Peter Lalor College
Council Meeting No # 4
Thursday 18th June 2015
1.0 Present, R. Sheehan, , M Box, C. Box-Billett, C. Monteleone, G. Scott,
B. Scott, M. D’Angelo, V. Masalkovski
2.0 Apologies: B. Batty, P. Ryan, Vicki Siatrakas, L. Messina
Chairperson: Margaret Box
3.0 Minutes from Previous meeting – May 2015
“That the minutes from the previous meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record”
Moved: M. Box Seconded: C. Monteleone
4.0 Business Arising from Previous Minutes
- Administration photocopier has been ordered and installed.
- New flag has been ordered
Wade Dawson and Ruby Sultana have offered to raise and lower the flag each day.
5.0 Correspondence
Ø Balance Sheet as at 31st May 2015
Ø Operating Statement 31st May 2015
Ø School Global Budget Management Reports Pay Period 201424
Ø WESTPAC credit card purchases for May 2015
Ø WWCC letter to Everest Institute
Ø WWCC letter to Community Garden
Ø WWCC letter to Lalor & District Men’s Shed
Ø White Ribbon Australia Breaking the Silence Schools Program – Participation agreement
6.0 Reports
Paul outlined the Resources Committee Meeting minutes.
6.1 Finance Report April
“That the financial reports are accepted and the payments for the period of
May 2015 be ratified.”
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: B. Scott
“That the School Global Budget Management Reports – Pay Period 201424-as tabled be received and ratified.”
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: M. Box
“That the Resources Committee recommend to council that any fundraising activities be treated as input tax.”
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: C. Monteleone
“That the air conditioners currently located in the Principal’s office and assistant principal’s office be replaced with a newer, more energy efficient inverter air conditioners.”
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: C. Monteleone
“That the resources committee recommend to college council that Option 2- (relocate) as the preferred option for this air conditioner.
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: M. Box
“That the Resources Committee recommend to council that new air conditioners be installed in the two staff offices in the Learning Hub currently housing at least 5 staff members each.”
Moved: R. Sheehan Seconded: M. Box
6.2 Principal’s Report
- Rod let the school council know that Garry Farrow who was teaching as the Building Construction teacher at ONTTC has resigned effective of the 26th June 2015.
Rod outlined his tabled report
A Hard-Earned Break for Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan is currently on long service leave, enjoying a well-earned break. Paul has worked tirelessly to establish and maintain the school in the vocational format we see today. In his absence, I have had the privilege of filling the role as Acting Principal. This has been an enlightening experience that has allowed me to see the work of staff on a much deeper level. I would like to take this opportunity to formally acknowledge the work of the educational support staff for assisting me in the administration of the school during this time; their systems, processes, communication and interactions with the school community is exceptional, sometimes in incredibly challenging circumstances. Thank you to Jamie Gray who filled the role of Acting Assistant Principal and Melanie Brooks for filling the role of Acting Leading Teacher. Paul will return for the commencement of Semester 2.
Integrated Curriculum Review
It has arguably been one of the busiest years in the College’s history since moving to a vocational college with the introduction of the new integrated curriculum model. Our teachers have produced some amazing work this semester in designing, delivering, evaluating and revising this innovative program that we now offer to our students. These programs have included a dramatic increase in the amount of applied learning in the college, as well as more related excursions to connect the learning beyond the school. In addition, the college has established new partnerships, and cemented existing partnerships, within and outside the college.
A recent survey of students identified an incredibly positive attitude towards this new model. Of particular note, students believe the curriculum has allowed them to become stronger and more confident people, there is a feeling of safety both in the classroom and at school generally, and students have good relationships their peers and staff in the college. All of the indicators school-wide shows an overwhelming success, particularly at this infant stage of the program.
Open Day / Information Evening - 29th July
We will be holding our Open Day and Information Evening for prospective students for enrolment in 2016. If you have friends or family interested in enrolling at the College please ask them to contact the school on 9464 0122 for further information.
Reports will be mailed with this school newsletter. Reports clearly detail whether your son/daughter is up-to-date and whether the work submitted is at the required standard. The VCAL outcomes achieved to date will also be detailed in the report with supporting teacher comments. Please bring this report with you to the 3-Way Conference.
3-Way Student Led Conferences
3-Way Conferences are scheduled on the 20th July (this is the second Monday after returning from holidays). It is essential that you make a time with your son/daughter’s teacher. These conferences not only allow information to be communicated on student progress, but provide a valuable learning tool for the student. Additionally, a successful school is one that has active engagement and interest from parents and this is a good way to easily connect with the school.
6.3 President’s Report
Margaret would like some assistance with the Edumail login.
Vicki will forward the information again.
6.4 Staff Report
As Belinda was away on the Leadership Camp there was no staff report.
Belinda has spoken to Rod about the students that are on Camp and they seem to having a great time. Campers are due back tomorrow by 3pm.
6.5 Student’s Report
Curtis outlined the SRC committee positions of responsibility.
SRC Chair: Curtis Box-Billett
Vice Chair: Wade Dawson
Secretary: Nathan Valentino
Treasurers: Nathan Petkopoulos
Troy Tiller
- The year 11 students are putting in ideas for the Bird Cage Renovation.
- The year 12 jackets have arrived and look great.
7.0 General Business
7.1 Student Engagement & Inclusion Policy
7.2 Staff Recruitment Policy & Procedures
These were carried over to the August Meeting.
7.3 AOB
7.3.1 Removal of trees.
· Quote to get 3 more trees cut to ground level. Cut back tree branches overhanging, chip and remove mulch, logs etc. $3,500
“That council approve the cutting down of 3 trees and trimming back branches overhanging on nature strip, and over gutters on buildings”
Moved: M. Box Seconded: B. Scott
7.3.2 Possum Problem
· Quote to remove problem possum in admin ceiling. Need to install manhole so as to enable Dawson’s to install cage, gutter guards and visits. Approx. $2,800.
“That council approve the installation of gutter guards to roof to prevent access and to place a possum cage to remove the possum that is currently there.”
Moved: G. Scott Seconded: C. Box-Billett
Meetings will be held on Thursday nights at 6.30pm
20th August
17th September
22nd October
19th November
17th December
8.0 Next Meeting: 20th August @ 6.30 pm
Meeting Opened: 6.32 PM
Meeting Closed: 8.03 PM
President’s Signature: ______
Principal’s Signature: ______
Worddata/Council/Council 2015 /June Minutes 2015