Honors English 9

Ms. Rooney

(360) 652-4505

Course Description:

Honors English 9 is a Common Core Standards based course with an intensive focus on formal essay writing and critical reading of literature. Included in the course are learning the skills of successful argument and explanatory writing, using text based evidence from literature to support a thesis, and improving grammar and vocabulary. In-depth analysis and discussions are a highlight of this course. The development of competent English skills is vital to success in high school, college and the workplace. This course is required for graduation.

Course Outline:

First Semester

Ø  Literature will include short stories, poetry, essays, and Of Mice and Men.

Ø  Writing will include response to literature, argument and expository essay, poetry.

Ø  Grammar instruction will be in the context of the writing process.

Ø  Vocabulary enhancement will occur in the context of critical reading.

Ø  Public Speaking will include group and individual presentations.

Second Semester

Ø  Literature will include To Kill a Mockingbird and Romeo and Juliet.

Ø  Writing will include response to literature, research, argument and expository essay.

Ø  Grammar instruction will be in the context of the writing process.

Ø  Vocabulary enhancement will occur in the context of critical reading.

Ø  Public Speaking will include group and individual presentations.


  1. Pens, pencils, paper, notebook, it is highly recommended to purchase a flash drive.
  2. Texts: Holt McDougal Literature Grade 9

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Class starts when the bell rings. Be early to be on time.
  2. Homework is due at the beginning of the period unless otherwise specified.
  3. Treat everyone and everything respectfully. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
  4. If you have a concern of any kind, I am available before school, during tutorial, and after school when not coaching.

General Information:

1.  Water and pop that are in bottles with a cap are acceptable in class. No food in class.

  1. The classroom will be clean before you are dismissed.

3.  Do not copy someone else’s work. All parties will receive a zero.

  1. Take advantage of the tutorial sessions on Tuesday mornings to get extra help.


  1. A tardy is defined as arriving in the classroom after the bell has rung without a written excuse from a staff member. Each student is allowed two tardies per semester without penalty. Beginning with the third tardy you will be assigned a 30 minute detention. The fourth tardy is a direct referral.
  1. Students over 10 minutes late will be considered an absence.
  1. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP MISSED WORK FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES. You have the same number of days you were absent to make up missed work.


The grading scale for this course is based on the number of points accumulated by the student during the grading period on assignments, quizzes, projects, extra credit (if any), and tests. No Late Work

The grading scale is as follows:

93% and above = A

90-92% = A-

87-89% = B+

83-86% = B Student signature:______

80-82% = B-

77-79% = C+

73-76% = C Parent signature:______

70-72% = C-

67-69% = D+

60-66% = D Date:______

below 60% = F