Pentecost Sunday

May 19, 2013, 10:00 a.m.

Trinity Presbyterian Church

1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226

Prelude“Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling”Wilbur Held
Jonathan Mann
Introit“VeniSancteSpiritu”Chancel Choir
Pentecost StoryActs 2:1-6, 12-18Pastor Mary Graves
* Song of Praise“Spirit Fall”
Words of Confession and Assurance
* Response“Spirit Fall”
* The Peace
BaptismPastor Mary Graves
EmelineRebecca and LucasDaulton, children of Eric and Kate Stromberg
ScriptureLuke 15:11-32
Children’s MessagePantomime of the Prodigal Son
(Please pass the Get Acquainted Pads;
children excused to The Vine [K-4th] and Phish Phood [5th-8th].)
Sermon“Wild Grace”
* Response“Grace Like Rain”Pastor Mary Graves
OfferingJoel Van Hofwegen
Offertory“Famine Song”Vida
* Benediction and Sending
Postlude“Come, Holy, Quickening Spirit”Lee Scott
Jonathan Mann
* * * *
Next SundayElderMike Garoutte will preach on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.
The flowers in the sanctuary today are given by Jim and Leane Ritchie to the glory of God and “in thanks to God for bringing us together in marriage and for our Trinity Family.” / TRINITY’S CALLING:
People will know that Jesus is alive by the way we love one another, especially the unloved and those in need.
* Schooling ourselves and our children in the words and ways of Jesus;
* Simplifying our lives, as a church and in our homes;
* Building relationships with the poor and vulnerable.
To join our mailing list and receive our weekly email blasts, go to our website,

To Our Guests, a warm welcome to those of you who are new to our church. Before you leave, please let us know your contact information, and introduce yourself at the door.
Songs printed with permission,
CCLI #437799. Assisted hearing devices available in the narthex.

Trinity Presbyterian Church

1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226

Congregational Meeting Today- Trinity will be having a congregational meeting after worship to do several important things:update our bylaws, make official the conclusion of Josh’s call here as associate pastor, and hear about plans for what’s next (Interim Pastor search and our visioning process).
Parables of Jesus – May 12 to June 16. Please join a group discussion
Summer Children's Ministry- Forty teachers have dedicated 10 months out of the year to serve our children. We will give them a break during July and August and could use your help. This is a perfect time to get connected to our kids in a structured, well-supported environment. We'll provide all guidance and materials you need for a positive experience with one of three age groups: Nursery, Early Disciples (pre-k) or The Vine (K-4th). Please contact Kristan or look for the summer teacher request card in the narthex or office.
Who isgraduating?-We are collecting the names of graduates in our midst from Middle School on up, so let us know the names and degrees we can recognize you on Grad Recognition Sunday, June 2. Email .
Romania Child Sponsorship - Six of you signed up to sponsor a child in Romania and we have 20 more child sponsorship packets available for your peruse down in Fellowship Hall. We know first-hand that this money is well spent and is lifting children and their families and communities out of poverty. Please come see if God is calling you to support one of these children.
19,100 atRisk Children - That is the number in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.May is National Foster Care Month, and this is how we can make a difference for these children: Pray for them and their families. Become a foster or adoptive family. Mentor a child within a foster or adoptive family.
Employ a young adult from a foster or adoptive family. Volunteer with Help One Child – Supper Club, Parents’ Night Out, Signs of Hope Camp. Learn more at or contact .
St. Francis' Siena Youth Center says Thank You!for the $1,775 everyone donated to creating a summer scholarship fund! Rafael Avendano, Youth Program Director,writes: "Your heart and passion to help out St. Francis and SYC are special andwe really value you and all that you do for us. It goes beyond fundraising as you truly inspire me to continue this mission for the youth. Thank you Trinity Church foryour amazing support”.
Women’s Retreat October 25-27 - An email from Leane Ritchie to the women of this church: I wanted to give a quick SHOUT OUT regarding this important weekend. There have been some changes made including the date!
Thanks for the Additions to Worship -Many thanks to all who helped fold doves for our liturgical art this morning: the youth at Fusion, the women in Women’s Connection, the Men’s Bible Study. Also big thanks to all the work done by Worship Ministry Team to prepare for our Pentecost worship service: Jim and Elizabeth Boso, Fred Gerhauser, Gay Hansten, Bill O’Neill, Pastor Mary, and Sylvia Wuensche-Wienands. / PRAYERS
Those grieving
The families of Ellen Kuerst and Wilma Clapham
Those in our presbytery
Faith Presbyterian Church, Oakland;First Presbyterian Church, Oakland
Supported ministries:
World Vision, Romania;
Habitat for Humanity
For prayer needs, please call the church office, (650) 593-8226, or Pam Tenn, (650) 591-7007 on the prayer chain. You may also use the ‘Prayer Request’ cards in the pew racks.
Dr. Mary Graves
Senior Pastor
Dr. Brett Fenwick
Parish Associate
Jamie Holden
Director of Trinity Nurs. School
Rosemary Smith
Director Em.TrinityNurs. School
Kristan Verveniotis
Director of Children’s Ministry
Bill O’Neill
Director of Music Ministries
Dr. Jonathan Mann
Carl Johanson
Sound Technician
Matthew Wirgler
Youth Ministry
Kristina Patrick
Office Manager
Rosa Molero
Rubén Carlos

Trinity Presbyterian Church

1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226