Where: Wattsburg Area Elementary Center

When: Friday, October 31, 2014

Time: 2:00 p.m.– 2:30p.m.

Halloween Procession

Family members are invited to attend the Halloween parade. REMEMBER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED RSVP. There will be no admittance without an RSVP. You must sign in at the tables located in the hallways and take a visitor’s badge. The parade will be held inside the school and visitors may be seated in the auditorium, cafeteria, and the gymnasium. The children will parade through all the areas. Spectators must be seatedat all timesand no one will be permitted in the hallways during the parade. Once the parade has concluded, the students will return to their classrooms and, at this time, the visitors will be dismissed.

Room Parents

If you have volunteered to be a room parent for your child’s classroom party please arrive at 1:30 p.m. You will receive a nametag that signifies that you can go to your child’s classroom before the parade to assist with costumes. Once the parade has concluded, you will return to your child’s classroom to assist with the party. Please remain in the classroom where you are the volunteer. The teachers are counting on you for your assistance during the party. The classroom parties will end promptly at 3:00 p.m. so that we can prepare for dismissal.

Other Information:

  • Please remember that children are not to come to school in costumes or make-up. Children must leave all weapons of any kind that pertain to the costumes at home. Likewise, they are not permitted to wear bloody or violent masks as younger students may be frightened. If any of the above accessories are brought to school, the items will not be allowed in the parade or out at the party.
  • Please do not park along Hill Road or campus roadways. Parking is available in the front parking lot, the administration parking lot, and in the playground lot. If additional parking is needed, please use the auxiliary parking lot located across from the football field at the bottom of the driveway leading to the elementary center. Everyone MUSTuse the main entrance to enter the school.
  • If your car is parked in the playground lot,it is important that you promptly vacate the lot once the party has ended.The busses will be arriving for dismissal and we cannot load the buses and dismiss the students while there are cars in this lot.
  • As a safety measure, visitors are NOT permitted to wear costumes.
  • Please remember that the classroom parties are only for the Kindergarten through Fourth Grade students at the elementary center.
  • Treats: Due to a variety of student allergies, all Halloween treats must be commercially purchased. The teachers will then have a listing of the ingredients for reference. In addition, the treats need to be peanut-free. It is highly recommended that you follow the suggested treats in our Student Handbook (pg.16), which support the Wattsburg Area School District’s Wellness Policy.
  • Reminder: The Elementary Center is a latex-free environment.

We appreciate your willingness to help to make the classroom parties successful and safe. If you have any questions, please call your child’s teacher.

The Elementary Center Staff