
55 bungalow owners as per attendance register attended the meeting and 1 guest.

1. Welcome

Paddy Walker welcomed all residents from Clifton and in particular residents from Bakoven and Glen Beach, and our guest speakers - Michael Rubin (resident) and Stephen Levetan from ENS.

2. Apologies

Alderman D Qually

Cllr. J Weber


Isaac & Lucille Menashe, Tony Mostert, William Piggott-Brown, Paul Boynton,

Donald Greig, Gerald & Carol Facer, Damian Halford, Giulio & Alex Bertrand,

Daniel Carter, Simon Sterling, Larry Behrmann, RA Solomon, Cathy Lempereur,

Dr Christo Wiese, Mike & Gail Strong.


Martin & Angela Parker

Glen Beach

Penny & Davis Bender

3. Notice and Quorum

Written notice of 30 days was given to bungalow owners. As required per the Constitution fifteen members including the committee form a quorum.

4 Adoption of previous meeting

Minutes of the previous AGM held on 05 March 2014 had been distributed by e-mail and copies were available on the website.

The minutes were accepted as a true record

·  Proposed – Tony Hare

·  Seconded – Warren Chapman

5. Matters Arising


6. Clifton ‘Precinct’ Development

·  Guest Presenter Michael Rubin – Developer and Resident - No 91 The Ridge.

·  Discussion facilitated by Warren Chapman

·  Resolution presented for adoption - Steve Gordon

- Proposed S Gordon

Seconded W Chapman

The resolution was adopted unanimously.

·  Voting rights and proxy votes

·  Public Participation. Motivated Comments deadline 27th March 2015

Michael Rubin offered to answer any questions members have on the presentation via

e-mail sent to Paddy Walker.

In response to a question asked by Jaap du Toit whether the proposed amount of R1m can be recouped if we are not successful, Warren Chapman said the Committee will decide on how the funds are spent. The quality of advice depends on the payment offer and the best informed advice to the Committee.

7. Chairperson’s Report – Paddy Walker (find attached). The Report will also be posted on the website.

8. Treasurer’s Report – prepared by Di Boynton and presented by Paul Hancock (find attached). The Report will also be posted on the website.

The Report was approved:

- Proposed Michael Rubin

Seconded Alan Berelowitz

9. Bungalow Areas Heritage Policy – Paddy Walker

The new Policy has to be practical, it must be acceptable to the majority of owners and City Planning must be able to implement it.

The draft policy is based on the current guidelines. In fact the draft policy disposes of some of the regulations, such as glass balustrades, as these are so prolific.

A draft copy was sent out to all members for comment. The fencing aspect of the guidelines still stipulate a maximum of 1.25m height and I suggest this should be changed to 1.75m-2m in height and should be a multi-material fence e.g. stone to 1.25m topped with slatted/lattice and shrubs/trees. This to keep the character aspect of the

bungalow area.

10. Revised BOA Constitution – Steve Gordon

A motion (find attached), for adoption, was circulated to all members with the old and the proposed Constitution appended.

The motion made clear that the only substantive changes relate to:

i) Paragraph 8 of the previous constitution, which restricted membership of the committee to members “permanently resident in the bungalows”.

ii) The engagement of a paid secretary.

These considerations have been integral to our operating, and acknowledged and adopted as such per previous AGMs.

The new Constitution was adopted by Steve Gordon:

- Proposed Mitch Brown

Seconded Elley Biggs

11. Election of Office Bearers – Caro McCain

Resignations: Tony Hare (Bakoven)

Cyril Harrisberg (4th Beach, Clifton)

Emma Fonzari (Secretary)

Nominations: Vanessa September

- Proposed Alan Berelowitz

Seconded Steve Gordon

All existing members were re-elected by the community as committee members.

Chairman, Vice Chairman and other portfolios will be elected at the first meeting of the new committee.

12. Other

i) Security – Alan Berelowitz

AB appealed to the community to support and join CBCSI at a cost of R250pm.

A CBCSI news/info letter was made available to all members at the meeting to take home and read. AB explained that CBCSI have several tactical teams who are very active in the area and during the month of March have made 9 arrests so far including 2 in Clifton. CBCSI works closely with SAPS, ADT and Bay Response.

ii) Short Term Letting – Paddy Walker

Rental of bungalows at weekends and for events falls foul of a host of by-laws, plus the Title Deed conditions which preclude any “scheme which has the effect of making the erf available to different persons or groups of persons on a regulated basis”.

Quick-let renting impacts adversely on the aesthetic and security of our area as a whole. For those owners who host guests or tenants, we urge you to guide them such that they may enjoy their residence in our area, and do so with sensitivity to neighbours, as well as the public who make use of our area.

In response to M van Nieuwenhuysen’s question regarding absentee owners, PW said BOA will deal with this.

iii) Questions and comments received by mail from Owners – Nele Vermaak

Question – C Gabriel - “Is it a risk to consider giving employment to people who have shown themselves to be honest and reliable to act as security guards in the car park? I have noticed this happening at an ad-hoc basis. Is this acceptable?”

Paddy Walker responded – “car guards” is an illegal activity and the law is going to be enforced by increased policing from CBCPF.

As per the National Employees Act both employer and employee must be registered.

Question – M Steinberg - “Will purchase of a parking bay be available or not for a bungalow owner and if possible how many bays would be available?”

This covered in presentation by M Rubin but will be up to the developer.

Request by I Menashe of Matters that should be addressed at AGM

- Security

- New proposed garage development

- Garages & Historical Monuments.

There being no further discussion the meeting ended at 8:00pm.

Thank you to all who attended.

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Chairperson Secretary

P O Box 560 Sea Point 8060, Tel: 073 342 2512, 0866 246 061

E-mail: , Web-site: www.bungalows.co.za