
The annual summit of African nations is tomorrow. Now that you have gathered information, it is time to publish your report. As a diplomat, you should discuss the current economic, political, and social situation of both your country and Africa as a whole. Then make a set of recommendations that the summit can address in order to “Repair the Future of Africa.”


  1. Write a Briefing. (length = 1 pg., 3 paragraphs)
  2. Interpret Fact Chart.
  3. The first part of your briefing should discuss the meaning of the country’s facts (from fact chart).
  4. This should answer the question: “What does this country’s culture look like?” (cultural universals may be useful) or “How does my country’s situation compare to other African nations?”
  5. Each time you use a fact from a note card, you should use a parenthetical citation.
  1. Summarize Current Situation in Africa.
  2. The second part of your briefing should summarize the current situation in your country and Africa as a whole.
  3. This can best be achieved by using the note cards from your current event article.
  4. Each time you use a fact from a note card, you should use a parenthetical citation.
  1. Develop Recommendation.
  2. The third part of your briefing should recommend steps that your country and Africa should take to “Repair the Future of Africa.”
  3. This can best be achieved by identifying the 3 most important problems facing Africa as a whole and your individual country
  4. Then recommend what should be done to address these problems.
  1. Create a Works Cited Page.
  2. On a separate page, list the source information of every source used, according to the directions below.

Grading Checklist:

  1. Essay (completeness, accuracy, following directions, grammar)_____ / 10 pts
  2. Parenthetical Citations & Accuracy_____ / 10 pts
  3. Works Cited page & Accuracy_____ / 10 pts

Qz Grade: ______/ 30


  1. Parenthetical Citation
  2. The first step to citing sources appears in the written text of your essay and is placed within parentheses, “( )”. You must cite every piece of information you borrow from another author whether using their exact words or not. Without parenthetical citations for every piece of borrowed information, your essay is plagiarized.
  3. When you write information from a note card it is easy to make parenthetical citations:
  4. Parenthetical citations are placed at the end of the sentence.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the note card is a number that tells you which source card to use. Find the source card with the same number.
  6. In parentheses “( ),” put the information that comes first on the source card (in MLA format) (usually the author’s last name).
  7. Then follow this with the page number that appears in the lower-right corner of the note card.
  1. Works Cited
  2. The second step of citing sources appears on a separate page at the end of your essay. This form of citing sources is called the works cited page.
  3. Format:
  4. Start the works cited page on a new page at the end of your essay.
  5. Center the title of the page: Works Cited
  6. Begin each entry flush with the left margin. If the entry runs more than one line, indent all following lines five spaces from the left margin.
  7. List the source information from each source card used alphabetically.
  8. Each entry should appear exactly as it does on the source card.
  9. Double space the entire list