March 17, 2008 – 6:30 Gray Building

Attendees: Bill Morvan, Scott Amell, Bill Passalacqua, Ken Goslant, Kerri Hoffman, Tracy Delude and Keith Dukette.

Members At large—

Outdoor Rink – Nothing…


February minutes- Kerri made a motion to accept the minutes and Ken seconded it. All were in favor.

Vice President –

Annual Meeting

  • March 25, 2008 (Tuesday)
  • Cafeteria 6:00 NMS
  • slate of candidates

PRESIDENT – Ken Goslant

VICE PRESIDENT – Keith Dukette

REGISTRAR – Bill Passalacqua

TREASURER – Kerri Hoffman

STATE REP – Scott Amell

SCHEDULER – Tracy Delude



Registrar –

Registration wrap up

Bill is doing a thank you for Trans Video, The Herald, the Northfield News and the world.

2008-2009 Team projections – There were discussions regarding projected numbers and different 2008-2009 scenarios. Bill will add the Bean boys…As a discussion point we will need to discuss numbers for next year. We need to set the early registration date and work toward the early registration during the summer.

Coaching Coordinator –

State Tournaments – tabled…


2007-2008 season recap – There was a discussion regarding future resources (ice time) and how that that can change next year. Kerri tallied the ice time and shared a graph of NAHA 2007- 2008 ice time. 2008 – 2009 will see our board determining number of games for each level during the beginning and stick to the numbers being fiscally responsible for the upcoming year.

2008 - 2009 Budget- We ended up the season around $4,200 deficit. Our budget said we planned to be $28 to the good. We made conscious changes during the season (including ice time) and we planned on the deficit and we were prepared for it. There was a discussion on donated equipment – as a general rule, we are thankful for the donation and if there is a huge amount, we can do a letter acknowledging the donation to a 501 c 3. Kerri will review the list of jersey ads that didn’t get out this year and address each donation on an individual basis.

State Rep-

State Meeting (issues) – Looking at the numbers from the state it looks like the Select kids are even getting burned out or going to the “selects” of the select teams.

Girls Proposals – The program that is comparable to the Glades was approved and the second proposal (the regionalization) was tabled.


Wrap up

President –

Season recap

Next meeting date March 25, 2008 will be the annual meeting.