Chapter 3 Reading Guide The Constitution

Directions: Take out a blank sheet of paper and write Chapter 3 Reading Guide at the top. Write your name, the date, and your class period in the upper right-hand corner. Turn to the corresponding section in your textbook. Read each question. Then read in the section until you read the answer. Write the answer to the questions in complete sentences. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF SIMPLY SEARCHING FOR THE ANSWERS.

Chapter 3, Section 1 Due Date:______

  1. Where and when did the Constitutional Convention begin? Philadelphia, PA-May 25, 1787
  2. What 2 delegates would go on to become president? George Washington and James Madison
  3. Who was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention? Ben Franklin

4.  What state chose not to take part in the Constitutional Convention? Why? Rhode Island, they opposed a strong central government

  1. Describe Benjamin Franklin. Famous diplomat, writer, inventor, and scientist
  2. Describe Patrick Henry. A Virginian who was elected as a delegate, but chose not to attend the Constitutional Convention

7.  Who presided over the Constitutional Convention? George Washington

Chapter 3, Section 2 Due Date:______

  1. How many branches of government did the Virginia Plan call for? 3

2.  Define judicial branch- a system of courts that interprets and applies laws

  1. Who developed the Great Compromise? Roger Sherman

4.  Define three-fifths compromise- delegates agreed that every 5 enslaved persons would count as 3 free people

  1. What called for Congress to have a senate and a house of representatives? The Great Compromise
  2. Define electoral college- group of people who would be named by the state legislature to select the president and vice president
  3. What were supporters of the Constitution called? Federalists
  4. What were people who opposed the Constitution called? Anti-federalists

9.  Define federalism- form of government in which power is divided between federal and state governments

10.  What did the anti-federalists think the Constitution failed to do? Provide protection for certain individual liberties, such as freedom of speech and religion

  1. What was the last state to ratify the Constitution? Rhode Island

Chapter 3, Section 3 Due Date:______

  1. What is the main purpose of the Constitution? Provide a framework for the U.S. government
  2. Name the 3 main parts of the Constitution. Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments
  3. What does the Preamble tell us? Why the Constitution was written
  4. What does the middle of the Preamble state? 6 purposes for government
  5. What does the first article deal with? The legislative branch
  6. Name the presidential powers. Command the armed forces, dealing with the leaders of other countries, appointing government officials

7.  If state laws conflict with federal laws, which one prevails? Federal

8.  How many times has the Constitution been amended? 27

  1. What are the first 10 amendments called? Bill of Rights
  2. Define income tax- tax on people’s earnings
  3. What are implied powers? Powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution
  4. Can the Constitution be interpreted differently by all branches of government? Yes

13.  Who does the Constitution allow to impeach, or accuse federal officials? House of Representatives

Chapter 3, Section 4 Due Date:______

  1. Define popular sovereignty- the notion that the power lies with the people
  2. Define rule of law- the law applies to everyone, even those who govern

3.  Define checks and balances- used to keep one branch of government from becoming too powerful, each branch is able to check, or restrain the power of others

4.  Define reserved powers- powers that the Constitution does not give the national government but are kept by the state

5.  What do the reserved powers of a state include? Regulating trade within its borders, establishing schools, making rules for marriage and divorce

  1. What are concurrent powers? Powers that both the national and state governments can exercise