LIVEs Monthly Field Activities Update
Month: / December 2013
Location: / SNNPRS
Regional staff/ Zonal staff: / Yoseph Mekasha
Birhanu Biazin
Tesfaye Shewage
Tesfaye Dubale
Tadiwos Zewudie
Partners: / · Gamogofa-Woreda focal persons and irrigation process coordinators [Bonke, Mirababaya and Arbaminchzuria] (6 males)
· Gamogofa zonal Office work opportunity development work process
· Gamogofa-Mirab Abaya district office of marketing and cooperatives
· Sidama zonal BoA, Livestock Process Owner & LIVES focal person (2 males)
· Sidama zone-Learning districts [Arbegona, Bonazuria and Bensa districts] focal persons and irrigation process coordinators [4 males]
· SNV Ethiopia, EDGET Project
· Sidama zone-3-learning districts top leadership [33 males & 1 female]
Activities on Capacity Development / Further Actions required (by Regional, Zonal, HQ staff, partners, farmers)
1) A 2-days long TOT had been organized for development agents and SMS staff drawn from BoA of the 3-clusterd districts of Sidama zone on physiology of oestrus and reproductive management of dairy herd. The training also included topics on technology adoption & community mobilization and body condition scoring. The total number of participants of the training is 19. The trainees other than SMS staff are drawn from 3 kebeles of the respective districts centering the crush where the current OSMAI has been conducted. The objective of the program was to develop the capacity of the staff (BoA) and thereby enable them to contribute to make OSMAI program effective. As explained in the previous report, capacity gaps of BoA staff was found to be the major challenge for low performance of OSMAI program implemented in the previous year. After training development agents are expected to train farmers in their respective kebeles. Similarly, SMS staff are expected to coach development agents at grass root level (kebele). / · Coaching and mentoring trainees to enable them make knowledge based contribution for genetic improvement of dairy herd
2) A day long training was conducted for development agents and LIVES focal persons (livestock extension process coordinators) drawn from the 3-clustered districts from Sidama zone on proper data collection related to livestock production in general and the ongoing OSMAI program in particular. The number of participants of the training was 12. This was a follow up training conducted immediate after the previous training delivered to SMS and DAs. Participants of this training had also attended the preceding training to have a better understanding on physiology of oestrus and reproductive management. / · Coaching and mentoring of trained development agents on proper and sustainable data recording
3) It is to be recalled that AI technicians and veterinarians drawn from Sidama zone (3-districts) received refreshment training in the previous month. Coaching of these staff was done in this month to ensure implementation of the designed action plans of OSMAI program in the zone. The number of staff coached was 8 (5 AI technicians and 3 veterinarians) / · Coaching and mentoring of AI technicians and veterinarians on implementation of effective oestrus synchronization and mass AI program
4) Coaching and mentoring of development agents and SMS staff who participated in the trainings conducted on implementation of effective OSMAI program. The number of staff coached was 19.
5) Coaching and capacitating of the households with whom demonstration of farmer-based Avocado nursery management was done. The LIVES project in collaboration with the district extension agents has showed soil preparation (sand, forest soil/ compost and local soil) and planting of Avocado seeds in polythene tubes. Hence, two households (one at Bona zuria and the other at Bensa districts) were supplied with polythene tubes. / ·
6) Coaching & mentoring district level technical committee members (Arbegona=10, Bonazuria=8 and Bensa=8) participated in a day long consultative meetings held in the respective districts earlier (please refer November 2013 report) towards making the OSMAI program effective. / · Continue with coaching and mentoring of the committee members on awareness creation
7) Concept note was developed to conduct the assessment of capacity development needs on Livestock commodities value chain development at Sidama and Gamogofa zones of SNNPRS. Based on the concept note, data collection tools (questionnaires, FGD and key informants interview checklist) were also developed and ready to implement. / · Undertake capacity gap identification in Gamogofa and Sidama zones
8) Identification of resource persons for coaching and mentoring AI technicians and Veterinarians during the implementation of OSMAI program held in 3-clustered districts of Sidama zone / ·
Knowledge management / · Further Actions required (by Regional, Zonal, HQ staff, partners, farmers)
1) A farmers’ field day was jointly organized by District BOA and LIVES project at Dembileotora Kebele of Bonke district where the LIVES project is operating. The objective of the field day was to demonstrate seed bed preparation, seeds sowing and appropriate cultural practices to be followed to ensure better quality vegetables production. The field day was attended by farmers, Kebele administrators, staff from the offices of agriculture and marketing and cooperatives. The plots (nursery) visited belongs to Ato Gumayde Gossaye, a farmer who has raised various vegetables seedlings. Ato Gumayde raised seedlings of tomato, onion and beetroot on 1, 4 and 2 seed beds, respectively. During the visit farmers and other visitors learnt that the seed beds were well managed and hence free of weed, properly irrigated, shaded and the seedlings were vigorous. At the end of the discussion visitors have expressed their satisfaction on the field day. Although irrigated-vegetable production is new to the area, farmers who attended the visits showed their strong interest to be engaged in vegetable production in the future. The contribution of LIVES was introduction of vegetable seeds to the area, demonstration and coaching of the farmer and extension staff on improved vegetable seeds production techniques. / · Organizing another field day when the vegetables are flowering and harvesting.
· Identify, demonstrate and coach those households who will be interested to engage in vegetables production in the future in the same district.
2) Knowledge centers at Gamogofa Zone: Based on the plan of installing of internet lines and equipment’s at four knowledge centers in Gamogoffa zone project areas in January, discussions were held with the respective offices. Two of the knowledge centers (one in Bonke and the other in A/minch zuria districts) are all ready for installation. The newly constructed knowledge center at Mirab Abaya district is at its final stage and left with only installation of the electric system. As the zonal office of agriculture will transfer soon to the newly constructed building, they have already assigned one of the rooms for the knowledge center. / · Furnishing of the rooms, internet installation and availing relevant documents in hard copies, soft copies, etc.
3) Knowledge Centers at Sidama Zone: The knowledge centers of all the three districts are ready for installation. The knowledge center managers have been communicated to make them ready for the installation of the centers with internet and other equipment by the LIVES project. / · Furnishing of the rooms, internet installation and availing relevant documents in hard and soft copies, etc.
4) Coaching and mentoring of those staffs that are using e-readers at the Gamogofa zone was undertaken. The zonal LIVES coordinator has tried to assist the users of the e-readers on the proper utilization of the equipment. / · Continue coaching and mentoring of the e-reader users.
Activities on Promotion / Further Actions required (by Regional, Zonal, HQ staff, partners, farmers)
1) The regional LIVES irrigation expert attended a consultative workshop entitled on ‘the evaluation of watershed management interventions in the SNNPRS’ that was organized on December 14, 2013. The workshop has been organized by the Natural Resources Research Directorate of Southern Agricultural Research Institute. The project aims to evaluate the impacts of the recent government-initiated watershed development interventions in selected zones of the SNNPRS, identify challenges and recommend future directions to be followed in SNNPRS and beyond. Although Gamogofa zone is important to study the effects of upstream watershed management interventions on downstream irrigation schemes, it was not included in the list of study zones by the project. Hence, the LIVES regional irrigation expert suggested about the possibility of including the Gamogofa zone in the study zones and examines the importance of studying the current government-initiated watershed development on downstream irrigation schemes. The issue of examining the effects of upstream watershed management interventions on downstream irrigation uses has been accepted and incorporated in the project. However, the issue of including the Gamogofa zone is just to be further discussed with the regional Bureau of agriculture.
2) A case story has been written about the farmer-based apple nursery management efforts to be posted on the LIVES webpage.
Activities on Value Chain Development / Further Actions required (by Regional, Zonal, HQ staff, partners, farmers)
Facilitation of livestock and irrigated agriculture commodities value chain development in the region, and LIVES operating zones and districts
· Introduction and demonstration of pineapple to Bensa district in Sidama zone has been undertaken. This was made following identification of potential PAs based on agro-ecological suitability. Given that pineapple requires a red soil with sufficient content of iron and a pH of less than 6.5, soil testing was made from potential kebeles. Accordingly, the soils of some villages at Osole Kebele were found more appropriate with a pH of about 5.5. The average altitude of the demonstration site is about 1700 masl. Hence, introduction has been started already with one household. Accordingly, 600 suckers (300 are Spanish red and the other 300 are smooth cayene) were bought from Aleta Chiko Kebele where there are sucker producers and marketing groups who are being supported by the Awassa Agricultural Research center (AARC). The purchase and planting of the plantlets was made in collaboration with pineapple researchers at the AARC. Introduction and demonstration of pineapple production will continue with other households at the same Kebele and elsewhere that are suitable for pineapple. / · Including more households for introduction and demonstration of appropriate pineapple production techniques.
· Those households who have attended an experience-sharing visit on apple nursery management and production at Chencha area of Gamogofa zone (see report of November, 2013) have already started the establishments of apple nurseries (one household at Bona zuria and the other two at Arbegona district). Although they have seen both layering and stooling techniques of multiplying rootstocks, they have started with the layering technique with 20-30 plantlets. They are being coached by a resource person from Hula World Vision center and extension staffs from the offices of agriculture in the respective districts. / · Continue coaching and mentoring of the households and the focal persons.
· Training of three extension staff members at Chencha on apple nursery management and production
· Demonstration of improved vegetable nursery management and production techniques is being undertaken with selected households at Gamogofa zone. Vegetable seeds (tomato, onion, cabbage and beetroot) were distributed to four women households at Kola Shara Kebele of A/Minch zuria district and six households and one producers association at Dembileotora Kebele of Bonke district. Through the closer assistance and coaching by the project and extension agents, seed beds were prepared properly and seeds were sown to the required density and depth. The households were told about the proper techniques of soil preparation, shading, watering, etc. / · Continue coaching and mentoring of the households and the focal persons.
· Introduction and demonstration of popcorn seed production using irrigation is started based on identification of potential Kebeles at Arba Minch and Mirab Abaya districts [Gamogofa zone]. Although many farmers have explained their interests to engage in the production of popcorn, they are afraid of the potential damages by birds if they grow during the months of December - February. So far, three households and one FTC are identified from Omolante kebele of Mirab Abaya district. Upon discussions with the extension agents, these households have prepared plots of 0.125ha each (0.5 ha in total) and to sow 12.5 kg of seed. More households will be engaged in the demonstration of popcorn seed production. / · Coaching of the households on the proper agronomic management of popcorn.
· Based on the agreements with farmers at Kola Shara kebele of Arbaminch zuria district at Gamogofa to demonstrate an improved mango harvesting technique using new harvesting tool (see November, 2013 report), seven tools were multiplied. Hence, these tools will be used to train a group of farmers at Kola Shara Kebele. / · Training of the households at Kola-Shara on improved Mango harvesting using the harvesting tool.
· Demonstration of the same tool for improved Avocado harvesting at Bensa and Bona districts of Sidama.
· Meetings and discussions were held with Mango and Avocado fruits retailers, smaller juice shops and big Hotels at Hawassa town for possible linkages with the primary cooperatives in Gamogofa. The average amount of Mango consumed by the bigger hotels/cafeterias at Hawassa (Haile Resort, Lewi Hotels and resorts, Pina, Freeland and Time Cafe) was estimated to be about 500 kg per week. Both retailers and juice processors (hotels and cafeteria) have got constant sellers/traders from whom they get the fruits throughout the year. The traders have got already an agreement with the hotels and retailers to provide a certain amount of a given fruit (Mango, Avocado and Pineapple) by searching from different areas (Gamogofa, south Omo, Assossa, Bench Maji, etc.) as the time of harvest of the fruits in the different areas is different. Regarding the possible linkages with the cooperatives from Gamogofa, they have said that they are afraid of the commitments as they do not have stores at Hawassa, except Ocholo-Lante primary cooperative that has currently two stores in the city. / · Continue discussions with retailers and traders for possible linkages with the primary cooperatives at Gamogofa zone.
· It is to be recalled that there is a serious problem of banana marketing system at Mirab Abaya district (See November report). Following the facilitation of a discussion among the various stakeholders by the LIVES project, two teams were organized to conduct a rapid assessment on the existing banana marketing system. Upon completion of the assessment, discussions were held with the zonal and district offices of Marketing and Cooperatives and District administrators. Present in the meeting were the head of zonal marketing and cooperatives office, marketing process owner in the zonal department, head of Mirab Abaya district marketing and cooperative office, two zonal team members, process owners and professionals in the district office and the zonal LIVES coordinator. The assessment team mentioned the following points as the most important findings.
LIVES Weekly Field Activities Update
