Ethno-cultural Mutual Aid:
Building Community in Diversity
A community event in Toronto
Saturday, November 29, 2008 – 10 am to 3:30 pm
A free event for anyone from the various Toronto communities
interested in mutual aid as a way to enhance their current skills
Sponsored by the Ontario Self-Help Network (OSHNET)
Funded by The Ministry of Health Promotion
9:30-10:00 am Registration10-10:30 am Welcome & Guest Speaker: Lisungu Chieza, Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
Where:North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge St. Day-of-cell phone (416) 567-2796
Morning Workshops (10:45 am-12:45 pm)
How to start a mutual aid group: Spencer Brennan, Ontario Self-Help Network. Looks at the 10 steps you need to complete when planning to start your own mutual aid group. (Note: in English with Sgaa interpretation)
Using Mutual Aid to Build Community: Halima Saad & Odesia President. Both Halima and Odesia have used mutual aid in their communities and will offer their ideas and suggestions for participants to do similar things in their community.
The Refugee Experience – Two Stories: Enrique Robert & Diego Macias.Both will share their experience as refugees to Canada, Enrique as a community development worker and Diego as coordinator for About Friends, a mutual aid organization that works with refugees coming to Canada because of their sexual orientation. / Afternoon Workshops (1:15-2:45 pm)
Facilitating a Mutual Aid Group:Spencer Brennan, Ontario Self-Help Network. This workshop will look at several things facilitators of a new group need to think about, including purpose of facilitation, guidelines, icebreakers, and two ways to resolve conflicts. Open to anyone interested in starting their own mutual aid group.
Men Only Session: Representatives from the Black Daddies Club, the Mood Disorders Association, etc. will discuss their experience in trying to address different kinds of issues important to men.
Building Community Through Volunteering: Marisa Gelfusa, Volunteer Toronto. Marissa will talk about the value in volunteering and how it can be used to building a support system and gain Canadian experience. (Note: In English and French).
Evaluation & Networking Session: 3:00-3:15 pm
An informal networking session where participants get to choose their main working group on topics of shared interest.
In addition, an information table will be available to display pamphlets, flyers, and newsletters about your group or agency.
To register, fill out and return the form attached. Registration Deadline: Thursday, November 27, 2008
For information, please call The Ontario Self-Help Network
Tel: 416-487-4355 Toll Free: 1-888-283-8806 E-mail:
Directions - TTC
On the Yonge Subway Line get offat North York Centre - 1st stop south of Finch or1st stop north of Sheppard. Exit the NorthYorkCity Centre at Mel Lastman Square. The North York Civic Centre is at 5100 Yonge Street. When entering the Civic Centre lookfor OSHNET signs or make your way to the Council Chambers.
Directions - Car
North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street. North of Sheppard, South of Finch. Parking is available behind the Civic Centre on Beecroft Road.
Ethno-cultural Mutual Aid: Building Community in Diversity
Registration Form
Organization: ______
Mailing Address:______Postal Code ______
Phone (day):______Email:______
Would you like to receive our Ebulletin? Yes _____ No_____
Your affiliation: (Please choose one)
___ Self-Help Group ___ Non-Profit ___ Board of Health/Public Health Unit
___ OSHNET Affiliate ___Hospital___ Community Health Centre (CHC)
___ Community Centre ___ Community Coalition ___ Community member
___ Other (please explain): ______
Your Choice for Morning Workshop (pick your first and second choices)
______How to Start a Mutual Aid Group
______Using Mutual Aid to Build Community
______The Refugee Experience – Two Stories
THIS EVENT IS FREE BUT YOU MUST REGISTER BEFOREHANDSpace is limited so please register early.
Lunch and snacks are included in the event, along with workshop handouts.
Your Choice for Afternoon Workshop (pick your first and second choices)
______Facilitating a Mutual Aid Group
______Men Only Session
______Building Community Through Volunteering
Can we include your contact information on the Conference Participant’s List? ____ Yes ____ No
Please mail, fax or email your registration to
Self-Help Resource Centre, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 219Toronto, ONM4R 1B9
Fax: 416-487-0344 Email: and include “Toronto Event”
in the subject line.
Conference Location:North York Civic Centre (Wheel chair accessible)