October 30, 2008


SUBJECT: TCH – Incident Command System Training

Purpose: To announce an opportunity to participate in an Incident Command System training and exercise by the Maine Department of Agriculture.

Expiration Date: December 15, 2008

The Maine Department of Agriculture is working with several agricultural trade groups, such as the Maine Dairy Industry Association, to increase awareness of procedures so that Maine agriculture is prepared if there is an animal disease outbreak or other disaster. The Department is seeking volunteers to be trained in the Incident Command System in case of a catastrophic event or outbreak, such as Foot and Mouth Disease. USDA and NRCS are committed to being partners in this effort and have placed a high priority on our employees being trained and prepared. The Department would like to have a crew of at least 20 people trained in case of an actual emergency. They have extended an invitation to any NRCS employees that are interested in participating. A background in soils and/or familiarity with construction equipment is desirable.

The initial training will be held on Monday, November 3, at Highmoor Farm in Monmouth, Maine. It will run from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Lunch will be provided. From the trained volunteers, the Department will also recruit crew leaders to participate in an in-field exercise to be held on November 20, in Leeds, Maine.

Maine NRCS employees are authorized to attend with their supervisor permission. Per diem is authorized for those whose duty station is located outside of a 50 mile radius of the training location(s). A travel authorization must be prepared in GovTrip.

Anyone who is interested in attending the training workshop must make reservations by either calling the University of Maine Cooperative Extension at 581-278 or by filling out the attached registration form and fax to 581-4430 or mail the form to 5735 Hitchner Hall, Orono, Maine04469-5735.


If you have any questions about the exercise or the training workshop, please contact Bill Seekins at 287-7531 or email .

/s/ William Yamartino, Acting


State Conservationist
