The 8th meeting of the eighth Senate of the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University was called to order at 5:01 PM on October 27, 2009 with the Speaker of the Senate in the chair.

There were 19 of 30 senators present.

Kevin Smiley edited the minutes

The minutes were read and approved.

President – Kevin Smiley

-Board of regents on Friday, contentious issues 1. Courts, westerns move to purchase the cottages against Kevin’s votes. It was not recommended by the committee, will vote against it again. 2. Dr. Caylor and Dr. Selig are getting a raise, if anyone has any thoughts or wants to see their contracts let him know.

-Excited about “dinner with Decision Makers” invite state legislators to come December 8th at 4:30 in the Kentucky Building.

-Green Teams next Tuesday at 7pm. Grass roots, let’s go out and change things.

-Process and questions of smoking ban- they’re going to appoint someone from staff to work with Kevin to create a survey

-Meet with Dr. Ransdell's for Western’s Pride and other ideas

-Homecoming is next week, hosting a tent that day with food, come on out FREE FOOD

-Open senate spots if you know someone who is interested let him know to meet with him.

Executive Vice President – Kendrick Bryan (given by Speaker Pierce)

-working to get winter term hours limit lifted

-Aaron Pawley will pass around the Halloween party sheet, please sign up to bring an item to the event, exec is covering drinks.

Administrative Vice President – Justin Thurman

-Last Thursday the undergraduate curriculum met.

-OrgAid bill up for first read tonight

-new operating budget will be posted after the meeting

-Wilson family endowment fund

Speaker of the Senate – Wade Pierce

-No report

Staff Reports

Chief of Staff: Eric Smiley

-Western Pride is underway, either mail or physically pass them out.

-Meeting with President Ransdell to get his input

Director of Public Relations: Angelika Masero (given by Eric smiley)

-Finished OrgAid poster

-Met with Austin

Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Aaron Pawley

-2009 fall hall of distinguished seniors has been completed in its rough form

-simplified this year so they can do it online

-look at an essay for them to write

-Come to green teams next Tuesday at 7pm

Director of Information Technology: Sarah Howell

-Friday was the first meeting technology advisory committee

Committee Reports


Academic Affairs: Dave Vickery

-tonight’s meeting right after senate

-have a visitor that was not able to come in, want him to come in the next week or two to talk about study abroad scholarship

-next week he won’t be here

Campus Improvements: Kaylee Egerer

-Short meeting after

-If you have any ideas for Campus Improvements, let me know

Legislative Research Committee: Eileen Forsythe

-meeting Thursday at 5

PR Austin Wingate

-Thursday’s meeting- homecoming events.

-Costs 194 for student insurance- looking for a better payment plan

-PR for blue books and scantrons

-Promotional giveaway

-Thursday at 630

There was a point of information by Dave Vickery ordering more scantrons and blue books and expand to the rest of campus. Thinking about making an annual program. STABS ?? Needs work.

There was a point of information by Austin Wingate- which one sells better

There was a point of information by Dave Vickery- my opinion is that scantrons are more widely used and we will buy more scantrons than blue books.

Student Affairs: Currie Martin

-Meeting was going to be at 7, instead it will be right after senate down in the SGA office

Special Orders

Skylar Jordan came before the Student Senate. He submitted his resignation.

Justin Thurman comes with a request for the proxys for the organizational aid. Needs at least five to serve, if interested please see him after the meeting.

Bianca Brown- spoke about the reason and issues that Skylar had to resign for.

University Committee Reports

Kevin Smiley- The board of regents Friday from 9-3p

Parking and Transportation

WKU debit card (Marketing meetings)

Commencement Appeal

Judicial Council Report

Stuart Kendress -Made four decisions

Office hours

2 regarding the resignation of the senators

Decision on attendance

Any complaints about technology on campus, come to him

Presidential appointments

For Approval 11/3/2009

Allan Huntsman - Student Senator

Nicholas Hummer – Student Senator

Jonathon Tabor – Student Senator

For Approval 10/26/2009

Scotty Davis

Dave Vickery- What do you do in Sigma Nu

Scott Davis- Everything we do is community service wise, handles everything they do with paying fees and getting organized.

The vote passed unanimously.

New Business

Bill 09-09-F


Skylar- See Bianca after the meeting, anyone who needs English tutoring let him know

Kevin- President Ransdell will be at the meeting next week BE ON TIME

Currie- Do not leave early, and dress nice

Justin Thurman- More bodies for OrgAid tonight

Dave Vickery- Meeting after Senate

The meeting adjourned at 5:42 pm

Ann-Blair Thornton, Secretary of the Senate

Student Government Association

Western Kentucky University