This is the SDP for Allerton Bywater Primary School for 2014/15

The key priorities had been identified with discussion with the SMT, questionnaires, analysis of test results

The key priorities make Layer 1 with some of last years priorities making Layer 2

School Development Plan / School: Allerton Bywater Primary / Headteacher: Richard Cairns / Date: September 2014
School Improvement focus / Key Issue/ Development Areas / Progress/Strengths
1. Overall effectiveness / Summary of overall effectiveness
·  Our main focus this year is to continue to improve the quality of provision so outcomes for all children is outstanding / ABPS judges itself to be a good school with many outstanding features. Judged “Good” in the 2011 OFSTED we are mindful of the many changes in Uk education and strive for continuous improvement.
2. Review of progress in
Previous inspection / - implementing plans to increase the range of new technologies available to pupils
- providing more opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in ICT
- extending the use of ICT to support learning across the curriculum. / New technology purchased and opportunities identified to enhance ICT.
Leader identified Sept 2012 – she resigned. New leader identified Sept 2013 – action plan prepared
See below
- Ensure marking consistently makes pupils aware of the next steps in their learning. / See last years SDP alongside the review of the year document.
New plans below for this year
3. Achievement / FOCUS AREAS / Progress Strengths
To raise the outcomes of the more able / Designated G and T leader
To continue to improve the outcomes in the early years / Stable staff
To continue to keep outcomes in all phases in all subjects (RWM) in line or above expected levels of progress / Designated subject leaders
4. Teaching and Learning / FOCUS AREAS / Progress Strengths
To review and implement the Big Four – feedback, engagement, challenge and autonomy / Whole Trust Imitative
To review provision for reading across the school / Lots of resources
To continue to develop the new curriculum with a focus on engaging boys and how it will be assessed against the new curriculum / Already planned six
To develop specific subject areas – ICT, see above, PE continued and music developed
5. Behaviour and Safety / FOCUS AREAS / Progress Strengths
To review safeguarding policies and procedures / Robust systems in place already
To review the Behaviour Policy linked to behavior for learning / Expectation is already high
To review provision at lunch time in light of the UFSM offer / Implemented the offer now need to work on the flow
6. Leadership and
Management / FOCUS AREAS / Progress Strengths
To embed new data collection software and linking this to new system of assessment. / Edumap already employed just need embedding
To fully develop subject leadership across the school / Enough senior leaders now in school to support this
To continue to work at expanding the school
To reconstitute the governing body / Supportive governors
7.Social, moral, spiritual and cultural / To apply for Investors in pupils standard.
1. Overall effectiveness / ·  Our main focus this year is to continue to improve the quality of provision so outcomes for all children is outstanding / ABPS judges itself to be a good school with many outstanding features. Judged “Good” in the 2011 OFSTED we are mindful of the many changes in Uk education and strive for continuous improvement.
Continue to improve the quality of provision so outcomes continue to rise / ·  Osiris training on Outstanding Teaching for teachers and HLTAs
·  Staff meetings planned throughout the year to review practice and how things are implemented. –rolled out through out each term
·  Review policy and practice for each area of learning and implement these
·  Identify peer mentoring through this work – to support and review practice
·  Staff having time to reflect on their own practice and review the areas of further development needed – where appropriate external providers will be contacted - eg engagement linked to behavior for learning
·  This work will be ongoing throughout the year and will form the basis of the majority of monitoring of teaching and learning
·  Staff trip to discuss and implement children’s engagement
·  Implement a Challenge Review – Trust support and challenge / Sept 2014 – awareness of the Big four – Feedback, Engagement, Autonomy and challenge
Ongoing throughout the year – monitored
Jayne Consadine Training - writing - more engagement in lessons
November 2014 – behavior support training – better BFL in lessons
Each half term there will be a review of this work
January 2015 – teachers using hooks to engage children / Teachers and HLTAs
All staff
Teachers and HLTAs
All staff
SLT and staff
All staff / £400
MILESTONES / Observed lessons clearly demonstrate that staff are implementing new key strategies mentioned above – lead to teaching being consistently good throughout the school – lessons, books, environment
2. Review of progress in
Previous inspection / - implementing plans to increase the range of new technologies available to pupils
- providing more opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in ICT
- extending the use of ICT to support learning across the curriculum. / New technology purchased and opportunities identified to enhance ICT.
Leader identified Sept 2012 – she resigned. New leader identified Sept 2013 – action plan prepared. ICT technician resigned and new SLA established. Advert for ICT technician was unsuccessful.
1a) Implementing plans to increase the range of new technologies available to pupils
1b) Providing more opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in ICT
1c) Extending the use of ICT to support learning across the curriculum. / ·  Review hardware
·  Purchase new equipment eg laptops, ipads and smart screens
·  Purchase new cameras
·  Purchase lego to support literacy
·  Develop Digi smart for y5 children
·  Specific software to enable the hardware run effectively
·  Audits completed of KSU of staff in comparison to the new curriculum
·  Developed and implemented the new blogs for teachers initially and then for children
·  Ensure staff have a good working knowledge of the new curriculum through training and support
·  Opportunities for assessment identified to ensure provision s targeted and accurate
·  Develop and promote I am Learning again throughout the school
·  Implement the new assessment software in EYFS - 2simple
·  New SLA with a technical company produced
·  Research into what good ICT looks like - Visits to other schools, research on the internet
·  network – staff resources and resources
·  Use of APPs and new technology – how does this support T and L to raise standards
·  ICT policy produced
·  SOW produced
·  ICT Club – Minecraft? / Produce a plan for purchase -Sept/Oct 2014
Plan put out to tender- Sept/Oct 2014
Purchased Spet 2014 in use by Oct 2014
In place for Sept 2014
Review of school software – more focused relating to the new NC
ICT technician and ICT leader Oct 2014
In place by sept2014 but regular training throughout the year
Autumn 2014 - ICT training for ICT leader shared with staff
On-going throughout the year – online homework
More accurate and regular obs carried out
ICT development plan produced - infrastructure
To see what we can learn and implement in school
Stream lined network
Tracking of ICT in place
ICT policy in place and SOW linked to the new ICT curriculum
Identify a member of staff to begin an ICT club / ICT Leader
Y5 teacher
SLT and new technician
SLT and ICT leader
All staff
ICT leader and LA support
Linked to above
ICT Leader
ICT Leader and all EYFS staff - Oct 2014
Nov 14
ICT leader and LST / None
SLA with the LA - £500
LA support
£cost of software
Time but no specific costs
Research into new SOW
MILESTONES / Standards and provision in ICT across the school rise through
·  improved teaching
·  improved hardware
·  clarity of provision and implementation of ICT across the school
- Ensure marking consistently makes pupils aware of the next steps in their learning. / See last years SDP alongside the review of the year document.
New plans below for this year
Ensure marking consistently makes pupils aware of the next steps in their learning. / ·  Implement the Big Four starting with the implementation of feed back. Look at practice across the school to ensure consistency. Rolled out through feed back
·  Review the Marking and Feedback Policy and implement the best practice identified throughout the school
·  Ensure the children have a pupil voice through feedback which is implemented and is clear in the policy
·  Training of new staff
·  EYFS staff involved in the process
·  Links to ICT – Visuaisers being used regularly in class / Next steps clearer for the children and learning and progress is faster
Tweaks made to a new policy that is then used across the school
In planning of the topics pupil voice is clear and seen in the books
Through support of SLT
Language of learning is clear and new key worker groups identified
Monitor use throughout the school / All staff
SLT and all staff
Curriculum group and implemented by all staff
EYFS staff
All staff / Time and Osiris training
EYFS training
£1000 for new ones for new classrooms
MILESTONES / Standards continue to rise with teaching across the school being categorized as consistently good with elements outstanding – children understanding their learning and the next steps they need to take.
3. Achievement / FOCUS AREAS
To raise the outcomes of the more able
To continue to improve the outcomes in the early years
To continue to keep outcomes in all phases in all subjects (RWM) in line or above expected levels of progress / PROGRESS and STRENGTHS
Continue to build on the good practice that is now embedded across the school.
1)To raise the outcomes of the more able / ·  Linked to The Big Four – Challenge, Feedback, Autonomy and Engagement and –teachers will have training on this throughout the year
·  G and T register identified for all areas of learning
·  Staff to run a MAAT clubs linked to each subject -
·  Trust Support and implementation of this - competitions
·  Linked to external provision across the city for any MAAT children
·  Differentiation identified in planning
·  Expectation is made higher by all staff
·  Targets for children
·  Moving learning on asap in lessons – using ICT to support
·  Open ended activities – Nrich website
·  Provision for the Pupil Premium more able and identify any of these children on the MAAT register / New initiates and policies in place and consistently used
On going
Clear indication across school of MAAT children
Dec 2014
Provision and opportunities for the more able eg maths, art etc –Sept 14
Linked to learning at planning stage for teachers
Monitoring of lessons –sept 14
Short term, medium and long term targets shared with children and they are aware – on going
Monitoring lessons and planning - ongoing
List that is shared with all staff / All staff
Nicola Carter
All staff
Nicola Carter
All staff,
Nicola Carter and Lorraine Simpson / Osiris Training
None initially
Un known
MILESTONES / Opportunities for MAAT children identified to ensure they can make more rapid progress in lessons so outcomes are higher
2) To continue to improve the outcomes in the early years / ·  See Early Years File
·  Build on good practice from this year – keep expectation high
·  Implementation of hardware and software
·  Maths continues to be developed
·  Literacy needs to be a focus
·  Data analysis identifies clear gaps in learning – planning altered or changed
·  Clear lines of communication with HT identified
·  Further develop the early years leader
·  Focus on boys making progress
·  Review provision and how it planned, prepared and learning shared with the children
·  Challenge the children daily
·  Clear assessment tracking and monitoring carried out by EYFS manager
·  Training day – Taking learning Outside – LA =carried out throughout the year
·  Timetables
·  Sharing good practice with the school in how EYFS runs and the Characteristics of Effective Learning.
·  Links to the school Topics clearly identified / Nadia
3)To continue to keep outcomes in all phases in all subjects (RWM) in line or above expected levels of progress / Reading:
·  Continue to build on good practice throughout the school with peer mentoring set up - Guided Reading
·  Early intervention - Key word reader
·  Review reading material s across the school – after the expansion is completed
·  Engage with the Library service as to how they support school in further developing systems and processes for book allocation
·  Review graded readers across the school
·  Decisions made about where the new library/ reading resources area will be sited in the school
·  Implementation of Book Clubs across the school
·  Links to homework –monitoring of Homework diaries – and books changed
·  Hearing children reading regularly - All staff
·  Use of APP grids to support next steps – do these need to be reviewed in light of new curriculum – Trust Work
·  Accurate assessment of reading at key times throughout the year – new assessment scheme purchased – reading age as well as level
·  Implement a Spelling Challenge
·  Book in a Book Fair
·  Plan for a Reading Week around the time of World Book Day
·  Phonics training for new staff / Standards in Reading continue to rise – monitoring on going