Project Name: ______

Project Address: ______

Building Permit No:______

BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: The engineer or architect of record acting as the owner’s agent shall complete two (2) copies of this agreement and the attached structural tests and inspections schedule including the required acknowledgments. A preconstruction meeting with Taylorsville City, the testing agency, their inspectors, and the contractor may be required to review the special inspection requirements and procedures before the permit will be issued.

APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Special inspection and testing agencies shall provide qualifications of field inspectors for review and approval. Each special inspector shall be approved by the building department prior to issuing permit. Each special inspector shall display approved identification, as stipulated by the building department, when performing the function of a special inspector.

Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements of I.B.C. Chapter 17. The following conditions are also applicable:

A.Duties and responsibilities of the Special Inspector

  1. Observe work: The special inspector shall observe the work for conformance with the building department approved, stamped plans and specification and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. Architect/engineer-reviewed shop drawings and/or placing drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection. Special inspections are to be performed on a continuous basis, meaning that the special inspector is on site observing all work requiring special inspection. Periodic inspection, if any, must have prior approval by the building department based on a separate written plan review and approved by the building department and the project engineer or architect.
  1. Report nonconforming items: The special inspector shall bring nonconforming items to the immediate attention of the contractor and note all such items in the daily report. If any item is not resolved in a timely manner or is about to be incorporated in the work, the special inspector shall notify the building department by telephone or in person, notify the engineer or architect, and post a discrepancy notice.
  1. Furnish daily reports: Each special inspector shall complete the daily report form for each day’s inspections. A written report will need to remain at the job site with the contractor for review by the building department’s inspector. The building departments inspector will not perform an inspection without the special inspection report on site.
  1. Furnish weekly reports: The special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish weekly reports of tests and inspection directly to the building department, project engineer or architect, and others as designated. The reports will be provided to the building department no later than one week after an inspection. These reports must include the following:
  2. Description of daily inspections and tests made with applicable location
  3. Listing of all nonconforming items
  4. Report on how nonconforming items were resolved or unresolved as applicable
  5. Itemized changes authorized by the architect, engineer and building department if not included in nonconforming items

5.Furnish final report: The special inspector or inspection agency shall submit a final, signed report to the building department stating that all items requiring special inspection and testing were fulfilled and reported and is, to the best of his/her knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans, specification, approved change orders and the applicable provisions of the I.B.C. Items not in conformance, unresolved items or any discrepancies in inspection coverage (i.e., missed inspection, periodic inspections when continuous was required, etc.) shall be specifically itemized in this report.

B.Contractor Responsibilities

  1. Notify the special inspector: The contractor is responsible for the notifying the special inspector or agency regarding individual inspections for items listed on the attached schedule and as noted on the building department approved plan. Adequate notice shall be provided so that the special inspector has time to become familiar with the project.
  1. Provide access to approved plans: The contractor is responsible for providing the special inspector access to approved plans on the job site.
  1. Retain special inspection records: The contractor is also responsible for retaining at the job site all special inspection records submitted by the special inspector, and providing these records for review by the building department’s inspector upon request.
  1. City inspections: A special inspection does not waive the requirement for inspection by a City inspector. Contractor is responsible for scheduling City inspections to be done after completion of special inspection prior to covering work.

C.Owner’s Responsibilities:

  1. Employment of special inspector: The owner shall employ the special inspector.
  1. Employment of engineer or architect: The owner shall employ the engineer or architect responsible for the structural design or his designated engineer or architect to make visits to the job site to observe general compliance with the approved structural plans, specifications, and change orders. The engineer or architect shall submit a statement in writing to the building official stating the job site visits have been made and that any deficiencies noted have been corrected. This shall not be construed to be a special inspection.

D.Building Department Responsibilities

  1. Approve special inspectors and requirements: The building department shall approve all special inspectors and special inspection requirements.
  1. Monitor special inspection: Work requiring special inspection and the performance of special inspectors shall be monitored by the building department’s inspector. His/her approval must be obtained prior to placement of concrete or other similar activities in addition to that of the special inspector.
  1. Issue Certificate of Occupancy: The building department will issue a Certificate of Occupancy when all other City requirements have been met and after all special inspection reports and the final report have been submitted and accepted.

E.Discrepancy Notices:

  1. A discrepancy notice is given by the building inspector to the special inspector when the special inspector approves items not in conformance with the approved plan, specification, or provisions of the building code.
  1. A special inspector who received two (2) discrepancy notices by the building department shall be immediately replaced with another approved special inspector. If two more discrepancies are identified by the City inspector, the agency that employs these inspectors will be removed from the project and replaced with another agency specified by the owner and approved by the building official.

F.Areas of Special Inspection:

Please have the engineer of record check what special inspections will be required for this project.

Special Inspection of Fabricated Items - IBC 1705.1
Structural Steel - IBC 1705.2.1
Cold-Formed Steel Deck - IBC 1705.2.2
Open Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders - IBC 1705.2.3 and Table 1705.3
Table 1705.2.3 - End Connections, Welded or Bolted
Table 1705.2.3 - Bridging, Horizontal or Diagonal
Cold Formed Steel Trusses Spanning 60 feet or greater -IBC 1705.2.4
Concrete Construction- IBC 1705.3 and table 1705.3
Table 1705.3 - 1, Reinforcing steel and pre-stressing steel
Table 1705.3 - 2, Reinforcing Bar Welding
Table 1705.3 - 3, Anchors Cast in Concrete
Table 1705.3 - 4, Anchors Post-Installed in Hardened Concrete
Table 1705.3 - 5, use of design mix
Table 1705.3 -6, fabricate specimens for testing strength, slump, air content and temperature
Table 1705.3- 7, Concrete and Shotcrete placement and application
Table 1705.3 - 8, Maintenance of Specified Curing Temperature and Techniques
Table 1705.3 - 9, Inspection Pre-Stressed Concrete
Table 1705.3 - 10, Erection of Pre-Cast Concrete Members
Table 1705.3 - 11, In-Situ Test of Concrete Strength, Prior to Tensioning or Removal of Forms
Table 1705.3 - 12, Formwork for shape, location, and dimensions
High load diaphragms - IBC 1705.5.1
Metal plate wood connectors for trusses spanning 60 feet or more - IBC 1705.5.2
Masonry Construction - IBC 1705.4
Soils investigation - IBC 1705.6
Table 1705.6 - 1, materials below shallow foundations are adequate for bearing capacity
Table 1705.6 - 2, excavations extend to proper depth and have reached proper material
Table 1705.6 - 3, classification and testing of compacted fill materials
Table 1705.6 - 4, use of proper materials, densities and lift thickness during placement of fill
Table 1705.6 - 5, inspect subgrade and verify the site has been prepared properly
Driven Deep Foundations - IBC 1705.7 and table 1705.7
Table 1705.7 - 1, element materials, sizes and lengths comply with requirements
Table 1705.7 - 2, Determine capacities of test elements and conduct additional load tests
Table 1705.7 - 3, Inspect driving operations and maintain complete and accurate records
Table 1705.7 - 4, Verify placement location, plumb-ness, size and type of hammer………….
Table 1705.7 - 5, additional special inspection for steel elements in accordance with 1705.2
Table 1705.7 - 6, perform tests and inspections for concrete elements in accordance with 1705.3
Table 1705.7 - 7, additional inspections for specialty elements as determined by the design professional…
Cast-in-place Foundations - IBC 1705.8 and table 1705.8
Table 1705.8 - 1, drilling and maintain complete and accurate records for each element
Table 1705.8 - 2, verify placement locations, plumb-ness, confirm element diameters, lengths………
Table 1705.8 - 3, tests and additional special inspections for concrete in accordance with section 1705.3
Helical Pile Foundations - IBC 1705.9
Fabricated Items - IBC 1705.10
Wind Resistance for structural wood- IBC 1705.11.1
Wind Resistance for cold formed steel light frame construction - IBC 1705.11.2
Wind Resistance for wind resisting components - IBC 1705.11.3
Seismic Resistance for structural steel- IBC 1705.12.1
Seismic Resistance for structural wood - IBC 1705.12.2
Seismic Resistance for cold formed steel light-frame construction - IBC 1705.12.3
Seismic Resistance for Designated seismic systems - IBC 1705.12.4
Seismic Resistance for architectural components- IBC 1705.12.5
Spray Applied Fire-proofing - IBC 1705.14
Mastic and Intumescent Fire Resistance Coatings - IBC 1705.15
Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (E.I.F.S.) IBC - 1704.16
Water Restive Barrier Coating - IBC 1705.16.1
Fire-resistant Joint Systems - IBC 1705.17
Testing for Smoke Control - IBC 1705.18


Must have original signatures all on this sheet

I have read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement:

Owner: / Date:
Contractor: / Date:
Project Engineer: / Date:
Architect: / Date:
Special Inspection & Testing Agency: / Date:
Special Inspectors: / Date:

*Attach copies of special inspectors’ approved identification (certificate or license)

Accepted for the Building Department by: ______Date: ______