English 10 Chu

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Period: ______

Date: ______

Fahrenheit 451: Vocabulary List #4

ELA Content Standards 1.0 (Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development), 1.1 and 1.2

English 10 Chu

flurried sudden commotion, excitement, or confusion; nervous hurry

indecisive not able to make a decision

wavering swaying to and fro; fluttering

grotesque bizarre; distorted

dramatized to express or represent vividly, emotionally, or strikingly

limned described

juggernaut any large, overpowering, destructive force or object

cardamon Italian herb

pedants those who flaunt their knowledge

pyre a pile of combustible materials for burning a corpse

ELA Content Standards 1.0 (Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development), 1.1 and 1.2

English 10 Chu

Directions: Write a sentence using each vocabulary word.

1.  flurried

Two dozen of them flurried, wavering, indecisive, three miles off.


2.  indecisive

Two dozen of them flurried, wavering, indecisive, three miles off.


3.  wavering

Two dozen of them flurried, wavering, indecisive, three miles off.


4.  grotesque

And there on the small screen was the burnt house, and the crowd and something with a sheet

over it and out of the sky, fluttering, came the helicopter like a grotesque flower.


5.  dramatized

Montag might...see himself dramatized, described, made over, standing there, limned in

the bright small television screen from outside . . .


6.  limned

Montag might...see himself dramatized, described, made over, standing there, limned in

the bright small television screen from outside . . .


7.  juggernaut

He saw a great juggernaut of stars form in the sky and threaten to roll over and crush him.


8.  cardamon

He smelled the heavy musk like perfume mingled with blood and the gummed exhalation of

the animal's breath, all cardamon and moss and ragweed odor in this huge night where the

trees ran at him.


9.  pedants

The most important single thing we had to pound into ourselves is that we were not important,

we mustn't be pedants we were not to feel superior to anyone else in the world.


10.  pyre

There was a silly damn bird called a Phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he

built a pyre and burned himself up.


ELA Content Standards 1.0 (Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development), 1.1 and 1.2