Thomas Pocklington Trust
Job Description
Job Title:Development Manager
Responsible to:London Director
Responsible for:Community Project Manager, VI leadership Officer, staff involved with Wandsworth Vision and other directorate staff as appropriate
Location:Home based. The post will involve significant job related travel primarily across London
Function:To be responsible for:the development of new community development services, the development of Wandsworth Vision, Pocklington’s relationship with local societies in Croydon, Merton and Sutton, the VI leadership programme and other project areas as appropriate
Main Duties:
1.Corporate Duties
1.1Working in conjunction with the London Director and Community Projects Manager, develop new community based support services – including needs analysis, scoping services, set-up and creation of project plans.
1.2Develop Wandsworth Vision to ensure the needs of people are being met through quality services and that it is a robust and democratic organisation with sound governance that truly represents vision impaired people in the borough.
1.3Maintain a positive relationship with local societies working in the boroughs of Croydon, Merton and Sutton, providing advice and guidance and, wherever possible, influencing them to deliver in line with Pocklington’s overall strategy.
1.4Oversee the creation of a leadership programme for Vision Impaired people, establishing clear aims and objectives, monitoring processes, involvement of Vision Impaired people in all aspects, effective partnerships, etc.
1.5To manage “task and finish” medium and large London directorate projects that arise from time to time and that support the overall Pocklington strategy, assist other members of the Pocklington family and enhance Pocklington’s ability to partner effectively with external agencies.
1.6Be responsible for tracking and advising on potential partnership and / or funding opportunities that may assist development of new services or maintenance of existing ones.
1.7Participate as needed in national and local forums for voluntary sector involvement that may advance the development and operations of services.
2.Managing Resources and Service Delivery
2.1To have responsibility for the management of Pocklington staff working within the following areas: community development, Wandsworth Vision,Croydon, Merton, Sutton, the VI leadership programme and any appropriate new staff working in different geographical or thematic areas.
2.2For direct line reports to be responsible for performance management i.e. undertaking induction, probation reviews, one to one meetings and appraisals, setting objectives, monitoring work performance, taking remedial action if necessary.
2.3To be responsible for:
2.3.1The deployment and recruitment of staff in compliance with the Charity’s recruitment and selection policy and procedures.
2.3.2staff training and development needs are identified and programmes of training arranged to meet the full range of needs from induction to professional development. Where appropriate this will include development and direct delivery of training activities.
2.4To ensure all development projects operate in line with agreed business / project plans.
2.5With respect to grant funded projects, ensure that these perform in line with funding and contractual requirements.
2.6To undertake regular monitoring of service delivery and outcomes including regular submission of monitoring returns and an annual performance report to the services committee.
3.1Through your staff, be responsible for compliance with Health & Safety Policy and procedures.
3.2To participate in the development and on-going review of the organisation’s Equality Action Plan, ensuring services are developed which meet the needs of a diverse community and are accessible to all.
3.3To be an effective member of the London Directorate , contributing to all aspects of service development and review.
3.4Any other duties as may reasonably be required by the London Director, taking into account the nature and scope of this position.
Special Requirements
The post will involve lone working and some working out of normal office hours. A willingness to work in an environment with Guide Dogs is essential. The post will require an enhanced disclosure check through the Disclosure and Barring Service.
It is a requirement of all staff that they:
- Work to support the values of the Charity. These promote respect of service users, recognising their skills and entitlement to choice, dignity and independence.
- Work positively in support of the principles outlined in the Equality and Diversity Policy.
- Assist in maintaining a safe working environment by attending training in basic and specialist health and safety requirements as necessary, both on appointment and as changes in duties and techniques demand and to follow the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work policy and any local codes of safe working practices.
- Comply with the requirements of the organisation’s human resource policies and procedures.
Person Specification – London directorate Development Manager
A good standard of general education (normally
minimum A level. Where appropriate, relevant
work experience will be deemed equivalent if no
formal education qualifications are held)
Degree or equivalent level qualification
Relevant management qualification
Must possess effective oral communication skills
An ability to produce high quality reports, presentations and
Other written material for a range of stakeholders
An understanding of the voluntary sector and how it
fits with statutory services
Be highly numerate with experience of budget
Setting and monitoring processes
Possess an understanding of the needs of people
With sight loss and other health, support and
disability issues and be able to guide staff in work
with complex support needs
An ability to develop effective relationships with a
Wide range of agencies, representing the
Organisation as needed at local and strategic level
An ability to market the services in a competitive
Arena, taking full account of the current commissioning
Must be able to manage multiple priorities and
Organise multiple tasks, under pressure and to
High level of IT literacy including use of Microsoft Office, Internet and an appreciation of the benefits of social media
Must be able to deliver agreed outcomes in complex
Services, via other staff
An ability to identify need and plan and deliver
New or revised services to meet these needs
Knowledge of the social care and housing
Sectors, including knowledge of the requirements
And challenges of the Personalisation agenda
Significant experience of managing the delivery
Of services to clients with specialist needs
Experience of new service development (including
Needs analysis and tendering as well as actual
Experience of managing diverse teams to produce
high quality services
Experience of setting and managing budgets
Experience of delivering Local Authority contracts
And some experience of negotiating new or
Revised terms
Experience of care / support planning and of working
With service users to achieve specified outcomes
Experience of designing and delivering training
Experience of working as a member of a
Management team
Experience of volunteer recruitment and retention.
Must be credible and able to develop and sustain
Effective professional relationships with internal
And external contacts including commissioners of
Must demonstrate a commitment to achieving
Fair access to services by a diverse group of
Users and staff
Demonstrate commitment to high standards of
customer care
Must possess high standard of integrity
Must demonstrate ability to lead and motivate
Staff setting an example of appropriate
Professional behaviour
Be committed to own self-development.