St. Timothy Parish Norwood, Walpole, Westwood april 19, 2009 divine mercy sunday

Liturgical Minister Schedule

April 25/26

4:30 Lector: Paul Quigley, Bob McHugh

4:30 Server: Mark, Megan, and Michael Murray

8:00 Lector: Joe and Judy White

8:00 Server: Liam and Colin Ridge

9:30 Lector: Tom Bockhorst, Dorothea Silk

9:30 Server: Lindsey and Joey Barrett, Craig Riley

11:00 Lector: Jim Reen, Esther Morales

11:00 Server: Maggie James, Julia and Sean Regan

5:00 Lector: Jeannette Chambers, Daniel Bolivar

5:00 Server: Erin and Shannon Kahaly, Devin Bartlett

Eucharistic Minister’s 4th weekend team


Saturday, April 18

9:00John Machado Memorial

4:30Arthur Tenaglia 23rdAnniversary

Sunday, April 19

8:00Leo Joseph Will Memorial

9:30Rosa Soares Memorial

11:00Cecilia Howard 1st Anniversary

5:00Charles & Angie Saraca Memorial

Monday, April 20

9:00John Plath Anniversary

Tuesday, April 21

9:00Joseph & Josephine Favaloro

Birthday Memorial

Wednesday, April 22

9:00Daniel Nowels 2nd Anniversary

Thursday, April 23

9:00John DiSarcina Memorial

Friday, April 24

9:00Lou Bilski Month’s Mind

Saturday, April 25

9:00Mary Welsh Memorial

4:30Michael Frasca Anniversary

Sunday, April 26

8:00Jack Herlihy Anniversary

9:30Catherine Alighieri Birthday Memorial

11:00Peter Kennedy Memorial

5:00Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial

Please pray for William Smith and Thomas Driscoll who were recently buried from our parish.


Sunday, April 19

Divine Mercy Sunday

Saturday, April 25
Feast of Saint Mark
Sunday, April 26
Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday, April 19, Baptisms at the 11am Mass

Wednesday, April 22, 7pm, RCIA

Thursday, April 23, 7:30pm, Choir rehearsal

Thursday, April 23, 7:45pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Group

Financial Report for April 12, 2009

Envelopes collected 470

Amount in envelopes $12,710.71

Percentage of collection in envelopes 53%

Loose donations $11,069.00

Total parish offertory $23,779.71

10% to St. Timothy’s; 90% to retired priests of the Archdiocese

What exactly is Divine Mercy?

Divine Mercy is Jesus' message to us that His Love and Forgiveness is greater than our sins. All He asks is that we trust in Him, ask for and accept His Mercy, and then let Mercy work through us to help others. He also wants us to be merciful, loving, compassionate, and forgiving to others.

Like the gospel command, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful," this demand that we show mercy to our neighbors "always and everywhere" seems impossible to fulfill. But the Lord assures us that it is possible. "When a soul approaches Me with trust," He explains, "I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls"
(St. Faustina's Diary, 1074).

Mission Thanks

Dear Friends at St. Catherine, St. Margaret Mary, St. Timothy and St. Denis,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to lead your parish mission. It was a privilege and a delight for me. More important, it was a sign to all that working together as one Catholic community in Norwood and Westwood can be a rich experience of transformation for all. Please pray to God that this kind of cooperation will be an inspiration to all in the Archdiocese of Boston as we learn to work and minister together across parish lines for the good of all.

I am also very grateful for the wonderful generosity you showed the Capuchin Friars in the final collection. You gave more than $7,000 to us for the education of our student brothers and the work of the Capuchins here in Boston. May God bless you for your kindness.

In Christ and St. Francis,

Fr. Jack Rathschmidt, OFM Cap.


Visitors to the Sick and Homebound

There will be a meeting for Visitors to the Sick and Homebound on Tuesday, April 28th at 10am in Ruocco 5/6. Please call the Parish Nurse Office if you plan to attend.

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group

The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group is open to people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia. By sharing information and supporting each other, many caregivers feel empowered and less burdened by their caregiving responsibilities. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28thfrom 7:00 pm - 8:30pm, in Ruocco 6. New members are welcome. Please call the Parish Nurse Office for more information.

Walking Group Starting Soon!

Looking for a fun way to get a little exercise? Walking is one of the easiest and best forms of exercise! The Walking Group will be meeting Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from April 30th until June 25th, at 8:00am in front of the church. Walk at your own pace for as long as you like, around the perimeter of the church parking lots, a distance of about one-half mile per “lap”. All abilities welcome.

“If a daily fitness walk could be put in a pill, it would be one of the most popular prescriptions in the world... Walking can reduce the risk of many diseases- from heart attack and stroke to hip fracture and glaucoma... Walking requires no prescription, the risk of side effects is very low, and the benefits are numerous.” AARP

Youth Formation Ministry


We have an opportunity for students to do service at Cradles to Crayons in Quincy on Wednesday, April 22. Students should sign-up by contacting the YFM Office at 617-792-3433 or 781-769-4617. Students have an option of volunteering from 9 am to 4 pm or 9 am to Noon or 1 pm to 4 pm. Cradles to Crayons is a non-profit social service program which distributes clothing, toys and other necessities to needy families.


Plans are underway for this summer’s White Water Rafting trip in Maine. This annual favorite will take place on the weekend of June 27 and 28. The cost of this year’s trip is $90. Contact the Youth Office to reserve your spot.


Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm.

Religious Education

Grades K-6

Sunday, April 19

NO Religious Education classes – April vacation!!

First Eucharist Rehearsals

Please meet in the Church Hall

Tuesday, April 28 (4-5pm) for May 3rd, 9:30am Mass

Tuesday, April 28 (5-6pm) for May 3rd, 11am Mass

Wednesday, April 29, (4-5pm) for May 2nd, 10am Mass

Wednesday, April 29, (5-6pm) for May 2nd, 4:30pm Mass

Religious Education Registration for 2009-2010 School Year

Registration forms will be mailed to all currently enrolled families next week. For optimal class placement, please return these forms to the Religious Education Office by June 19. If you have a child entering First Grade or Kindergarten, please call the Religious Education Office for a registration form.

Vacation Bible School

July 20-24


Registration forms are available outside the Religious Education Office for this year’s Vacation Bible School. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Judy Miley in the Religious Education Office.

Pine Street Inn

On Monday, April 27, we will be serving supper at the Pine Street Inn. Please call Jayne at 508-668-4977 to volunteer to help.

Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:

Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA. Please make checks payable to St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.

Golf Tournament

The 17th Annual Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, May 18th, at The Weston Golf Club. This premier charity event is held to benefit the educational program for the seminarians. Tuition covers only half the cost of educating a seminarian and the proceeds from this tournament will help bridge the gap and keep the cost of educating them affordable. The $250 player entry includes lunch at the Club, 18 holes of golf with cart, and door prizes; followed by a social hour, silent auction and dinner for each golfer and a guest at the seminary. To register, call Kate Folan at 781-899-5500 or visit

Marriage Encounter,April 24-26:

Married Couples: Are we like Thomas and doubt the power of God in our marriage? Learn the tools to put God in your Sacrament of Marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in New England are April 24-26, and June 19-21.For more information call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at

Social Outreach News

This weekend, 9 parishioners will be traveling to New Orleans to work with Habitat for Humanity in the on-going recovery effort in that region. Please pray for us and for the people there, that the Lord will give them and us strength to persevere with limited resources. We wish to extend our outreach to the local area, and due to a rejuvenated South Shore Habitat, we will be able to do so. On Sat., June 6, St. Timothy’s will take part in a “build day” at one of the sites in our area. Ten to 12 volunteers will be needed. Sign up sheets will be available in May. Watch the Bulletin for information!

Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd. This day was founded by Peace Activist John McConnell in 1969 to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. Go to for more information.

Benefit Dance

A Benefit Dance for the SMA Fathers with music by the Andy Healy Band, will be held on Friday, May 15, 2009 at the Irish Social Club, 119 Park St., W. Roxbury, beginning at 8pm. There will be a door prize and several raffles. Contact Pat and Josie Casey at 781-329-0530 for tickets. Admission is $10 per person.

Presentation and Book Signing

An evening with James Carroll and his new book, Practicing Catholic will be held at Saint Susanna Parish, 262 Needham St., Dedham, on Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 7pm, in the Parish Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Young in your faith? Interested in studying the Bible?

Are you college aged, twenty something or even in your 30’s and interested in growing in your faith by studying the bible with other like-minded individuals? For more information, call John Papirio at 508-668-7607.

Dear Friends,

After celebrating a wonderful and faith filled Holy Week—we look forward to the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation to be held in the next few weeks.

I wanted to express my congratulations and welcome to Jeff Harvey and to Bob Foote who were admitted to full communion with the Church at the Easter Vigil. Both of these fine gentlemen took a serious look at their relationship with God and decided that they could best live out that relationship in the context of the Catholic faith.

Whenever people make such a wonderful choice as grownups, it reminds me that those of us who have been associated with the Church for a longer period of time should never take our faith for granted. So often people who join the Church later in life tell me that it was the good example of another that led them to explore the Catholic Church more fully. Let us pray that each one of us might take our faith seriously, practice it faithfully and to lead others to Christ and His Church.

On Tuesday, April 21, Bishop Walter Edyvean will be visiting our parish. Bishop Edyvean is the auxiliary bishop for the West region of the diocese—the region in which St. Timothy’s is located. Every few years the auxiliary bishop visits parishes on behalf of Cardinal O’Malley. The bishop will visit with the parish staff as well as the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council to get a sense of how things are going in our parish. I’m sure that he will be favorably impressed with the life and ministries that are the fabric of our parish. I’m so grateful to all of you, the wonderful members of our parish, who give so much life and vitality to our parish family.

As I mentioned last week, the proceeds of the Easter Collection help with the retirement needs and health needs of the priests of the Archdiocese. At the present time these programs are seriously under funded. Thanks to all those who contributed at Easter, and if you did not have a chance to help and would like to do so, there are some envelopes for that collection at the back of the church or in the office.

Also, another quick reminder that the annual appeal to help with the charitable and administrative needs of the Archdiocese is now being held. Any help you can give to that appeal is also most appreciated.

Fr. Culloty

Divine Mercy Sunday

April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009




CHURCH NAME:St. Timothy Parish

CHURCH CITY:Norwood, Walpole, Westwood




PHONE NUMBER:1-781-769-2522

FAX NUMBER:1-781-769-9362


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