
French Revolution DBQ

Rubric: 100 points

Each section/document is worth 5 points while the essay with worth 50 points.

Be sure to include proper essay format (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion)

Historical Context:

Throughout history, people have overthrown governments for a variety of reasons.

Task: Using at least 5 documents, write a well organized essay in which you:

§  List and discuss at least 2 causes of the French Revolution

§  List and discuss at least 2 effects of the French Revolution

§  Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the revolution resolved the problems that caused it.

Step 1: Try to outline this essay with out answering the documents. Chances are you have a pretty good idea about the causes and effects of the French Revolution. Answer the following before you move on.

Causes of the French Revolution:

Effects of the French Revolution:

Do you think the effects of the French Revolution resolved the problems that caused the revolution?

Points: ______/5

Step 2: After reading each document, answer the questions that follow.

Step 3: After reading each document, label the document as Cause, Effect, or resolution of the problems. (This will help you when you go to plan out the essay portion.)

Document 1:

The following quotes come from Enlightenment thinkers from the 17th century.

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”


“All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”

-John Locke

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles.”

-Jean Jacques Rousseau

“Slavery to monarchs and ministers, which the world will be long freeing itself from, and whose deadly grasp stops the progress of the human mind, is not yet abolished.”

-Mary Wollstonecraft

1A. How do these quotes summarize the new ideas about government from the 18th century?

1B. How did the Enlightenment encourage change?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 2:

This excerpt is from John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.

2A. According to the author, what is the purpose of government?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 3: This excerpt is adapted from Travels in France by Arthur Young, who traveled through France from 1787-1789.

3A. Identify three issues/problems in France from 1787-1789.

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 4:

Cobb & Jones (1988) Voices of the French Revolution p. 39

4A. Identify the three figures in the cartoon in relation to French society (1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates)

4B. What do you think the rock represents?

4C. What is the cartoonist trying to suggest about social hierarchy of French society? In the 18th century.

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 5:

5A. How did the French National Assembly attempt to deal with the problems that caused the French Revolution?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 6:

6A. What does this picture show about the French Revolution?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 7: Except from the London Times January 25, 1793

7A. What is the extent to which problems were solved by executing the king of France?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 8

8A. Who eventually came to power in France after a 5 year power struggle and period of political instability?

8B. How did he rule?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Document 9:

“The great powers affirmed the principal of legitimacy-agreeing that as many as possible of the rulers whom Napoleon had driven from their thrones should be restored to power. In France, the brother of Louis XVI (16th) returned to power as king. He wisely adopted a constitution and ruled as a constitutional monarch.”

-except from World History: Patterns of Interaction, page 594

9A. According to this document, what kind of government did France end up with after the revolution?

Circle one:

§  This is a cause of the revolution

§  This is an effect of the revolution

§  This shows how the revolution did or didn’t resolve the problems that caused it.

Points: ______/5

Step 4: Review the essay question. Know what the question is asking you to do.

Historical Context:

Throughout history, people have overthrown governments for a variety of reasons.

Task: Using at least 5 documents, write a well organized essay in which you:

§  List and discuss at least 2 causes of the French Revolution

§  List and discuss at least 2 effects of the French Revolution

§  Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the revolution resolved the problems that caused it.

Step 5: Plan out your essay. Be sure to use specific examples from at least 5 documents.


(worth 10 points)

Introduction: Be sure to include your Theses Statement!


Paragraph 1: Causes of the French Revolution


What Document is it from?


What Document is it from?

Paragraph 2:Effects of the French Revolution


What Document is it from?


What Document is it from?

Paragraph 3: Did the changes resolve the problems that caused it?


What Document is it from?

Your OPINION GOES HERE! What do you think??
