Peer Counseling Program Adoption Game

Goal: Using your chips, which are worth two weeks in time, develop a strategy to have the school board adopt your plan for adopting a school wide peer counseling program within two years (52 weeks x 2 years=104 weeks).

Rules: You may use your chips in weekly intervals the following amounts to initiate the range of activities:

1  Provide brochures to 3 people

1 Talk to one person

1 To receive a list of staff and social circles

2  To talk with 3 person individually

2  To have a meeting with 3 or 4 people

2-  Put your topic on the agenda of a department meeting

4  Put your topic on the agenda of a school staff meeting

4  Send a team to visit another school

4  Bring a consultant to your school for three days

4  To have a school wide meeting with parents

6  To present your ideas to the school board

6  To ask the school board to vote on your proposal for adoption

Blue: 1 week White: 2 weeks Green: 4 weeks Red: 6 weeks

Remember: There are many sources of hidden power and the shortest path to a goal is not always a straight line. As you move into adoption stages, it will be very important who you have talked with, met with, and who has moved to adoption stage before you schedule meetings, school visits and school board votes.

Your goal is achieve school board adoption. The teacher will provide cards which will indicate who has gained awareness, acceptance or adoption.

Name / Awareness / Acceptance / Adoption
School Board

Staff lists:

Name / Position / Year in District / Social Circle
Al / Principal / 12 years / Jim, Harry
Barb / Asst principal / 4 years / Allison
Betty / Secretary / 22 years / Cindy, Sara
Jim / Science Dept / 14 years / Barb, Al
Allison / English Dept / 8 years / Sara, Teresa
Sara / Math Dept / 2 years / Jim, Betty
Bob / Social Studies Dept / 5 years / Teresa, Barb
Harry / Budget Office / 13 years / Al, Jim
Teresa / School Board / 4 years / Sara
Cindy / Superintendent / 20 years / Al, Betty

Staff lists:

Name / Position / Year in District / Social Circle
Al / Principal / 12 years / Jim, Harry
Barb / Asst principal / 4 years / Allison
Betty / Secretary / 22 years / Cindy, Sara
Jim / Science Dept / 14 years / Barb, Al
Allison / English Dept / 8 years / Sara, Teresa
Sara / Math Dept / 2 years / Jim, Betty
Bob / Social Studies Dept / 5 years / Teresa, Barb
Harry / Budget Office / 13 years / Al, Jim
Teresa / School Board / 4 years / Sara
Cindy / Superintendent / 20 years / Al, Betty

Staff lists:

Name / Position / Year in District / Social Circle
Al / Principal / 12 years / Jim, Harry
Barb / Asst principal / 4 years / Allison
Betty / Secretary / 22 years / Cindy, Sara
Jim / Science Dept / 14 years / Barb, Al
Allison / English Dept / 8 years / Sara, Teresa
Sara / Math Dept / 2 years / Jim, Betty
Bob / Social Studies Dept / 5 years / Teresa, Barb
Harry / Budget Office / 13 years / Al, Jim
Teresa / School Board / 4 years / Sara
Cindy / Superintendent / 20 years / Al, Betty
Al gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Al is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Al has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Barb gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Barb is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Barb has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Betty gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Betty is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Betty has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Jim gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Jim is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Jim has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Allison gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Allison is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Allison has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Sara gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Sara is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Sara has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Bob gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Bob is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Bob has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Harry gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Harry is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Harry has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Teresa gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Teresa is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Teresa has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Cindy gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
School Board gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Al has agreed to place you on the staff meeting this month / Al has agreed to present your Peer Counseling Proposal to the School Board / Al has agreed to have a consultant come to school and discuss your Peer Counseling Proposal with staff
Barb will attend the school visit to learn more about Peer Counseling / Barb is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Barb has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Betty will help prepare your Proposal to the school board / Betty will talk to the Superintendent about your Proposal / Betty will type up the budget request for the consultant, parent meeting and school visit
Jim will attend the school visit to learn more about Peer Counseling / Jim is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Jim talks to Barb and Al about your proposal.
Allison will attend the school visit to learn more about Peer Counseling / Allison is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Allison will talk to Sara and Teresa about your proposal
Sara will attend the school visit to learn more about Peer Counseling / Sara is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Sara will talk to parents about your proposal
Bob will attend the school visit to learn more about Peer Counseling / Bob is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Bob will talk to Teresa, Barb about your proposal
Harry approves your contract with consultant and school visit / Harry will not approve your consultant, no funds left in that account / Harry does not approve your school visit trip, no funds left in account
Teresa will attend your school visit on Peer Counseling / Teresa will talk to the other board members about your proposal / Teresa has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Cindy has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
School Board gained awareness of your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Al has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Al is busy and can not meet / Al has agreed to the school visit proposal
Betty will schedule the parent meeting / Betty is schedule a meeting with Al / Betty will schedule a meeting with the Superintendent
Betty will purchase food for the parent meeting / Betty will schedule you for the staff meeting this month / Betty has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Jim has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Jim will let you speak to the Science Dept / Jim has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Allison has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Allison will let you speak to the English Dept / Allison has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Sara has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Sara will let you speak to the Math Dept / Sara has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Bob has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Bob will let you speak to the Social Studies Department / Bob has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal
Harry has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Harry will study your Peer Counseling Proposal / Harry will send a positive recommendation to the School Board
Teresa has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Teresa is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Teresa will send a positive recommendation to the School Board
Cindy has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / Cindy will send a positive recommendation to the School Board
School Board has adopted your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board is not interested in your Peer Counseling Proposal / School Board has accepted your Peer Counseling Proposal