FISA- Steering and Working Group Meeting
24th January 2013
BSW Sawmills, Cargo, Carlisle
Steve Lavery SALChair
Fiona Angier FASecretary
Jim ColchesterJCBuccleuch Estates Ltd
David Dick DDDick Brothers
Elliot Henderson EHElliot Henderson Ltd
Mike Henderson MHIndependent Consultant
Simon Hodge SH FES
Bruce Hamilton BHForestryCommission
Martin LennonMLUPM
Colin Mann CMScottish Woodlands
Brian Mahony BM FEE
George McRobbie GMcUPM
Alex MurrayAMAdam Wilson
Richard Palmer RPA W Jenkinson Forest Products
John PatersonJPEgger
Alastair Sandels ASFountains Forestry
Harry StevensHSBSW
Iain Sutherland ISHSE
Stephen Swailes SSIggesund
Andrew Turner ATHSE
Ashley Williams AWEuroforest
Jim Wilmer JWJim Wilmer& Sons
Alice Cheyne,FCE
Gavin DavidsonIggesund
Alasdair Ferguson, Ferguson Transport
Mike Gillet,MG Harvesting
Stuart GoodallConfor
David LeslieJames Jones
Emily RamsayFCS
Mike SevilleCLA
Tom Stephenson, Balcas
David SulmanUKFPA
Peter WhitfieldUPM
- Welcome
Steve Lavery (SAL) rejoined the Group and welcomed everyone to the 4thmeeting of the Forest Industry Steering Group. He was duly advised as to the outcome of the pre-meeting with Steering group members. SAL thanked them for the unanimous vote of confidence in him continuing as interim chair.
A draft response to the articles in FCA news and Forestry Journal to be circulated for comment and then sent to Forestry Journal by Monday 28th January for inclusion in next issue.
Action JP - Done
Forestry Journal editor to be approached to include a regular FISA column.
Action JP - Done
- Apologies
Fiona Angier noted apologies for those who were unable to attend on this occasion.
- Previous Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.
- Action from previous minutes
Match funding is still to be pursued in relation to refresher training.
Action SAL & WG5
- Chairman’s report
SAL provided an update on principal activities since the last meeting in November.
- Much of his time has been taken up on supporting the working groups, in particular the refresher training group.
- The website has also taken some time with editorial work, research on documentation, testing beta site and inclusion of an online payment system. The site went live on 23rd January and includes over 30 safety documents.
- Useful discussion had on links throughout the site and sponsored pages. Guidance on reverse links to be provided.
- Issue of “other” status for potential members needed – to ensure no barriers to new members, eg construction.
Action SAL
- Review meeting with Confor on administrative matters including membership and finances, along with regular contact on other matters. See AOB
- A useful end of year 2012 report was circulated to all members before Christmas.
- Met with Lantra and City and Guilds in Coventry last week to update on FISA activities and thinking on refresher training. Both organisations welcomed an industry body they could go to on training matters.
- Year end accounts submitted and approved by the Finance Committee. SAL advised that spending over £5k to be brought to the Steering Group – views sought.
- JP proposed EH join the Finance Committee in place of DM to maintain governance, AM seconded.
- Working Group updates
Working group updates from all groups were received and circulated prior to the meeting. They will be placed on the website soon after the meeting under the respective group section.
Gp1: HSE Document Management group:
This group has 2 sub-groups with role of both finalising the Managing H&S in Forestry revision, and taking over publishing of AFAG guides on the FISA website after 1st April 2013.
MHSF - With MHSF content now complete, discussion focussed on presentation and level of consultation required prior to publication. It was agreed that a presentation of INDG294 (Managing Health and Safety in Forestry) be made to the FISA Steering Group for final agreement.
Action AM/PH
From AM after the meeting - I have emailed Phil Higginbotham today to ask that this be arranged asap for delivery at Silvan House as requested. Phil will now take this forward and advise when date/time has been set.
In order to avoid backlash to document being FISA badged rather than HSE AT to look at possible foreword or introduction explaining why the FISA badge and link back to Safety Summit of 2012.
Action AT
AFAG – liaison with HSE required over final hand over of AFAG documents and rebranding. AT advised next HSE meeting is on 2nd May to look at ToR for doing this
Action ER
Bulk copies will also ultimately be available through FISA but process and cost still to be finalised.
Action SAL
Gp2: Communications:
Now the website is live more material for the safety library is sought, weblinks to be broadened, events to be incorporated including BC visit information. To date just UPM safety bulletins are included but good to widen this. Where company specific bulletins are used company branding is maintained, otherwise FISA branding to be used. Branding guidelines to be made available.
Action BM/SAL
Gp3: Statistics Group:
MH noted that over the last five years accident statistics have improved, however with the move to O7D from O3D this is going to prove more difficult to compare in future. Near misses are the key to reduce as for every fatal accident there are currently 300 near misses! He would like to ask for all members to send him their safety data down to near misses in order to prepare a fuller picture of what is happening nearer the bottom of the safety triangle. Discussion followed on format to send stats to MH and agreed that more likely to be sent if MH prepared to extract information from current company reports. It was agreed that MH advise all members what information he is looking for and how this would fit with other WG activity – eg Behavioural Change. MH to undertake work within Confor stream.
Action MH to prepare pro-forma and circulate to members
Gp4: Behavioural change:
Dr Tim Marsh gave a interesting and motivational presentation in relation to Behavioural change and provided hand outs and text on his work and principles
SH requested any thoughts / comments on what can be done to change attitudes and behaviour as WG meet mid Feb to agree their work programme.
Action – All
Some of the themes touched upon and discussed:
Continuity vital across industry
Possibly include Behavioural requirements in tender requirements?
Awareness sessions
Leadership training
Important to praise in audits as well as find fault
Need to be prepared to challenge behaviour to make a difference
Confidence of competence
Leadership guidance via IOD
Need to talk about best practice
Gp5: Refresher training:
Earlier group difficulties had been apparent and SAL taken more direct time to better understand this complex issue and appreciating the difficulties in getting a wider consensus on the approach to refresher training.
ML noted that the report circulated was from the Instructor group within WG 5 and had not yet formally been approved by WG5 chair. The report outlines possible ways forward that have been worked on with instructors at several meetings, outside of normal hours to bottom the issue out. This was appreciated and thanks go to the following for their time and effort to date: Alun Jones, Phil Dunford, Chris Cooper-Adds, Graeme Hodgson, Dave Blaikie, Derrick Byas, John Williamson, Stephen Hailes, Dick Bradshaw, Noel Head and Donald MacLean.
The next possible meeting of the instructors group is 15th February in North Wales when issues raised in the paper need agreeing.
The whole of WG5 now needed to feed back to the proposals to allow the training to move forward.A further demo of the training delivery was planned and would be communicated to the other WG5 members.
The issue of funding the training was raised by JW and the Chair reiterated the previous commitment of member companies to assist in the direct financial costs as the contractors were losing a days production, this would be an issue to be confirmed between the various parties, although he hoped the members would see their way to provide this support. Other avenues of support were also discussed, both in respect of support from the FISA membership fund and also the possibility from a Scottish Forestry Development fund secured by FCS.
Next date now given as 9th Feb and possibly 15th Feb in Wales
Action ML
Gp6:Forest haulage:
A well attended meeting in January highlighted areas that need looking at further and training requirements. Next meeting 26th February.
Gp7: Electricity protocols:
Good progress made in revising AFAG guideline, with final revision to be put to FISA Steering Group.It was agreed that guidance should indeed be provided on Goalposts.
Action ER
Gp8: Competency developments:
Training for competency development for FWM and Contractor, in line with MHSF definitions, is due to be tendered. The need for the training to include leadership role was agreed. Action PW (WG8 Chair, not at meeting)
- Budget update
SAL advised that the accounts had been circulated and noted that the largest expense was the website. The accounts were discussed and accepted. It was good to see spending was not as high as budget expectation, but there were some outstanding costs on the web and training/trainer events still to be factored in. The earlier point raised regarding accounting function longer term was noted and would be addressed.
- Funding and membership update
SAL advised there were 97 members to date. – these were not all on the web site listing as yet but would be at the earliest available time. to complete. More focus was required to build the membership numbers
It would be interesting to know how much of current forestry activity is covered by FISA members, likewise the number of members who are member company staff.
Action SAL/FA to provide estimate
Website member area login details:
Username – FISAMember
Password – T1mb3r
- Date of the next meeting
Tuesday May 7th, at FC Silvan House, Edinburgh
A number of issues were raised by RP in relation to the development of more formal governance and constitution, banking and accounts reporting. The Chairman explained this had been on his own list of AOB and that these would become an action point before the next steering meeting. These issues were important in maintaining FISA’s independence from other organisations and to manage members’ perceptions. A proposal would be prepared for next meeting.
Action SAL
Operational Group:
The Chairman explained the need for a smaller operational group to assist in debate and development and constitutional issues. SAL proposed a group to comprise approx. 8 persons with representatives from the sectors within membership. This would be developed before the next steering meeting
Action SAL
Consistency of standards
SAL sought support for him to benchmark standards across companies within the industry through a series of arranged site visits – this was approved.
Action SAL
Future of Chair
SAL noted his current tenure as interim chair for 6-9 months comes to an end in April. He would like to extend this to a full year as there is still much to do. This was agreed with an end date of 15th June 2013. A recruitment process should be put in place three months prior to this. SAL added that a deputy chair should also be in place, noting that these issues would be taken up by the new Operational Group.
In addition the Chair also would provide a methodology to find a Deputy Chairman to assist the increasing activity of FISA. He would shortly provide a nominations process
Action SAL
Provisional operator certificates
EH asked whether there were any clear guidelines as to what is required. SAL understands there are new FMO modules en route, though agreed the training group need a take this on.
Action EH, SAL and WG 5
Site safety
Safe stacking and not allowing the forwarder on road was raised by JW. The practice raised safety issues related to the safe operations at roadside and the availability of space.
After some debate, there being no obvious practical answer, the view taken was that this should be raised in writing to the FWM in question and that they should provide an equitable pragmatic solution in line with the responsibility of good safety leadership spoken of during the day.
Action JW
New FC rep will be required to replace Brian Mahony as he retires in March. The Chairman thanked Brian for his very positive contribution to the setting up FISA thus far.
Action FC
The Chair thanked BSW for their kind hospitality and members for their attendance
Meeting concluded 16.30
Minutes taken by FA and approved by SAL