee Update

Stingers will hold an election in November. Keith and Grey are not running again after completing several years of exemplary service. Grey and John volunteered to be the election committee and handle the election for Stingers. Stingers has four candidates. The board did not want to increase the number of board members. As a result, an election will occur. Keith and Grey will send out the ballots and have a CPA ready to count the ballots. The board will review the by laws to see if we can get staggered terms. Right now five board members are up for reelection next year and want to improve the potential turnover.

Strategic Planning Update

Keith provided the strategic planning document. The group will review the document and provide comments by October 25. It will be presented at the annual meeting in November.

Miscellaneous Business

Marketing Plan– the board discussed Julie’s marketing. It reviewed what Stingers has accomplished, what’s in progress, upcoming events and the further advertising. The major upcoming event is Soctoberfest. It will be shorter this year. We will also start sending birthday cards to each Stingers player. The group thought Julie is doing a great job!

Lease – the board discussed getting out of the current lease and moving into the Stone House. George was able to negotiate a great deal where we get an office, someone to answer the phone, internet and storage shed all for about $650 per month. This will save us over $7,000 per year. .

EPRD – EPRD has not kept up with keeping the elk poop off the fields. Mike informed the board that EPRD purchased a machine to clean the fields. They will do a better job. We will be pro-active by sending EPRD an e-mail each Friday or Monday letting EPRD know which fields and when the fields will be used. Hopefully, this will get EPRD to act.

Survey – the board discussed doing another survey at the end of the season. There was no definitive decision but there was a positive sentiment to do the survey.

Minutes – the minutes from the September 1, 2010 were reviewed.


George made a motion to accept the minutes. Gray seconded. The motion was unanimously passed.

There being no further new business, the meeting adjourned.