La Central del Circ is a creation and training space for professional circus artists. To know you better, La Central del Circ prepares this form to approach to your work and to know your motivations, your creative ways and your needs.
Personal information
Date of birth
Phone(s) number(s)
Address: street, number, postal code
City and country
Artistic career
You should mention the relevant periods of your artistic career
Training/FormationProfessional experience
Current project(s)
Future project(s)
Discipline(s) that you will train
Each artist should bring their own material previous approval of La Central technician.
Technical needs
Dimensions needed of the spaceCircus equipment
Time needed to set up and dismantle
Why do you apply for training in La Central del Circ (technical conditions, possible meeting with other artists, the space, etc.)?Type of training
Type of fees:o Day – 1 day only
o Month – 1 consecutive month
o Forfait – 5 days to divided during 1 year
o Annual – 1 natural year from the beginning
of the fee
I have an accident insurance** d’accidents
Includes accident insurance / Price:
8 €
65 €
28 €
157 €
195 € / APCC members*:
7 €
52 €
23 €
118 €
156 €
*You should show the current card of APCC. Personal and nontransferable rate.
** You should show the copy of your Insurance policy.
Person to contact in case of accident
Name:Phone number:
Dou you have a creation project? If so, you can fill these parts:
Short presentation of your creation project
Do you have a creation calendar? (Period of creation, possible residences, premiere dates, other places where to create, etc.)
I accept that La Central del Circ can photography and record me during my activity in La Central del Circ. This material will be used for communication and diffusion needs in any support.
I would like to receive the biweekly newsletter of La Central del Circ on the mentioned mail or at: ………………………………………………………….
Date of registration2017