Home School Agreement

At Warren Road Primary School, children, parents, staff and governors work together

to create a happy, productive, safe and stimulating school.

The school will:

Care for your child’s safety and well-being;

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, setting highexpectations of work and behaviour;

Let you know about any concerns or problems that affect your child’s work or behaviour;

Keep you informed about your child’s progress;

Set, mark and monitor homework as appropriate;

Keep you informed about school activities and provideopportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school.

Headteacher’s signature:Date:

Parents / Carers

Will ensure that:

Each child attends school each day on time and is collected promptly at the end of the day;

Each child has the appropriate uniform and equipment for the day;

We inform the school as soon as possible on each child’s first day of absence;

We inform the school about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour;

We support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and E-Safety;

We support each child in homework and other opportunities for home learning;

We attend parent evenings and meetings about each child’s progress;

We are respectful and considerate towards members of the school and local community;

We inform the school about any concerns – no adverse comments about children, staff or the school should be posted on any social networking sites;

We keep the school up-to-date with contact details, including mobile phone numbers.

Parent’s signature:Date:

The Child

I will:

Keep the school’s Golden Rules

Tell a teacher of any worries or problems

Our Golden School Rules – how we behave:

We are gentle – we don’t hurt others;

We are kind and helpful – we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings;

We listen – we don’t interrupt;

We are honest – we don’t cover up the truth;

We work hard – we don’t waste our own or other people’s time;

We look after property – we don’t waste or damage things.

Good work and behaviour will be recognised and rewarded.

Child’s signature:Date:

Reviewed June 2015: