McHenry County, Illinois

JUNE 09, 2015


Supervisor Jones called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 in the Burton Township Hall, Spring Grove, IL.

Roll call present: Supervisor Jones, Clerk Shetsky, Road Commissioner Sutton, Trustees; Eileen Miller, John Flood, Dennis Riechert and Assessor Jessica Hubert.

Guest: Ted Trzaskowski

Supervisor Jones led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the regular meeting held on May 12, 2015 were read. Trustee Eileen Miller made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Trustee John Flood. The accounts payable were presented for payment for the various funds, they were audited, initialed and ordered paid.

Accounts Payable

Township Supervisor:

Assessor Jessica Huber $1,887.19

Road Comm. Dan Sutton $1,572.00

Supervisor Sam Jones $1,048.00

Clerk April Shetsky $393.00

Trustee Eileen Miller $79.74

Trustee Dennis Riechert $79.74

Trustee John Flood $79.74

Trustee Merilee Anhalt $79.74

Verizon (Town Cell Phones) $158.98

ComEd $57.55

NICOR $50.59

Dam, Snell & Taveirne $600.00

Mediacom (Town phone $ Internet) $83.29

Nicor Gas 15EA01888 $250.00

Village of S.G. (15EA01900) Utility $250.00

ComEd (15GA05931 $245.00

Road & Bridge:

Dave Zimmer (Rent/Utilities) $900.00

ComEd (Street Lights) $276.99

ComEd (street lights-Shop) $73.81

Thelens Material (Gravel) $160.39

Waste Management $121.29

Nicor Gas $10.33

Cell Phone (Highway Phone) $58.00

Menards (Fox Lake) $49.77

Novotny Sales (Parts) $6.79

Avalon (Fuel) $1,956.75

Burton TWP (Reimbursement) $6,351.56


Steve Shetsky (Gross) Wages $1,242.00

Bryan Miller (Gross) Wages $440.00

Town Budget & Ordinance

·  A motion was made to accept the Town Budget in the amount of $225,728.00 by Trustee Dennis Riechert and was seconded by Trustee Eileen Miller, voice vote all ayes, motion carried.

·  A motion was made to accept the Road Budget in the amount of $374,683.00 by Trustee John Flood and was seconded by Trustee Merilee Anhalt, voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Supervisors Report

·  The Township Supervisors met to discuss the consolidation of Townships. They will not be asking the students at Northern Illinois to assist in the study, fearing they may be swayed to our side.

This issue will be ongoing for some time.

·  A big Thank you was given to Trustee Eileen Miller for attending the medication disbursement exercise.

Prevailing Wages

·  A motion to accept the McHenry County Prevailing wage was made by Trustee Eileen Miller and was seconded by Trustee John Flood, voice vote, three ayes, one naye, motion carried.

Road Commissioners Report

·  The entire Township has been mowed.

·  It has been a quiet month.

Assessors Report:

·  There were 17 phone inquiries from appraiser, realtors and homeowner’s for tax bill complaints.

There were 31 email inquiries for various properties.

There were 8 permits; none of which are not assessable, reroof, driveways, windows, etc. There were 4 sales this month.

·  On May 27th, Jessica paid a visit to a home on Johnsburg Rd. to check on a Bee Farm. It qualified for 2 Acres of farm.

·  Jessica entered and updated all sales for May and June.

·  She is still working on re-evaluation with hopes of finishing up by end of July.

·  A home on Carlton Drive has been Red Tagged. Jessica is going to reduce the building assessment to 75 % because it is not and cannot be occupied. The Owner tried to relinquish her property back to the bank but they would not take it. The County Treasure bought the property at a Tax Sale and is now taking her to court to pay for demolition. The Home owner had a stroke and is broke and helpless.

Clerks Report:

·  No report at this time.

Trustees Report:

·  No report at this time.

New Business:


Old Business:


Public Comments

Mr. Traskowski; a Burton resident, attended the meeting to ask when he can appeal his taxes.

Adjournment of Regular Meeting:

A motion was made by Trustee: Dennis Riechert to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m. it was seconded by Trustee John Flood; voice vote all ayes, motion carried.

April Shetsky

Burton Township Clerk