Colby School District


The School District of Colby has a special education screening program to locate and identify all children suspected of having a disability who are residents of the district and who have not graduated from high school. Referrals may be made by any individual who has a reasonable cause to believe that a need exists. In addition, the District also has a Child Study Team at each building level to help problem-solve and offer interventions to teachers and parents who believe that a student is experiencing academic, emotional or behavioral difficulties. It is often beneficial for the team to meet prior to a referral; however, the district may not refuse a request for referral. The District publishes a Notice of Child Find Activities annually in the District’s Newsletter which is sent to all community members.

When a parent, teacher, physician or other interested party makes a referral to the district, the parent of the child who is being referred must first be notified of the intent to refer for a special education evaluation. A request for an evaluation may be made by contacting the District’s director of special education. A written referral must include the name of the child, and the reasons why the person making the referral believes that the child is a child with a disability. Specific Wisconsin state criteria will be adhered to in determining eligibility for special education and related services in accordance with PI 11.35.

Once a referral is received, it is the responsibility of the school psychologist’s office to contact the parent and discuss the referral. The school psychologist’s office will also establish an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Team for the student in accordance with Chapter 115.78. The IEP Team will minimally consist of:

1. The child’s parent(s)

2. At least one of the child’s regular education teachers if the child is scheduled in an undifferentiated learning environment.

3. At least one special education teacher who has extensive and recent training and experience related to the child’s known or suspected area of disability.

4. A representative of The District who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education, is knowledgeable about the general curriculum and is knowledgeable about and authorized to commit the available resources of the District.

5. An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results.

6. An individual responsible for providing intensive intervention along with an individual qualified to observe and document fidelity of the intervention IF the student has been referred for a suspected specific learning disability.

7. At the discretion of the parent or the District, other individuals who may have knowledge or special expertise about the child, including related service personnel.

8. And, whenever appropriate, the child.

The IEP team’s duties include:

1. Gathering and analyzing appropriate student data and conducting an appropriate evaluation to determine the child’s eligibility (or continuing eligibility) for special education and related services, and the child’s educational needs.

2. Developing an individualized educational program (IEP) for the child, and

3. Determining the child’s placement in the least restrictive environment.

The District will provide a notice of placement to the parents within 90 calendar days from the receipt of referral or the initiation of a re-evaluation.

Procedural safeguards and due process rights will be afforded to the parent(s) in their native language throughout the IEP Team process. For students identified as having special education needs the parents will receive procedural safeguards and due process rights annually.