Nursing Student Association of South Dakota
Executive Board Meeting
September 15, 2012
Yankton, SD
12:30 pm
I. Call to Order by President – meeting called to order by Ally Leedom (SDSU-Brookings) at 12:25pm
II. Welcome by South Dakota State University, Brookings
III. Roll Call of Executive Board by Recording Secretary
a. President: Ally Leedom – South Dakota State University – Brookings - present
b. First Vice President: Renee Schroeder – Dakota Wesleyan University - present
c. Second Vice President: Katie Shea – Presentation College – not present
d. Treasurer: Amanda Bernard – Mount Marty College - present
e. Recording Secretary: Kaitlyn Randall – Presentation College - present
f. Corresponding Secretary: Rachel Wright – South Dakota State University – Brookings - present
g. Nominations Chairperson: Nicole Elsasser – Augustana College - present
h. Community Health: Sara Deinert- Dakota Wesleyan University - present
i. Resolutions: Alexis Semler – Dakota Wesleyan University - present
j. Website Administrator: Allyson Murphy – South Dakota State University –Brookings - present
k. Parliamentarian: Joslyn Bialas – Augustana College - present
IV. Roll Call of Schools by Recording Secretary
A. Augustana College- present
B. Dakota Wesleyan University – Mitchell - present
C. Dakota Wesleyan University – Huron – not present
D. Mount Marty College - present
E. Presentation College – Aberdeen – present
F. Presentation College – Eagle Butte – not present
G. Presentation College – Fairmont – not present
H. South Dakota State University – Brookings - present
I. South Dakota State University – West River – not present
J. South Dakota State University – Sioux Falls - present
K. University of South Dakota – Vermillion - present
L. University of South Dakota – Pierre – not present
M. University of South Dakota – Rapid City – not present
N. University of South Dakota –Sioux Falls – not present
V. Declare a Quorum by President – quorum declared
VI. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – April
a. Rachel Wright (SDSU – Brookings) motioned to approve NSASD meeting minutes from April; Joslyn Bialas (Augustana College) seconds the motion; minutes accepted as written.
VII. Approval of Today’s Agenda- September
a. Allyson Murphy (SDSU – Brookings) motioned to approve today’s agenda; Nicole Elsasser seconds the motion; motion passes
VIII. Treasurers Report—
a. One budget was selected for this year instead of two separate budgets as in previous years
b. Amount from State Convention as reported by Nicole Elsasser & Joslyn Bialas
i. $1,170.28 - Checking
ii. $4,081.23 – Savings
iii. Total: $5,851.51
1. Discussion from Nicole & Joslyn showed there were two statements coming from the one credit card so it was assumed that one statement was for a checking account and the other was for a savings account
c. Budget presentation and approval
i. It was discussed whether to just give Augustana College $500.00 for a start-up fee for State Convention.
1. Augustana College representatives said $500.00 would be enough
2. If more money is needed, it will be discussed at a later time
ii. It was discussed to up the amounts for the Naomi Jackson Award & Excellence in Writing Award to help get more applicants for the awards.
1. $500.00 for each award
a. Rachel Wright (SDSU- Brookings) motioned to amend the Treasurer’s Report to increase the Naomi Jackson Award to $500.00 and the Excellence in Writing Award to $500.00: Renee Schroeder (DWU) seconds the motion; motion passes
iii. Addition to the Treasurer’s Report is the Leadership & Financial Need Scholarships
1. $1,000.00 for each scholarship will be awarded
iv. Amanda Bernard (Mounty Marty College) motioned to table the NSASD Budget Proposal until the next meeting; Ellen Kennedy (USD) seconds the motion; motion passes
d. Mileage reimbursement left at $0.36 per mile
e. Discussion about the Waddell & Reed Mutual Account
i. More information will be given about the Mutual Account upon the next meeting
ii. Ally Leedom (SDSU – Brookings) informed the board that in Article XV of the NSASD By-Laws it states, “The mutual funds will be maintained by the Mutual Fund Manager: NSASD will support reserves that promote health and wellness.”
f. Bank balances
i. Checking: $1,409.46
ii. Savings: $15,287.61
iii. Mutual Fund Account : $9,573.89
IX. Old Business
a. Ideas for resolutions
a. Last year, NSASD’s Resolution involved distracted driving
b. This year, Resolutions Chair, Alexis Semler (DWU), discussed having the resolution involve either nutrition or Type 2 Diabetes
i. Other topics that were discussed were the use of AED’s, depression, and suicide
c. It was decided to discuss the official resolution at the November meeting
b. Funding for Resolutions Chair to go to mid/annual convention (November 7-10)
a. Discussion of how much expenses would be for people to go
i. It was discussed to give each person going $1,000.00 this year
ii. Funding is used for food, flights, and hotel expenses
b. 2 members of the board are interested in going to learn how to write the resolution for the year
c. Rachel Wright (SDSU –Brookings) motioned to allow both the Resolutions Chair & 1st Vice President to be given $1,000.00 each to finance their trip to Mid-Year Convention from November 7-10, 2013; Nicole Elsasser (Augstana College) seconds the motion; motion passes
d. Nicole Elsasser second
c. Promoting new website and NSASD
a. New Website – the old website disappeared over the summer ($67.90 for a 2-year contract)
i. Website Administrator, Allyson Murphy (SDSU- Brookings) created new website
1. is the official website now
2. Website contract was renewed on August 29, 2013
3. $67.90 was spent for a 2-year contract
ii. NCLEX Link
1. Discussed about having a new NCLEX question and rationale up on the website every week
a. By the 1st week in October the first question will be posted
b. Advisor from each school to send a few questions to Allyson Murphy & Rachel Wright for this semester
i. Advisors must submit the question, answer, and rationale
iii. Promoting the website to the local groups
1. Reaching out to advisors that do not have representation in the state
iv. Local groups putting the state’s website link on their local website’s page
1. Allyson Murphy (SDSU – Brookings) will create a Facebook page for all board members to have access to and be administrators
a. This Facebook page will be open to all South Dakota Nursing Students
2. Nursing Students Association of South Dakota Group on Facebook is present already for past and present board membesr
d. Scholarships
a. Who can apply?
i. Discussion about Leadership Scholarship being for a nursing student in the last 2 semesters of their schooling
ii. Financial Need Scholarship can be awarded to any student in nursing courses
iii. Application process must include a sheet from their advisor saying they are enrolled in nursing classes and their grades are in good standing
iv. It was decided that board members will not apply for neither of the scholarships in order to be fair to all other nursing students
b. Panel members (5)
i. Two advisors and three students
1. Advisors just for guidance, not for a vote
2. Winners based on rubric numbers, not discussion of an applicant
ii. 1st Vice President, Renee Schroeder (DWU), will receive all applications electronically, remove all personal identification from applications, and send them out to the panel members to judge on their own time
iii. The panel will be made up of Resolutions Chair, Alexis Semler (DWU), Corresponding Secretary, Rachel Wright (SDSU – Brookings), and Community Health, Sara Deinert (DWU)
iv. Advisors: Presidential Advisor, Venita Winterboer (SDSU), Advisor from DWU
c. November deadline – All applications must be submitted on November 1, 2013 by 5:00pm
i. Decision deadline to be decided at the November Meeting
1. Winner will be announced in December
ii. Scholarships will be awarded for the spring semester & winners will be recognized at the State Convention
d. Publicize
e. Money amounts - $1,000 each
i. Check will go to the winner’s school and then the school will award them that scholarship to assure the money is used as it was intended
X. New Business
A. Convention report from Augustana College
a. Themes: Waves of Change & Oceans of Opportunity
i. The theme was chosen to recognize all the changes that are occurring in the health care system at this time
ii. An idea for speakers includes: a panel of health care reformers and people who have been involved in changing health care in South Dakota and nationwide
b. Budget
i. It was discussed that prices seem to be increased from last year and it was thought that not as much money would be made this year
c. Date: March 20-22, 2014 in the Holiday Inn Downtown in Sioux Falls, SD
d. Donation Requests have been sent out
e. The traveling awards have a plaque already in place for the Naomi Jackson Award & Outstanding Nursing Student Award
f. It was decided that certificates would be made and given to the recipient for the rest of the awards and scholarships.
B. Fundraisers for Convention
a. If Augustana feels like they need to raise more they can bring it to the board’s attention
b. Joslyn Bialas (Augustana College) motioned to table the decision to have fundraisers for the convention until the November meeting; Cassandra Howie (USD) seconds the motion; motion passes
C. Naomi Jackson Award- Treasurer will present at Convention
D. Incentive Award- Second Vice President will present at Convention
E. Excellence in Writing Award- Website Administrator will present at Convention
F. Outstanding Student Nurse – President will present at Convention
a. All awards & scholarship information and applications needs to be posted on the website by Allyson Murphy
b. Each person responsible for the award needs to email out information and applications to local board’s president and advisor
G. NSNA MidYear Conference in Louiseville, KY: November 7-10, 2013
a. Two members will be present
XI. Announcements
A. Next meeting is on November 2rd at 11am in Brookings, SD or virtually. Details to be emailed at a later date.
a. for those attending virtually
b. Discussion about the benefits of having virtual meetings for reaching out to other local chapters that are not as involved
c. Email will be sent out for attendance
B. Thank you to Mount Marty for hosting the September meeting
XII. Motion to Adjourn –
a. Nicole Elsasser (Augustana College) motioned to adjourn meeting: Cassandra Howie (USD) seconds the motion; motion passes
b. Meeting adjorned at 2:03pm
Minutes approved by Allison Leedom, President (SDSU-Brookings) and Kaitlyn Randall, Recording Secretary (PC-Aberdeen).