Emerging Enterprises Committee

Conference Call Agenda January 20, 2015

This Committee aims educate and to increase the visibility of IP topics of interest to the entrepreneurial community within the Licensing Executives Society. As part of this aim, we support the LES Foundation International Business Plan Competition. We encourage participation from all members of the entrepreneurial culture.

On call – Annemarie Meikie; Mary Juetten; Scott Douglas; Arnold Burstein; Don Walsh; Douglas Kawahara; Karen Stevenson; Gary Keller; Elissa Myers; Katherine McGuire; Katie Young Morris; Kelly Baxter; Krstofferson Nunes; Sherry Rollo; and Team Phyto-Biofoods(Carlton Barrows and 4 team members)

LES: Butler Cooper, Victoria Engelstad.

Chris Sloan, webinar speaker.

1.  Welcome, roll call and introductions.

a.  Chair Emeritus- Gary Keller

b.  Chair – Annemarie Meike – Please email Mary Juetten – to record attendance.

c.  Secretary – Mary Juetten

d.  Membership –Katie Young Morris

e.  YMC Liaison to EE Committee and LES Board—Sherry Rollo

f.  Webinar Chair – Scott Douglas

2.  Webinar (45 minutes including Q&A): Chris Sloan, The Basics Every Start-up Should Know.

See recording and pdf on the committee page for common mistakes made by startups – great presentation by Chris – thank you!

3.  Short business meeting (15 minutes):


a.  EE Chair Emeritus update & recap Annual Meeting:

Gary Keller (slide presentation)

NYC Meeting:

Emerging Enterprises programming track added in for next LES meeting

LES Foundation Board presentation on their operations and the Business Plan completion – created new liaison position now occupied by Sherry Rollo.

LESI – a group of under 40s and doing both breakaway and independent events.

Did an EE event and had about 70 participants at NYC meeting. Thank you to LES NYC Chair for logistical support.

b.  LES Foundation Board meeting update – Sherry Rollo – technical difficulties.

c.  EE Committee positions open – Annemarie Meike

We are still looking for these two positions:

Vice Chair/Chair elect & EE Liaison to LES Board

Also anyone interested in the judging the business plan, reach out to Annemarie by Saturday Jan 23rd.

5.  Close

Next meeting Wednesday February 17th at 9am Pacific Time (3rd Wed of every month).