Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:30 p.m.
Order of Business
A.1 Call to Order and Roll Call
A.2 Appointment of Acting President (If Necessary)
A.3 Acceptance of Agenda
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(G), this is the time the Governing Board may conduct an open call to the public but may not discuss or take legal action on a matter raised during a call to the public unless the matter has been placed on the meeting agenda and related thereto. Please complete the "Request to Address the Governing Board," and submit the completed form to the Executive Administrative Assistant before the meeting is called to order. Those persons who are recognized by the board president to make a presentation are asked to please state their name, indicate whether they are a parent, student or employee and indicate what topic/agenda item they wish to address. A three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit.
E.1 Certified/Classified Personnel Items (Administrators Effective 2015-2016 School Year):
Charlotte Archuleta Alan Kratz
Laurie Black Margaret Moya
Bryan Borden Gloria Rivera
Dan Cooper Nicole Shamblin
Joseph Cucinotta Jose Trevizo
Jose Diaz Takesha Turner
Isaac Farm
Special Meeting
Of the Governing Board -2- May 14, 2015
E.2 Consideration Of Approval For The Governing Board Of Murphy School District To Contact Legal Counsel When Applicable
Governing Board Policy BDG School Attorney states that the Superintendent and the President of the Board shall be designated as the representatives of the District who may confer with counsel. The District will not be responsible for fees that accrue because of unauthorized individual Board member or staff consultation with private counsel. Therefore, legal counsel advised that an agenda item be submitted giving authorization for members of the Governing Board to contact legal counsel when applicable.