AAPC Minutes

Friday, September 2, 2005

1:35 – 2:00 p.m.: LRC 111i

Present: Sandy Burr, Gloria Clocklin, Gerri Daniels, James Drosen, Jim Gadzinski, Chris Greer, Keith Kendall, Kevin McDonough, Barbara Rhyneer, David Switzer

Called to order by new chairpersonJames Drosen at 1:35.

Moved by McDonough, seconded by Greer to approve the agenda with two corrections (37 instead of 7 appeals presented on June 8, and Approval of Minutes of April 15, 2005, not 2004),

Approval of Minuteswas tabled until the April 15, 2005, minutes are distributed to the members.

New Business

- Gadzinski mentioned that the format of degree audits can be a point of discussion for next meeting. An automated system for generating degree audits is under development and testing, and it has good early returns from departments now participating.

Summer Appeals – check Academic Senate website for minutes

- June 8: 37 presented, 15 approved, 19 denied, 3 tabled

- July 6: 29 presented, 11 approved, 18 denied

- August 23: 19 presented, 12 approved, 7 denied

- August 29 (emergency meeting): 3 presented, 3 approved

The committee thanks those members who considered these appeals on our behalf during the summer.

Future meeting schedule this semester – as agreed on at this meeting the Sept. 30 meeting (see agenda) was canceled, with the possibility that the chair may cancel other meetings

September 16

October 14

October 28

November 11

December 2

December 9

Old Business: none

Good of the Order

- Faculty members look at the new hold system outlined in an e-mail sent this past week by Gadzinski: advisors may now put on and take off holds for advisees. Please experiment.

- FYI: secretaries still may lift advisor holds

- Students may not drop/add on their ownthrough the on-line registration system as of last night – must have instructor’s permission; W now appears if a student drops a course

Greer moved adjournmentat 2:00, without dissent

Respectfully submitted,

Keith H. Kendall
