/ Servicio de Evaluación, Calidad, Formación y Convivencia
Sección de Formación
Santo Domingo, 8 - 2ª planta - 31001 PAMPLONA
Tlfnos: 848 42 47 75 – 848 42 47 76

Advanced Speaking Skills in English - C1


Note 1: This course is not intended to prepare for the C1 level, it is an oral practice for those who have already reached that level.

Note 2: We do not have all the details regarding teachers’ subjects so, please, write down the subject you teach on the “Notas o comentarios/Oharrak eta iradokizunak” section when you register for this course, otherwise we can not assure admission.

Note 3: Applicants can only sign up for one conversation group. If you sign up for more than one, we won’t be able to accept you in any of them.

/ Servicio de Evaluación, Calidad, Formación y Convivencia
Sección de Formación
Santo Domingo, 8 - 2ª planta - 31001 PAMPLONA
Tlfnos: 848 42 47 75 – 848 42 47 76


Conversation group


EFL teachers and teachers in English programs (secciones bilingües/atal elebidunak, British, etc.) with a C1 level of English. A minimum of 15 participants is required.

Provided that they have a C1 level, other teachers may also apply. Teachers that belong to this category must send us a copy of their English degree BEFORE September 29th to the following address: . Failure to do so will result in the automatic rejection of the applicant.


As languages are a priority for the Department of Education, we propose an activity that contributes to the development of English as a means for communication and helps individuals to increase their communicative competence in English.


·  To correct teachers own pronunciation.

·  To improve communicative competence through oral production.

·  To get to know different aspects of English culture.

·  To provide the teachers with a range of specific vocabulary


·  Correction of accent, rhythm, pronunciation and oral production.

·  Pronunciation and phonics practise.

·  Aspects of culture in English speaking countries.

·  Current issues in the mass media.


The course involves many speaking games that hopefully teachers can reuse in their classrooms. We also focus on aspects of listening that are the flipside of speaking: difficult sounds, difficult word linking, and stress. We do this in a fun, creative way and follow a t.v. series throughout the course looking at the difficult aspects of speaking/listening.


Alasdair Macaulay has taught English, Music and Music Technology for many years in Africa, England and now Spain. One of his main objectives is to merge English teaching with the arts, and he thus places an emphasis on creativity and learning in the classroom. He has developed his website for kids with this in mind: www.txikismikis.com.


IES BASOKO BHI (C/ Pintor Zubiri 8. 31008 Pamplona-Iruñea).


20 hours.


Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00.

October: 5th, 19 th and 26th
November: 2nd, 9 th, 16 th, 23rd and 30th
December: 14th and 21st


Last day to sign up will be September 29th:


A maximum of 25 teachers will be accepted. A minimum of 12 participants is required.


If more than 25 teachers want to take part in the course, the following criteria will be applied:

1- Being an EFL teacher or a teacher at an English program with a C1 level of English.

2- Other teachers with C1 level of English.

3- Order of registration.




·  IMPORTANT – PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS: It is absolutely essential that you have access to your Department of Education email account (). We will send all communications to that address and not to any other address. If you don’t know how to access your account, please, contact us.

·  If for whatever reason a teacher that has been accepted into this course cannot finally take part in it, he or she must let the organisation know at least two days before the activity starts. Teachers that do not do so may not be admitted in future activities.


Eva Alcayde

Asesoría de lenguas extranjeras del CAP/ ILZko atzerriko hizkuntzen aholkularitza

Phone: 848426721