ESMP 2010

Chapter Leads

Articulation, Transfer, and Baccalaureate Access Leads

Ann Tickner-Jankowski and Patty Blaser

Assessment Leads

Maris Lown and Karen Topham

The Brookdale Network Leads

Cheryl Cummings and Barbara Baron

Collaboration between Credit and Non-Credit Leads

Dr. Linda Milstein, Carl De Jura, and Kathryn Hjelle

Curriculum Leads

Maris Lown and Daniel Schroll

Decentralization Leads

Dr. Anita Voogt and Dr. Patricia Gallo Villee

Distance Education Leads

Norah Kerr-McCurry and Dr. Patricia Gallo-Villee

Dual Enrollment Leads

Donna Cuddy and Dr. Maria Fernandez

Experiential Learning/International Education Leads

Linda Mass and Franklyn Rother

Facilities Leads

James Palumbo and Douglas Welsh

Instruction Leads

Patricia Sensi and Dr. Carl Calendar

Scheduling Leads

Nancy Kegelman and Debbie Meyer

Student Life/Activities/Counseling Leads

Dr. Stephen Curto and Dr. Carl Calendar

Technology Leads

David Murray and Teresa Healy


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