Equality Duty 2014


Caution must be taken when looking at data due to the varying sizes of language groups and ethnic origins in the cohort.Some groups are larger and some are represented by a few children.

Attainment of all children individually and groups of children is monitored. Any differences are investigated and support given if required.

Protected Groups- Race

Bangladeshi- 0 / Black Caribbean -2% (2)
Black African- 3% (3) / Indian- 10% (9) / Pakistani- 37% (33) / White Mixed-
Other Mixed- / White British- / Other
Ethnic- / Roma/Gypsy

Attainment shows

N2-Girls are outperforming boys across all areas of learning

Pakistani boys are attaining less than other groups.

Children with English as a first language regardless of ethnicity are outperforming other language groups

N1-Girls are outperforming boys across all areas of learning except for Maths.

Summer borns are attaining less than other birth months

Protected Group – Gender


Girls 1554

Boys 13 37

Equality of Opportunity

We have a wide range of toys, resources books and posters where protected groups are represented. All children have access to these and are encouraged to be explored and used as adults model and scaffold their use. Children are free to choose where they would like to play and with what. Staff monitor areas popular with individual and groups of children through observations and feed their back to the whole team. There is written evidence available. This is where any issues of inequality of access would be picked up and rectified.

Promoting tolerance and friendship and developing an understanding of a range of religions and cultures

Many seasonal events are celebrated through the year at nursery representing varied cultures and populations. The Rhythm of the year planning shows this and the Enhanced Provision plan details how this looks in practice.

The Developmental Matters part of the EYFS guidance on PSED ensures we treat each other with respect as children learn how to operate in a group of people. Children are encouraged positively to learn between right and wrong. The principles of the EYFS promote the unique child, their unique family and the positive relationships between all parts of their lives. This is the ethos in which the staff operate.

The behaviour and anti- bullying policy details how discriminatory behaviour is dealt with.Staff have a code of conduct in which to adhere to promoting equality of protected groups and outlining disciplinary measures for anyone breaking the equality duty.Any allegation of racism or bullying is recorded and investigated. If the allegation proves to be correct this is reported to the Governing Body. Incidents of racism are also reported to the Local Authority

Children are encouraged to share experiences from their home life by talking and showing what they have done. They are encouraged to wear their home clothes on mufti day.Role play resources (play and real) reflect the many cultures and ethnicities represented in our cohort. Children’s varying family groups are reflected in the photographs displayed from Stay and Play sessions, induction visits, educational visits and parent contributions from family events. The child’s view is reflected in the comments they make and are recorded in individual learning journeys to celebrate with their peers and with their families.

Equality Objectives

Objective / Task / Responsibility / Timescale / Impact
Develop a positive perception of various types of families / Display all year round photographs of children with their families / Group leaders
AP/MS / By Oct 14 / Children, parents, visitors and staff have a positive perception of differing types of families
Share amended Equality Duty protected groups with staff / Staff to have a copy of Equality Duty and discuss it together / MS / By end of Autumn Term 14 / All staff to understand purpose and content of Equality Duty and how to implement it into everyday work practices
For all school policies and key documents to reflect Equality Duty / The Equality duties and protected
characteristics of race, gender,
disability, religion and belief, sexual
orientation, pregnancy and maternity,
gender reassignment are included as an
explicit aim in all of the school’s policies
and key documents. / AP, MS, TC / On going / For all stakeholders and visitors to feel included, respected and valued by Alumwell Nursery
For all children to make progress / Attainment & attendance are tracked
and monitored very carefully for all
children and in particular for children
who are in the protected groups to
ensure equality and that all children are
given every opportunity to make as much
progress as they can. / DW, AP, MS TC / On going / Attainment of all groups to reflect and upward trend and for all children to make progress

[Type text]Equality DutyJuly 2014