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From: Date: 01-March-2010.

Hitesh H Bhatt.

35/C, Dahiba Nager society,

Opp: Shreyas school,

Manjal pur Naka,


Gujarat. India.


The Assistant Registrar.


5th Floor, ‘A’ Wing,

Janpath Bhavan,

Janpath, New Delhi 110 001
Fax No: 3712456

Sub: Re-view of Order R.P. no: 3178/2009 Vs. VMC (Vadodara).

Sub: Unmask (face) the truth & mask the wicked practice.

: A search to revive & redeem democratic values.

: To resuscitate judicial & Administrative values in democracy.

Sub: Dissatisfaction over delayed tactics to release basic civic amenities.


: M.P.NO: 50/2004 (REVIEW APPLICATION) IN 02/2004.

Sub: In search of a quick justice from a competent higher authority/forum.


In sequel to Re-view of OrderR.P. no: 3178/2009 Vs. VMC (Vadodara) dated. 08-January-2010.

Here with please find attached the letters & orders dated 07/12/200908/01/2010 in which you have ratified & approved my request for not being able to remain present for the final hearing due to financial & social constraints I had.


How can I fall in default when lawfully I have already been given reprieve in the letter by you?

Also please find the copy of the order dated. 08/01/2010 received by me on 12-02-2010 order passed by you. Now the narration in the order & the content in the letter ref. no. 07/12/2009 are found fallacious & misleading. On one hand you are give me reprieve & on the other hand in the order passed by you suggests that since I have not remaining present my non presence in the hearing is considered as default.

The contents in the letter/order & the contents in the order are contradictory & I owe an explanation from you in writing.

There fore I appeal to you to modify the order declared by you at the earliest. My whole experience is purely intended to serve the nation, bring the culprits to book & improve the governance in public/government. bodies which are supposed to serve the people.

It’s horrible & it has maligned the most revered character of the body called judiciary. The custodians of the body are hell bent on denigrating the values of judiciary & to a great extent they themselves are held responsible for pathetic condition of judiciary in the country. Why one can not get justice with in the time frame?

Delay of any sort time is game plan to formulate the innocent, honest & conspire against the innocent to prevent his/her from getting justice of his/her interest without bringing in to notice of the innocent who is seeking justice.

This is lawlessness this lawlessness only inspires the innocent to take the law in his/her hand. Therefore judiciary is held responsible for a spread of wrong practices in the society/systems.

A person with a criminal track record is generally not feared by the punishment judiciary is enforcing. The law is not stringently enforced GEB & VMC both these bodies are semi government undertakings.

How a parent can declare that his kin is wicked, depraved, and un-scrupulous??? Similarly how can a constitutional body like judiciary hold any government undertaking faulty/criminal/most corrupt???

That’s what is hurting me deliver the justice or close doom this farcical play which is delaying & denying the interest of national values & innocent/honest/clean hand & poor people.

Pseudo judicial values also invite intimidation on the part of innocent/honest because a common man who has never faced the judiciary & other government body machineries will always be fearful hence his first attempt would be to see himself/herself safe. On the other hand judiciary will feel powerful at the fearfulness of the innocent.

But that common man does not know that the definition or the origin of democracy starts from he (common man) himself. In democracy people are sovereign. The systems are made for the people, by the people & of the people. All the constitutional bodies are sub-servient.

It is always better to be honorable them to be honored. But in our system it is the other way around as the people working in a system want to be honored them to be honorable. This is sheer cheapness & lawlessness.

How a judiciary & judge can be given an honor? Only then when he/she/they are letting the laws win & take its own course by maintaining the sanctity of the system & law.

In my view VMC & GEB are criminal/most corrupt/lethargic & most corrupt/criminals must not be treated leniently. This is where judiciary needs to be strict.

Why the judiciary is given honor, only because it is believed to be the constitutional authority. To, me, in my case judiciary have not done any commendable work on the contrary it has added to my apathies grievances & mental torture. Neither it is proactive nor is it encouraging noticing its presence in the democratic society.

What I can say more when we all know that the perpetrators of heinous act, such as the terrorist act, committed on parliament, have still not been punished even after declaring the verdict that they are to be hanged ___ but as yet that verdict is not honored---- does not this happen to be the contempt of court or law?

An innocent of my kind is unnecessarily punished where as real culprits have remained unpunished. To me justice should have been delivered much early & how disappointing it is that it is still not clear when I will get the justice?

What are you made of? Don’t you feel fearful of almighty that one-day you will have to face him?

There is no justification either from judiciary as to why delays in delivering justice?

Any thing unpleasant or humiliating said against the judiciary in the court is defined as the contempt of court. Then in my case what would you define when my own individuality is grossly abused by denying me the justice for so long a time & still (justice) it is not delivered? Does not this mean to be the contempt of my own individuality?

Can we say that India, the state, is a democratic country?

What steps we have taken to improve the loops holes in the system? And even the steps may have taken for reforms, how are they effective? The reforms are still confined to the books only. ___ they are not implemented as yet.

The new avenues/ new commissions/ being made are only meant to do more corruption & delay tactics, wicked tactics because the more the people are installed in the system the more the corruption is going to happen.

Truly the systems are designed to benefit the corrupt bureaucrats, ill-minded & ill-literate politicians, arrogant & stubborn eminent personalities of society & system, rich people, officials of law & order machinery, officials of judiciary.

A common man found to have committed wrongful act is punished severely___ he is always made to under stand that law has taken its course. Where as when an eminent is caught he is let off or the verdict against him is intentionally delayed. ___ Why, what for? Delay in giving justice/ intentionally committing malpractices to deny the justice.

Under these trying circumstances I feel that the pains of life are not so fierce but but definitely the pains deliberately created by the man made systems are more dangerous.

I feel as if I am living in a system since 1998 to till date which is not less tan the system of corrupt, lethargic, sluggish, terrorism, anarchy, misleading to the people.

Because of all systems corrupt & delay tactics aptitude I am now compelled to take up another shelter to live in but I will most certainly claim that in the event of my property at R. R. Patel bunglow getting damaged due to trespassers or any anti-social elements, the damages to the property there upon falls on the shoulder of administration & judiciary.

I will hold whole system responsible & the appropriate compensation will have to be released by judiciary. It is the judiciary & administrative which is the cause for not delivering justice it may be due to fear of political system.

Time & again I have said that my own individuality is contenpted by the judiciary & I will say that, ‘” it’s a contempt of my own individuality.” I want to punish such an erroneous system whose working pattern is base less. When advocates go on strike the entire business transaction in the forum is broken down. I tell you, why this is so? Those innocents who want to defend their cause who wants to defend their cause in the forum, why they are not allowed to do so with written to do so vise a versa? Either innocents or judiciary system. Contrary to it judiciary should officially declare that, it is not necessary if advocate does not remain present in the forum, the innocent can not fight or defend for his basic & fundamental right.

If judiciary wants to say or respond to this arguments I want the response on official letter & for this, I will appreciate the system that --- ok at last there is courage in the system for being responsive. Please let me know as to what do I need to do in case I intend to file a suit against whole system in Supreme Court of India?

My first & foremost question to the systems is ___ why have all the systems taken such a long time to redress my grievances?

And surprisingly till today justice has not been delivered. The administrative system is now asking me submits relevant documents so as to release the basic civic amenities. Even to the extent, the administrative system says that, it does not matter whether you submit those papers or not as you can submit later on but let us be allowed to give you basic amenities.

Now, as against this I would say why & how can they release amenities without letting me submit the documents? Why now in March-2007? Why not in 1998?

10-11 years.

The authorities concerned should note that the future correspondence, if any, to be done on the address as mentioned below for I take the actions taken/will & is – Hitesh H Bhatt. 35/C, Dahiba nager society, Opp: Shreyas School, Manjal pur Naka, Vadodara-390 011. Gujarat. India.

The attitude & delaying tactics in discharging duty bound obligations are definitely showing the signs of culpability committed by the errant systems. This has been done intentionally just for the sake of not being able to achieve desired corrupt motive.

When I did not respond to pay off money un-officially the officials turned their back on me with gross dereliction of the duty. More over the mantel agony, which I have suffered, is immeasurable & irreparable ___ and judiciary has also failed to look into this aspect.

Whom shall I have to hold responsible?

Well, I would say that every government body is hold responsible.

  1. the president of India office.
  2. Prime Minister of India office.
  3. Governor of Gujarat office.
  4. Chief Minister of Gujarat office.
  5. Chief Secretary of Gujarat.
  6. Supreme Court legal aid committee office.
  7. High court legal Aid committee office.
  8. Urban development ministry office, Gandhi nagar.
  9. Ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution office.
  10. The consumer protection Units office.
  11. the public grievances redressal office.
  12. The Administration reform ministry office.
  13. The law & justice ministry office.
  14. The District administration office.
  15. State Administration office.
  16. National administration office.
  17. The energy & petroleum office. Gandhi nager.
  18. the labour ministry.
  19. the district consumer commission, Vadodara.
  20. the state consumer commission, Ahmedabad.
  21. the National Consumer Commission, New Delhi.
  22. The Vadodara Municipal Corporation. Vadodara.
  23. The Gujarat electricity Board, Vadodara.
  24. The MRTPC, New Delhi.
  25. Others.
  26. Whole administration, Judiciary & legislation, political system.
  27. CVC, India.
  28. GVC, Gandhi nager.

If all these bodies would have paid due attention to my grievances, the matter had not been so intricate. Every written argument of mine has fallen on deaf ears.

This is the only reason why India is so backward & poor state in the world. The ground reality of our country has not changed ever since the independence is achieved.

Each & every hearing I have attended in State & District Consumer Forum, Vadodara & Ahemdabad based state consumer forum on the scheduled date of hearing i.e. all hearing upto R.P. No: 3178/2009. Due to some un-avoidable circumstances I may not be able to attend the hearing but if feasible I may attend. Hence the authorities concerned in the National commission are instructed to treat these written arguments as my own defense in support of my claim.

To make the process fast for redressing this matter, I expect the judiciary to be positive & quick to respond in case of any tangle but do not sluggish which could turn out to be matter relating to delaying tactics, which I have experienced all these 10-11 years.

What does the word judiciary mean? Does it mean that the complainant should remain deprived of all basic civic amenities & fast justice?

The judges have abused constitutional values by being under the roof of constitutional institute. The opponent is moving around scot-free, who is guilty, without being under fear to obey the court order. If the attitude of judiciary is going to be so lenient then I think the morale of perpetrators & corrupt will be sky high.

And they will never ever feel deterred of such orders declared by constitutional institutes thus the white collar crimes & corruption will continue to happen in the society & whole system. In order to receive the meager compensation package.

Here, then I would say that what is the meaning of judiciary order? Do not this all seem to be farcical & pseudo democratic/constitutional practice known as judiciary.

Why the guilty does not feel scared of being punished, if found guilty?

For the sake of our India & whole system start acting proactively, conscientiously. Hold yourselves responsible with the thorough sense of accountability without which India & system will not prosper & without corruption free.

As otherwise in the years to come the social scenario will be so difficult that either there will be a civil war or people will definitely think of taking justice on their own. Thereby the laws will only be confined in the books of laws without their implementation.

On each of hearing the judiciary has observed that in the interest of justice next date of hearing is scheduled where as I say that when allotting next date of hearing through the point of view of my case it is the bereavement of justice & it is not in the interest of justice as unwarrantedly the time, money & man hours of system & the nation are wasted. There fore this act in the democratic value based system is called as treachery with the nation.

I here with firmly confirm that this is a denial of justice in the guise of delayed tactics. The opposite party has also grossly failed to produce substantial written evidence & written arguments & the advocate of opposite party has several times gone on making misleading & irrelevant statements which surprisingly the consumer court also has not taken any note of it.

In view of this I strongly emphatically yet humble request the honorable consumer court to declare the next procedure order & nearer next hearing date without wasting further time.

Every system of ours is caught sleeping neither any of the systems is proactive nor its credibility is getting established & here we are claiming that India is the largest democratic country in the world. What is the use of democracy?

When a complainant of my kind who has to run after getting civic amenities & justice of proper kind & befitting. I am bit more apprehensive, how difficult it could before a poor & illiterate person to get justice & basic civic amenities?

I am really feeling concerned & am absolutely sure that such people must not be getting basic civic amenities & justice at all. And for such people the word democracy does not happen to be applicable. Nothing is so difficult if it is done properly.

No system can say that now all your grievances have been resolved when really all amenities would be made available to me in future. As each system & its officials know that I have been intentionally harassed & mentally tortured & for this, why I should not ask for penalty to be imposed on errant system for heavy compensation, why they should go scot-free? Therefore I must claim that I shall automatically in a natural course be given heavy compensation & royalty, as I am rightful to get so.

Judiciary system cannot turn down my claim. And that is why I have turned to judiciary to seek proper & befitting & fast justice.