Student Day
(for UK PhD students using neutrons or muons in their research) / Muon Workshop on site calculations / NMUM arrivals
10:00 / Registration with Coffee (Rotunda)
11:00 / Welcome and overview (Paris Suite) / Registration with coffee (Rotunda)
11:20 / Writing proposal session and mock panel (Paris Suite)
12:00 / Joint Facilities proposals (Paris Suite) / Lunch (Brasserie)
12:20 / Lunch (Brasserie)
13:00 / Muon Workshop (CR12)
13:30 / Sessions 1 - 3 (Paris Suite)
15:00 / Coffee (Rotunda)
15:30 / Sessions 4 - 6 (Paris Suite) / Coffee (Rotunda )
16:00 / Muon Workshop (CR12)
17:00 / Coffee (Rotunda) / Registration (Rotunda)
17:30 / Gong Show / End of session
18:30 / Free time / Free time
19:00 / Pre Dinner Drinks (Rotunda)
20:00 / Dinner (Lakeside Suite)
After dinner talk by guest speaker / Buffet dinner (Paris Suite)
UK Neutron and Muon Science and User Meeting 2015 – Draft Programme
Wednesday 20th May – Science Day08:30 / Registration and coffee (Rotunda)
09:00 / Welcome and update from STFC – John Womersley, (STFC Chief Executive) (Paris Suite)
09:20 / Bill David (ISIS) Thirty years of neutrons at ISIS
09:50 / Science plenary: Philip Withers (Manchester) – title tba
10:20 / Science plenary: Steve Blundell (Oxford) – title tba
10:45 / Coffee (Rotunda)
Functional Materials, Paris Suite / Magnetism, Supercond’ivity, CR11 / Biosciences and Soft Matter, CR12 / Chemistry and Catalysis, CR16 / Engineering, Aviary Suite
11:00 / 11:00 Donna Arnold (Kent) Unravelling the structure -property correlations in multiferroic oxides using neutron diffraction
11:30 Helen Playford (ISIS) New insights into functional materials from a local structural viewpoint
11:45 Peter Baker (ISIS) Muons in functional materials
12:00 Serena Corr (Glasgow) Local structure and Li-diffusion studies of nanostructured positive insertion electrodes
12:30 John Irvine (St Andrews) Hydride Ion conduction in Saline Hydrides / Chair: Francis Pratt (ISIS)
11:00 Andrew Goodwin (Oxford) Hidden order in spin-liquid Gd3Ga5O12
11:30 Roger Johnson (Oxford) The magnetic structure of hyper-honeycomb β-Li2IrO3: beyond the Heisenberg model
12:00 Tom Lancaster (Durham) Searching for skyrmions using implanted muons
12:30 Martin Lees (Warwick) Non centrosymmetric superconductivity / 11:00 Dave Scott (Nottingham, RC@H), title tbc
11:30 Jian Lu (Manchester), title tbc
12:00 Imke Greving (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) Spiders and Neutrons
12:30 Rob Hillman (Leicester), title tbc / 11:00 Jin-Chong Tan
(Oxford): Metal-organic frameworks: elucidation of physico-chemical functions through fundamental lattice dynamics
11:30 Silvia Capelli (STFC): The importance of being weak: the role of interparticle interactions in molecular systems
12:00 Christoph Salzmann (UCL): The many facets of ice research
12:30 Leonardo Bernasconi (STFC): Ab initio modelling of catalytic processes in solution / Precise programme and timetable to be confirmed, but speakers to include:
Neil Dsouza (Rolls Royce) Applications of Neutron Diffraction in Gas Turbine Component – Phase Transformations and Re-crystallisation in Single Crystal Ni-Base Superalloys
Bo Chen (Manchester) In-situ Neutron Diffraction Techniques for Studying Structural Integrity of Engineering Materials
13:00 / Lunch (Brasserie)
14:00 / 14:00 Colin Pulham (Edinburgh) Energetic materials at extreme conditions
14:30 Jon Hartley (Cardiff) Simultaneous structural and dielectric measurement of ammonia storage materials
14:45 Valeska Ting (Bath) Experimental characterisation of hydrogen densities in nanoporoushydrogen storage materials
15:00 Emma Barney (Nottingham) Ttitle tbc / Chair: Adroja (ISIS)
14:00 Andrew Huxley (Edinburgh) title tbc
14:30 Stephen Hayden (Bristol) title tbc
15:00 Jos Cooper (ISIS) The artificial spin triplet superconductivity in a controllable superconductor / ferromagnet heterostructure / 14:00 Nigel Clayden (UEA), title tbc
14:30 Katherine Thompson (Birkbeck, University of London), title tbc
15:00 Julian Eastoe (Bristol) Surfactants at the Design Limit / 14:00 – 14:30 John Holbrey (QUB): Designing functional ionic liquids from the bottom up
14:30 – 15:00 Joseph Wright (UEA): Probing the [FeFe]‐hydrogenase subsite using muon spectroscopy
15:00 – 15:30 Chris Howard (UCL): From local structure to scalable nanotechnology / Anton Tremsin (Berkeley) High resolution energy resolved neutron imaging with neutron counting detectors and its applications
Joseph Payne (Royal Mint) Coining dies of the Industrial Revolution: an archaeometrical investigation combining neutron diffraction and Bragg edge transmission analysis
15:30 / Coffee (Rotunda)
16:00 / 16:00 Duncan Gregory (Glasgow) Ultra-fast solid state microwave synthesis; probing reactions ex- and in-situ
16:30 Discussion / Chair: tba
16:00 Sean Giblin (Cadiff) Spin ices
16:30 Discussion / Discussion / Discussion led by Sofia Diaz‐Moreno (Diamond Light Source): Vision for facilities-based chemistry and catalysis research / Tung L. Lee (Hull) 3-dimensional characterisation of the microstructures and strains of sprayed steel using X-ray tomography and neutron diffraction
17:00 / Plenary - Willis Prize announcement and talk (Paris Suite)
17:30 / Student poster session with drinks (Rotunda)
19:30 / Conference dinner (Paris Suite)
Thursday 21st May – User Meeting (Indicative Programme) – all sessions in the Paris Suite
Chair: Paolo Radaelli (Oxford)
09:00 / Science Plenary: Richard Catlow (UCL) Neutron scattering in materials chemistry and catalysis
09:30 / Report back from science group meetings
10:10 / Update from RCUK: Susan Morrell (Research Infrastructures, EPRSC)
10:30 / Update from ILL : Bill Stirling (ILL Director)
11:00 / Coffee (Rotunda)
11:30 / Update from ISIS: Robert McGreevy (ISIS Director)
11:50 / Update from ESS: Jim Yeck (ESS Chief Executive Officer)
12:10 / Update from Diamond: Andrew Harrison (Diamond Chief Executive Officer)
12:30 / Student Poster Prize awards and talks
13:00 / Closing remarks
13:15 / Lunch (Brasserie)