Sunday School Lesson No. I – March 3, 2013

Presented by Rev. Frank Davis, III Pastor-Teacher

Lesson Text: Daniel 7:1-14 (Focus Verses 9-14)

Required Reading: Daniel 7:1-14

Motto Text: Daniel 7:14, “And there was given him

dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that

all people, nations, and languages, should

serve him: his dominion is an everlasting

dominion, which shall not pass away, and

his kingdom that which shall not be


Revelation 11:15b, “The kingdoms of this

world are become the kingdoms of our

Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign

for ever and ever.”

Reliable Resources: Precepts for Living (UMI); Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Libronix Electronic Library; The Handwriting on the Wall (volumes 1-3) by Dr. David Jeremiah; Tim Lahaye Prophecy Study Bible (AMG); Word Search 10 Electronic Library; Dispensational Truths by Dr. Clarence Larkins


We turn to the Spring Quarter, which focuses on the great themes of scripture, including prophecy, resurrection power, and present day responsibility of Holy living. To begin, we’ll visit the prophetic teachings of Daniel. With that said, I want us to glean some great nuggets of apocalyptic truth as I enjoin the thoughts of Jesus’ Model Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-10. When we finish this quarter, I want us to fully realize above all things that “God has the Last Word both Now and Forever.”

Now note this introductory annotation on Daniel from the Tim Lahaye Prophecy Study Bible, page 894: “The book of Daniel is one of the most significant prophecy books in the Old Testament. Taken into captivity as a fifteen-year-old youth, Daniel distinguished himself in wisdom, administration, and spiritual leadership. When all the wise men, soothsayers, and false prophets of Babylon–the cradle of world idolatry–could not recall or interpret the king’s dream, Daniel, the servant of God revealed the meaning of the dream in one of the most fascinating prophecies in the Old Testament. The interpretation of the dream foretold God’s dealing with both the children of Israel and the years of the so-called “times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24). (Read Daniel 2:19-49)

A proper understanding of Daniel assists in a proper interpretation of the book of Revelation, for many of the same symbols and parallel prophecies are used in both books. The image vision God gave to King Nebuchadnezzar is probably the seminal prophecy of the “times of the Gentiles.” This prophecy details world events from Daniel’s day (605 B.C.) until the kingdom of Antichrist is displaced at the second coming of Christ.

One of the distinguishing features of this book is the diverse views of government presented by God and man. The kingdom of Babylon (chap. 2), is pictured by many people to be representative of the best in human government–an image of stability, law, and order. However, God’s view of government, seen through Daniel (7–12), reveals human history and empires as a series of rapacious beasts. Historically, God’s view has been the most accurate, for history reveals that nothing has been more destructive of human beings than government.

Daniel does not mention the Church Age, but does allude to the “one week” (seven years) yet to come, called elsewhere the “Tribulation” (Dan. 9:27) or the “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:7), ending with the second coming of Christ and “the end of this world” (Matt. 13:40).” Anticipated Power Points:

·  The Setting Shown. Daniel 7:1-8

·  The Sovereign Seated. Daniel 7:9-10

·  The Sinister Slain. Daniel 7:11-12

·  The Son of Man Served. Daniel 7:13-14


I. The Setting Shown. Daniel 7:1-8

From the beginning God created and is the Sovereign Owner and Authority of the universe. From the opening words of scripture, there has been no doubt…“In the beginning God…” The scripture declares in Psalm 24:1 and Job 41:11 that everything belongs to the Lord. God raised a people called Israel to reveal Himself intimately to the world and declare His Sovereign rule. But the Israelites played the harlot and committed spiritual adultery with the devil and this world’s systems. Therefore, God gave Israel over to the rule of the Gentiles and they have become the tail and not the head of the nations, as God designed. (Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14 to note God’s demise upon Israel if they were disobedient.)

Now, while in Babylonian captivity, God enlightened the prophet Daniel to see and understand what is called “The Times of the Gentiles.” (Read Luke 21:24. For further explanation, also read the article in Tim Lahaye’s Prophetic Study Bible on “The Times of the Gentiles” by David W. Breese, page 1121). Now in prophetic vision we note the setting shown to Daniel of the coming Gentile Kingdoms:

A. Daniel saw God’s view of human rule. vss. 1-3

1. A Great Sea by which he stood. (Undoubtedly the Mediterranean Sea)

2. The four great winds of the earth blowing upon the sea.

3. Four great rapacious beasts rising from the sea!

B. Daniel’s beasts described as fearsome. vss. 4-7

1. Like a lion with eagle’s wings. vs. 4

2. Like a bear devouring. vs. 5

3. Like a leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads. vs. 6

4. Like no animal known, but it had 10 horns and unbelievable strength and destruction. vs. 7

C. Daniel’s manlike beast that is deadly. vs. 8

(All these creatures are well explained in chapter 8 which we shall study in 2 weeks.)

II. The Sovereign Seated. Daniel 7:9-10

As Daniel saw the rise of the Gentile Kingdom described as a rapacious beast, he now saw the Sovereign Lord called the “Ancient of Days” appear in majesty and take the sovereign seat of justice as seen in His throne! He is God the Father Ancient of Days, which means “the elderly One,” “the One who has been around for ever,” and “the One who never had a beginning,” according to Dr. David Jeremiah. Dr. Jeremiah also describes Him in: “His Eternity…He is the Source of time. vs. 9a. His Purity...‘White as snow,’ clothes and hair. vs. 9b. His Majesty…‘seated on a throne.’ vs. 9c. His Authority…‘Judgment, depicting His presence.’ vs. 10. His Deity…‘Angelic bodies before Him, bowing down and worshipping Him.’”

Truly He is the Sovereign Seated Lord!

III. The Sinister Slain. Daniel 7:11-12 (Read Revelation 13)

By sinister here I reference to the little horn of vs. 11 who has the proud mouth and very pernicious ways. He is the “Antichrist” who will rise from the rebirth of the 4th beast in Daniel’s vision. He is still yet future as of this writing. He will be put down in Hell by the Ancient of Days and His Son in the future. (Read Revelation 19:19-20)

IV. The Son of Man Served. Daniel 7:13-14

This is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ, who was promised the Kingdom. (Read Philippians 2:9-11). Daniel sees Him ascend to the Promised throne and be seated, receiving all glory! (Read Revelation 5:5-14). Jesus, while on earth, used the term “Son of Man,” to describe Himself. It veiled His identity to those who refused Him, but it blessed those who trusted Him as Messiah!


Beloved, one day very soon, the King (Jesus) is coming, and with Him the Kingdom! Dr. F. Stagg states, “Nowhere does the New Testament speak of our building the Kingdom. The Kingdom is God’s rule, and we do not establish it. It is our pact to receive it and proclaim it.” THY KINGDOM COME!

Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA & Little Bethel Baptist Church, Amite, LA

Mailing Address: Post Office Box 19768, New Orleans, LA 70179

Phone: (504) 486-7876 Website: www.thestudyhour.com

Radio Broadcasts: WLNO AM 1060, Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 5:30 a.m.

WABL AM 1570 (Hammond-Amite area) Sunday 7:00 a.m.

WHNO TV-Channel 20, Sunday, 6:30 a.m. (Same Time and Channel as before)

LOOKING AHEAD: March 10, 2013 Daniel 9:4b-14

Pastor Davis invites you to hear him teach the Sunday School lesson at Bibleway on Wednesday at noon.

Please visit our website, www.thestudyhour.com to see and hear Pastor teaching the lesson via Video.