/ Washington State
Medical Home Leadership Network (MHLN)

8th Annual Conference

Washington State Medical Home Leadership Network"Show Me the Medical Homes! Strategies that Work"

Friday, November 8, 2002 Doubletree Spokane City Center Hotel, Spokane, WAProgram

9:45-10:30 a.m. / Registration & Resource Tables
10:30 a.m. / Welcome and Opening Remarks
F. Curt Bennett, MD, Director, MHLN
Maria Nardella, MA, RD, C, Manager, Children with Special Health Care Needs Program, Dept. of Health
10:45 a.m. / Families and Providers as Partners in Care Coordination (view the handout from Dr. Antonelli's presentation)
Richard Antonelli, MD, Pediatrician, Nashaway Pediatrics, Sterling, Massachusetts and Chairperson, Committee on Disabilities, Massachusetts Chapter AAP
12:15 p.m. / Lunch (provided) & Resource Tables
1:15 p.m. / State Maternal and Child Health Program Support for Medical Homes: Overcoming Structural and Financial Barriers
Charles Onufer, MD, Director, Illinois Title V Program for Children With Special Health Care Needs, University of Illinois at Chicago
2:45 p.m. / Washington State Maternal and Child Health Response
Jan Fleming, MN, MCH Director, Washington State Department of Health
3:00 p.m. /
3:15 p.m. / Washington State Medical Home Activities: Moderated Round Table and Discussion
MHLN Teams and MHLN Staff
5:00 p.m. / Adjourn
5:15-7:30 p.m. / Buffet Dinner (provided) with No Host Bar


Richard C. Antonelli, MD, FAAP is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School and a Physician at Nashaway Pediatrics, UMass Memorial Community Medical Group, Sterling, MA. Dr. Antonelli has made medical homes a reality in his community-based general pediatrics practice, including strong family participation, and an emphasis on quality improvement activities. He has a particular interest in care coordination and has research projects looking at the finances and time requirements for providing care coordination. Dr. Antonelli is a member of the Project Advisory Committee, National Center for Medical Home Initiatives, and American Academy of Pediatrics and helped develop the new expanded medical home policy statement recently published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is also a member of the National Expert Panel on Primary Care Programs for Children with Special Health Care Needs and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Dr. Antonelli serves as Chairperson of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Disabilities, and as Chairperson of the Every Child Deserves a Medical Home Training Program. He is the Team Leader for the Massachusetts state team in the National Medical Home Mentorship Network to implement medical homes statewide. For more information on medical home activities in Massachusetts, see

Forrest C. (“Curt”) Bennett, MD, FAAP, is a Developmental Pediatrician and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington. Dr. Bennett has directed many demonstration, training and research projects in the areas of developmental disabilities and children with special health care needs. Since 1994, he has directed the Washington State Medical Home Leadership Network, housed at the UW's Clinical Training Unit (CTU) at the Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD). He also directs the High Risk Infant Follow-Up Clinic at CHDD. In addition, Dr. Bennett directs both the UW's Developmental Pediatrics Fellowship Program and the Pediatric Medical Student Clerkship Program and is Medical Director at Boyer Children's Clinic, a Neurodevelopmental Center in Seattle. Dr. Bennett is an established independent investigator and has public health training and experience. Dr. Bennett is the Co-Team Leader for the Washington State team in the National Medical Home Mentorship Network.

Jan Fleming, MN, is the Director of the Office of Maternal and Child Health, in the Washington State Department of Health. Prior to this role, she was the Manager of the Children with Special Health Care Needs section for 4 years and prior to that was the program's nursing consultant for 8 years. Ms. Fleming has a Master of Nursing Degree with a clinical specialty in children with special health care needs from the University of Washington. She is the parent of a child with special needs and has worked on CSHCN issues in a University Affiliated Program, in public schools, in public health, and in an early intervention program. As Manager of the CSHCN Program, Ms. Fleming was a member of the Washington state team in the National Medical Home Mentorship Network

Maria Nardella, MA, RD, CD is the Manager for the Children with Special Health Care Needs Program at the Washington Department of Health. From 1992-2001, she worked in the CSHCN Program as a Nutrition Consultant. Ms. Nardella has years of clinical experience as a nutritionist serving children with metabolic disorders, feeding problems and other special health care needs. One focus of her work in the CSHCN Program was to maintain the CSHCN Nutrition Network of community-based nutritionists throughout the state who work with children with special health care needs and a network of interdisciplinary, community-based feeding teams. Ms. Nardella is a member of the Washington State team in the National Medical Home Mentorship Network.

Charles Onufer, MD, FAAP is the Director for the Illinois Title V Program for Children With Special Health Care Needs at the University of Illinois at Chicago Division of Specialized Care for Children (UIC-DSCC). His office has developed a certification process for primary care providers to become official medical homes and receive reimbursement for some care coordination activities. Under Dr. Onufer’s direction, the office has also developed a strong medical home component for families (See CSHCN Program website for more details on the department’s activities: Information on medical home activities in Illinois can be found at:

Dr. Onufer is a developmental pediatrician with over 30 years experience in the field of pediatrics; he is also an assistant professor of pediatrics at the UIC Department of Pediatrics. He is the chairman of the State Chapter AAP Committee on Children With Disabilities and represents the Title V Program on numerous other state committees. Dr. Onufer spent nearly 27 years in the Army and retired as a Colonel in 1996. During his tenure in the military, he published multiple editions of a pediatric guide for military families on well baby/child care, was the senior Editorial Advisor for The Journal of the US Army Medical Department and spent the last nine years as the medical director for the Army’s Children With Special Health Care Needs Program in Europe and also as pediatric consultant to the Surgeon General. He did an infectious disease fellowship in Bangkok, Thailand with SEATO Research Lab and a developmental pediatric fellowship at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Order of Military Medical Merit, the Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces and Society of Developmental Disabilities. In 2002 he was selected as the Albert Pisani, M.D. Pediatrician of the Year by the Illinois Chapter of the AAP Executive Committee. Dr. Onufer is a member of the Illinois State team in the National Medical Home Mentorship Network.

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Medical Home Leadership Network
Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195-7920