St Anthony's Nursery

Newsletter - September 2017

Hello Boys and Girls, Mums and Dads. On behalf of the Board of Governors, we would like to welcome you to St Anthony's Nursery School. We hope your child will settle quickly into Nursery life and will enjoy the variety of learning opportunities that we provide. As a team, we will endeavour to make your child's Nursery year enjoyable and rewarding for you all.

Our learning focus this month is 'Settling into My New School'. We quietly and positively strengthen the Nursery routines and talk about our new friends on a daily basis.

Settling In

During the next few weeks, we will be concentrating on helping the children to settle and 'fly solo' without mum or dad. In order to do so, the children are introduced gradually to Nursery life and new friends. This is a big step for your child and it is important we don't rush our children too fast too soon - slow and steady wins the race! Therefore, we will have guidelines for collection on an individual basis during September and October. The extension of the children's Nursery times is at the discretion of their teacher and based on how each child is adapting to Nursery.

Each child is very different and reacts uniquely to the Nursery environment - staff will keep you informed regarding your child's collection time.

Change of Clothes

All the children need at least one change of clothing in case of accidents. Please label underwear, joggers, sweatshirts and t-shirts with a laundry pen before they go into your child's changing bag, which is left in the bathroom. Remember, we have twenty six children in each class wearing the same uniform .

All uniform and coats should be clearly labelled with your child's name.


Each child has their own drawer with their special symbol. This is used to keep their creative treasures safe until they go home to you. Remember to check your child's drawer on a daily basis as additional information will be put in to keep you up to date with what's happening.

Nursery Fund

As you will be aware through the media, Nursery School budgets have been cut. As you can imagine, this impacts on what we can provide for our children. Your weekly contribution of £5 helps us to provide many essentials and extras for your child eg snacks, educational visits, resources to name but a few. For banking reasons, Nursery Fund should be paid on a Monday morning in a clearly named envelope. It is also possible to pay monthly should you wish. Brown envelopes are provided in the hall for your use. Because of new banking arrangements, we are unable to accept cheques. We are very grateful for your support.

Parent Board/Notices

The Information Board in our reception hall will be updated as we make our way through the Nursery year. Please remember to read the information when you are in the Nursery.

Free Meals

If you believe your child is entitled to free school meals, forms are available from the Nursery Office. The form must be stamped and returned to the Education Authority, County Hall. The Nursery must receive notification from the Education Authority before your child can claim free school meals. If we have not received this notification, school meals will need to be paid for, £2.50 per day.

If your child is entitled to free school meals, please complete a form, whether your child wishes to avail of the meals or not, as this effects our school budget. This would be very much appreciated.

Collection Times for September & October

Nursery times will be different each week during the month of September/October. Please ensure you know the time when your child is to be picked up. All dates/times will be notified to you in writing. It would be appreciated if you would be punctual when returning to pick up your child again, thank you.

Please keep staff informed of any new family members or friends who will be collecting your child from school. Please ring the school on 028 2827 8645 or inform a member of staff in person.


Due to a number of allergies this year, parents are asked not to bring birthday cakes/buns etc into school. We have a special birthday circle time we do with the children to mark their special day and your £5 Nursery Fund contribution will buy a book present and birthday card for each child.

Nuts - Our Nursery is a nut free zone. We would request that you ensure packed lunches do not contain any items that may contain nuts, eg. chocolate spread, biscuits etc. If you are unsure, please read the food labels/wrapping.

Food Allergies - If your child has any food allergies that may affect the preparation of their school dinners, we will require a letter from your GP/Specialist, stating what the allergies are, before special arrangements can be made with the Kitchen Staff.

Asthma & Allergies - As your child's health and wellbeing is a priority, we ask parents/carers to get Epi Pens & inhalers from your GP, which will be kept permanently in school. Please label these clearly. It is your responsibility to take note of the expiry date and ensure the Nursery is kept up to date of any developments/changes in your child's medical condition.

Hand Washing & Personal Hygiene

- is extremely important in Nursery, especially when we have children with medical conditions requiring the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness to decrease chances of cross-infection.

We ask all parents to ensure their child is able to toilet independently, flush the toilet and wash their hands after toileting. We have soap dispensers and paper towels and we will be teaching the children how to use these.

Tissues are available for runny noses - we ask that you enable your child to use a tissue for themselves and dispose of after use.

Occasionally, bouts of sickness or childhood infections occur in Nursery. We ask you to ensure that your child is well enough to attend Nursery. It is unfair on a child to be sent unwell into school and puts other children's health at risk. Thank you for your co-operation.

Admission Information

Many thanks for being so prompt returning emergency contact information etc. For those who have not done so yet, please return your forms as soon as possible. It is very important we have this information on file whilst your child is in our care. Remember it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep us updated on changes regarding telephone numbers and persons collecting your child.

If you have not returned your completed Welcome booklet, please do so as soon as possible.

Please return your Parents 1st Day Questionnaire, if you haven't done so.

Arrivals and Departures

As part of Our Child Protection Policy and for the safety of your child we would appreciate your co-operation with the following –

·  Please bring your child directly to the classroom in the mornings where the staff will greet you.

·  The front door of the building will be opened at 0850 and the classroom doors at 0900

·  It is a very busy time at home time, please be patient. The children are excited to see their parents and it is important that we ensure your child is safely delivered into your hands.

·  Bigger brothers, sisters, cousins or friends who are not over 16 years of age are not allowed to bring/collect your child from the classroom even if you are sitting in the car park. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Driveway Entrance & Car Park

Please do not park and wait directly outside the Nursery as this causes an obstruction for other drivers and could potentially harm the safety of our children or their families. The entrance to our Nursery is not only used by us but also the Primary School, delivery vehicles and school buses. This also applies to taxis. There is a one way system in operation in the car-park.

Text Service

We have a parent text service to keep you informed of important dates/reminders etc. Please ensure we have an up to date telephone number for you at all times.

Happy 4th Birthday to

Rhymes & Songs

You can support the development of your child's literacy by saying and singing our monthly rhymes & songs.

MacMillan Coffee Morning - Thursday, 28th September 2017

We would like to invite you to our coffee morning on Thursday, 28th September 2017 between 9.00 am and 10.30 am to raise much needed funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. Bring bring along family and friends. Any donations of cakes/buns would be greatly appreciated.

Grandparents Day - 2nd October

We will be having a 'Bring your Grandparents to Nursery Day' on Monday 2nd October from 0900 - 1000 for tea/coffee and cakes! Invitations will be sent out in due course.

Social Media

As confidentiality is of utmost importance, our school policy requires that staff may not be 'friends' with parents on any form of social media. Thank you for your co-operation.

Don't forget, if you have any queries or concerns, please speak with a member of staff or contact us on 028 2827 8645.


29th - Holiday
2nd - children back to Nursery
27th - 1130 finish
30th - 31st- Holidays
1st - 6th - Holidays
7th - children back to Nursery
13th - 1130 finish
15th - Holiday
21st - Christmas Concert - 1130 finish
22nd - 29th - Holidays
1st - 3rd - Holidays
4th - children back to Nursery
9th - 1130 finish
12th - 19th - Holidays
20th - children back to Nursery
29th - 1130 finish
30th - Holiday
2nd - 9th - Holidays
10th - children back to Nursery
7th - Holiday
25th - 29th - Holidays
30th - children back to Nursery
15th - Sports Day
29th - Graduation - 1100 finish This list may be subject to change.