C.2 Traffic Control

C.2.a Traffic Management, Control and Sequencing Approach: A primary measure of the project success and maintaining public confidence in the project will be the ability to efficiently move motorists through the project limits while minimizing delays, consideration of environmentally sensitive areas and establishing a safe environment for both the traveling public and workers. The CWM Team will utilize a five-step multi-faceted approach to achieving this measure of success that addresses traffic management from project procurement to final acceptance. This approach utilizes time tested techniques in addition to innovative measures maintaining the maximum level of service possible for motorists traveling through the Express Lanes Project. The CWM Team’s approach to traffic management includes:

1.  Development of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) submitted within 120 days of NTP 1. The TMP will meet the requirements of the FHWA Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program and provide the qualifications of the traffic engineering and operations personnel. The TMP will also outline the procedures for public notification, governmental entity coordination, installation and maintenance of traffic control devices and procedures for incident management and response.

2.  Development of a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for each phase of construction. These detailed plans will be developed in accordance with the MUTCD, AASHTO’s Roadside Design Guide, GDOT Special Provision 150 – Traffic Control and the Technical Provisions. They will be submitted for each construction stage and all traffic shifts with details of all traffic control devices, striping and signage. Conceptual construction staging diagrams are included in the Supplemental Information binder accompanying this Proposal.

3.  Providing enhanced public outreach/communication by supplementing GDOT’s public outreach program. The CWM Team will establish and maintain a dedicated project website and will acquire and activate a Hazard Advisory Radio (HAR) system. This website, www.I-85 Express Lanes.com, and the HAR system would be utilized, in conjunction with GDOT’s NaviGAtor System and GDOT’s Drive Smart website, to provide access to real-time travel information and project updates. Message boards set up at the beginning of the northbound and southbound lanes will display messages directing motorist to the website and will also display the AM radio call number that can be called for current traffic information.

4.  The organization of a Project Development Group (PDG). This step actually began early in the procurement stage. This group was tasked with developing the project specific framework for the TMP and to develop efficient technical solutions for the TCP. As depicted on the conceptual construction staging diagrams, this PDG was able to develop an innovative plan to move traffic through the I-85/I-985 interchange utilizing staged construction phasing with minimal impact to traffic flow. This group will continue meeting during the design and construction phases to refine and optimize the conceptual plans and ultimately oversee implementation of the detailed plans for each phase of the TCP.

5.  Implementation of GDOT approved Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC’s) allowing limited continuous lane closures from Friday night until Sunday morning northbound and southbound, south of I-985. By utilizing these ATC’s, the CWM Team will employ accelerated construction methods that will facilitate early completion of the auxiliary lanes with no temporary traffic shifts of the general purpose lanes. Close coordination with GDOT public communications staff, along with early notification and timely updates through the enhanced communications website and HAR system, will be employed prior to these weekend operations to provide the traveling public with the information it needs to efficiently plan its travel through the worksite.

C.2.b Conceptual Construction Staging Diagrams: Conceptual Construction Staging Diagrams are included in the Supplemental Information binder accompanying this Proposal.

C.2.c Narrative Description on the Sequence of Construction: The primary objective of the TMP will be to safely move the traveling public through the Project. A second but equally important objective will be to create and implement a plan that allows for accelerated construction that will be conducive to achieving the project milestones. The TMP will satisfy these two objectives and will also address specific project challenges such as:

•  Limited continuous weekend lane closures

•  Restricted Duration and Length of Shoulder Closures

•  SRTA Lane Closure and Traffic Control Requirements for Installation, Commissioning and Testing

•  SRTA Sign Uncovering Plan

Due to the accelerated schedule, construction will occur simultaneously in all three management areas. To maintain consistent implementation of the TMP, a full-time and dedicated Traffic Control Team will be employed to ensure that implementation of traffic control plans is in accordance with standards and specifications and that traffic control devices are properly maintained. The Traffic Control Team will also be available to respond to issues as they arise.

Each management area presents unique challenges resulting in different maintenance of traffic (MOT) approaches for lane closures, shoulder closures and traffic shifts. All traffic control measures will follow the contract guidelines with shoulder closures, where allowed, limited to a maximum length of one mile for a maximum duration of 180 days. Following are general concept overviews of the traffic control and sequencing approaches with specific examples of traffic shifts and management strategy for each Area.

Area 1 – Station 2000+00 to 2170+00 Northbound and Station 1000+00 to Station 1170+00 Southbound / Express Lane Traffic Management Overview
Construction in Area 1 primarily involves widening to the outside to allow the existing inside general purpose lanes to be converted to managed lanes. It also includes the transition of the northbound managed lane from being directly adjacent to the general purpose lane to an independent lane proceeding through the I-985 intersection. The existing outside shoulder northbound and southbound will be removed, and a new 12’ travel lane to be utilized as an auxiliary lane and new 12’ shoulder will be constructed. / Stage 1 – Stations ±2001+00 to ±2078+00 northbound and Stations ±1005+00 to ±1135+00 southbound – Advance warning signs will be installed in accordance with GDOT Special Provision 150 and the latest edition of the MUTCD. Traffic will remain in its present configuration for construction of the auxiliary lanes. Accelerated construction methods with limited continuous weekend closures described in ATC CWM-002A and ATC CWM-008A will be utilized to minimize daily lane closures, maintain current lane widths and avoid temporary striping and lane shifts.
Stage 2 – Existing northbound and southbound general purpose lanes will be shifted out to the new auxiliary lanes/outside widening to accommodate installation of tolling and ITS infrastructure in the existing median barrier and to facilitate SRTA and Toll Integrator’s installation and testing of tolling equipment.
Stage 3 – Lane closures will be installed area wide in accordance with the parameters outlined in Volume 2, Section 18 for construction of the milled and inlayed final surface, Express Lane striping, general purpose lane final striping and commissioning and testing of the SRTA tolling system.
Area 2 – Station 2170+00 to Station 2190+00 Northbound & Station 1170+00 to Station 1290+00 Southbound / Express Lane Traffic Management Overview
Construction in Area 2 includes removal of the existing I-85 over I-985 bridge, construction of Bridge No. 2 to accommodate I-85 southbound and the southbound express lane over
I-985 and Bridge No 1 which is dedicated to the northbound Express Lane over I-985. Also included is inside widening of I-85 southbound to accommodate an auxiliary lane, the existing general purpose lanes and the southbound managed lane and / Stage 1 – Southbound from Station ±1186+00 to ±1265+00 – To create space for the Express Lane construction, the travel lanes will be shifted 2’ outside to accommodate temporary barrier wall on the inside shoulder. This shift results in the outside edge line being 2’ outside of the current edge line. To eliminate the uneven pavement this situation creates, the OGFC will be removed to the current edge line and replaced with 2’ of OGFC in locations where the OGFC does not have sufficient width. To facilitate the first stage of Bridge 2 construction, the existing travel lanes will be shifted outside from Station 1169+00 to 1186+00. OGFC will be installed on the outside shoulder to remove rumble strips and temporary barrier wall will be installed on the newly created inside shoulder to separate the Stage 1 bridge demolition and construction.
Area 2 – Station 2170+00 to Station 2190+00 Northbound & Station 1170+00 to Station 1290+00 Southbound / Express Lane Traffic Management Overview
buffer. Construction of the northbound managed lane is also included in this Area. / Stage 2 – Southbound from Stations 1132+00 to 1218+00 the travel lanes will be shifted inside within 2’ of the newly constructed Stage 1 of Bridge 2 to allow space for Stage 2 construction.
Stage 3 – For the entire area northbound and southbound, lane closures will be installed as needed for final surface course paving and striping for placement of lanes in their final alignment. Also, lane closures for SRTA commissioning and testing will be used and temporary traffic signage will be removed.
Area 3 – Station 2190+00 to Station 2530+00 Northbound to Station 1290+00 to Station 1531+00 Southbound / Express Lane Traffic Management Overview
Construction in Area 3 includes continuation of construction of the barrier separated Express Lanes and buffer zone between the existing northbound and southbound general purpose lanes ending at Hamilton Mill Road. / Stage 1A – Stations ±2187+50 to ±2550+00 Northbound – Advance warning signs will be installed in accordance with the GDOT Special Provision 150 and the latest edition of the MUTCD. From Stations 2187+50 to 2260+00 travel lanes will remain in their current location and temporary barrier wall will be installed as needed along the inside shoulder to provide positive separation for the buffer zone and Express Lane construction. From Stations 2260+00 to 2318+00 the existing outside buffer lane will be utilized to accommodate construction by reducing the travel lane widths to 11 LF and shifting traffic to the outside travel lane and the buffer lane creating space on the inside for temporary barrier wall placement. Solid white striping will be installed between the travel lanes to discourage lane changes through the construction zone. From Station 2318+00 to 2550+00 the travel lanes will be shifted 2’ to the outside to allow room for the Express Lane and buffer construction. The OGFC will be milled to the existing edge line and 2’ of new OGFC installed to create a smooth joint. This shift creates a 4’ area for inside placement of the barrier wall and a 1’ buffer next to the travel lane.
Stage 1B – Station 1290+00 to 1531+50 Southbound – Install advanced warning signs and obliterate existing striping and restripe to reduce the travel lanes width to 11 LF. To accommodate Express Lane and buffer zone construction from Station 1320+00 to 1531+50 shift the travel lanes 2’ outside the existing edge line to allow temporary barrier placement along the inside shoulder. To maintain a smooth joint with the outside travel lane, the OGFC will be removed to the current edge line and replaced with 2’ of OGFC in locations where the OGFC has insufficient width. From Station 1265+00 to 1320+00 shift the travel lanes 12’ outside to utilize the existing outside buffer lane to create construction space. A solid white stripe will be installed between the travel lanes to discourage lane changes through the construction zone.
Stage 2A – Northbound stage 2 requires construction on the outside for sound barrier 2-2, drainage and guardrail. The northbound lane from Station 2189+00 to 2273+60 will be reduced to 11’ lanes and shifted to the inside edge of the newly constructed buffer zone. Temporary barrier wall will be installed 1’ from the edge of the outside travel lane.
Area 3 – Station 2190+00 to Station 2530+00 Northbound to Station 1290+00 to Station 1531+00 Southbound / Express Lane Traffic Management Overview
Stage 2B – Southbound travel lanes from Station 1479+50 to 1520+50 and 1314+50 to 1358+50 will be reduced to 11’. Traffic will be shifted to the inside edge of the buffer zone with temporary barrier wall installed on the outside shoulder to create a work zone for sound barrier construction. To construct sound barrier 3-3 adjacent to the ramp and auxiliary lane from Station 1257+00 to 1276+00, traffic will be shifted to the inside to the CD lanes to accommodate temporary barrier wall installed on the outside shoulder. Temporary paving may be installed at the gore area between the ramp and auxiliary lane to accommodate the transition after the gore area.
Stage 3 – For the entire area, northbound and southbound, lane closures will be installed as needed for final surface course paving and striping for placement of lanes in their final alignment. Also lane closures for SRTA commissioning and testing will be used and temporary traffic control signage will be removed.

C.2.d Intended Laydown, Recycling, Staging, Disposal and Maintenance Locations: The CWM Team proposes to establish a laydown area in the vicinity of the SR 20 Interchange at Station 2295+00 northbound and, with GDOT’s concurrence, a staging area in the vacant rest area located adjacent to the project at Station 2132 +00 northbound. Additional staging and equipment maintenance will be performed at CWM’s satellite location on Hillcrest Road in Norcross, Georgia. Further maintenance support will be provided at CWM’s main office in Marietta.

Construction debris will be disposed of at Metro Green Recycling which is located on Pleasantdale Road in Doraville. This facility has the capability to recycle construction debris and to process soil for future use. Other permitted facilities may be used as they become available.

C.2.e Description of How the Right-of-Way and Adjacent Roads and Properties Will Be Maintained and Protected: The CWM Team will utilize the project maintenance crews to inspect the project on a routine basis to identify potential issues that may impact the traveling public and to promptly initiate action to resolve problems. The CWM Team will be proactive in keeping maintenance issues to a minimum by routinely:

•  Watering exposed areas to control dust

•  Maintaining erosion control devices

•  Inspection of traffic control devices

•  Maintaining construction entrances