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Class: CI 5200, Multimedia Image Production

Online class, off campus

Instructor: Pawel Topol, Ph.D.

Instructor information:

name: Pawel Topol


web: http://www.amu.edu.pl/~topol/

My main affiliation is Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. I am Head of Division for Educational Applications of Computers at Educational Studies Dept.

I have M.A. degree from the School of English, AMU.

I earned my Ph.D. in Educational Technology, also from AMU. My dissertation was published. English title: “Intermedia Teaching of a Foreign Language”. The book won AMU Rector’s Award for Achievements in Research.

Teaching and projects (selection):

1.  Regular classes to undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate University students of different departments on computer technology and education (e-learning, educational applications of computers, databases, webpage development, multimedia applications, computers for teacher training, etc.)

2.  Co-author of an online ToEFL course for students of technical universities (Polish-British cooperation within the EU Leonardo project).

3.  Co-author, developer and teacher in an online 2-semester post-diploma course on curriculum development – dedicated to representatives of local agendas of Department of Education, all over Poland.

4.  AMU Educational Studies Dept. coordinator for e-learning.

Teaching and guest lecturing outside Poland:

1992 - HochSchule der Kuenste, Berlin, Germany

1999 - Bradford/Ilkley Community College, University of Bradford, UK

1999 - University of Northern Iowa (on campus)

since 2004 - Appalachian State University, NC, USA (on line, off campus)

Publications: 1 book, 5 chapters in books, over 30 articles.

Interests: IT, education in Virtual Worlds, music, yachting, travelling.

Course description:

Name: Multimedia Image Production. Class delivered over the Internet.

Introduction. The class content is multimedia production to be published on the web. The World Wide Web, the Internet, has become a multimedia interactive environment. The "net" has developed into a virtualized environment that uses and combines audio, text, still and moving graphics. The use of multimedia in education and training has opened up new possibilities for learning. Teachers and learners together, through the use of multimedia objects, may begin to hold a different perspective on themselves and others in the world.

The students get the understanding of text, audio and video messages, respectively. Then they work on multimedia messages which are a combination of the above.

Prerequisites. The assumption about the learner is that they have strong computer skills, are very familiar with the Internet and email, have an interest in learning about basic creation of slideshows, audio/sound, graphics/animation, video and audio/visual streaming. The course also requires basic skills in web page development and production. Thus, completing the CI5642 (Webpage Development) class is required prior to this class.

The course is designed on the "module" concept. Each module will cover a new production skill, research on that area, and projects that require the learner to reflect on the nature of the multi-mediated experience.


Pre-Class. This pre-class section has been designed to introduce the students to basic concepts, multimedia and to establish standard conventions.

Module 1. Research on media and multimedia effectiveness.

Module 2. Image relationships. relationship(s) between images with the the purpose of expressing and idea or concept.

Module 3. Image-Text relationships.

Module 4. Audio files and audio messages. Creating and embedding audio files in a multimedia environment.

Module 5. Video files and video messages. Adding video to web pages.

Module 6. Final project. Individual task – an opportunity to apply and demonstrate the skills and perceptions gained all along this class.

Resources. No textbooks are required for the class. The content is well described with details and explanations on web pages located on the ASU server. Basic resources, tutorials, etc. can be found there. To minimize the cost on the student’s end, possible freeware software will be used.

Grading. This is course is built upon a mastery model where learning is central. Grading is based upon completion of all the module assignments, including a final project.

Equal Opportunity Policy:

Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at www.ods.appstate.edu or 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.