consultant child & adolescent psychiatry

royalhospital for sick children

Information pack

reF: 31550d

Closing Date:noon17th january 2014


Post: consultant child & adolescent psychiatrIST

Base:royalhospital for sick children

The post-holder will join a group of Consultants within Child and Adolescent Psychiatry currently employed by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC). Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in NHSGGC provide a range of services, from those which focus on the delivery of a high quality mental health service to a local community, through those offering more narrowly targeted services to a wider area, including the West of Scotland Regional Adolescent Inpatient Unit and the national children’s inpatient unit.

This post will provide medical input to Tier 4 Mental Health Services. Redevelopment of tier 4 services in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde along with a consultant vacancy has led to the opportunity to develop an exciting new post for some of the most vulnerable children and adolescents in the area. We are hoping to recruit a psychiatrist who is innovative and enthusiastic to help to develop and deliver this service.

This service specialises in developing and delivering mental health services to children and young people who are presenting with significant mental health problems which require additional interventions to those provided within locality CAMHS services. The post will provide psychiatric assessment and intervention for the most vulnerable children and young people in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde who are often looked after and/or accommodated and\or who have high forensic risk in addition to mental health disorder.

This post will require an interest in the Law as applied to children in terms of The Children Scotland Acts 1995 and the 2011 Act on Children's Hearings, the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Criminal Procedures (Scotland) Act 1995. The postholder will be responsible for providing psychiatric assessment and treatment to children and young people under 18 years of age, supporting and working with other team members, and providing reports for the courts and children's hearings where required.



Specialist Children’s Services

Tier 4 CAMHS, YorkhillHospital

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde



Consultant in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Tier 4 CAMHS, YorkhillHospital, Dalnair Street, Glasgow, G3 8SJ
10 PA’s
NHS GGC was created in 2006 by the amalgamation of the whole of NHS Greater and Glasgow (GG) and part of NHS Argyll & Clyde. As a resultof significant investment and expansion a number of health board-wide services were developed in response to identified needs of several groups of children and young people who were not well served by the existing arrangements. These services were focused on children and young people with mental health problems –
  1. who also had a learning disability (LD-CAMHS);
  1. who were also involved in serious offending (Forensic or F-CAMHS);
  1. who were also looked after and accommodated (LAACMH team);
  1. who required intensive home treatment.
  1. who required support from the Self Harm Team.
The operational management of clinical services is now held by the various geographically determined CHPs, while the professional leadership and overall management of the services is delivered across NHSGGC by Dr Julie Metcalfe as the Clinical Director and Mr Stephen McLeod as Head of Specialist Children’s Services respectively. Specialist Children’s Services includes CAMHS and Community Paediatrics.
Consultant Psychiatrists within NHSGGC CAMHS
Community Teams:
No of Consultants (headcount) / Location / Total PAs
3 / East GlasgowCHP (Bridgeton) / 2.3
3 / South GlasgowCHP (Gorbals) / 2.1
2 / North Glasgow CHP (Gorbals) / 1.3
2 / West GlasgowCHP (West Centre) / 1.4
2 / Renfrewshire CHCP / 1.44
1 / Inverclyde CHP / 1
1 / West DunbartonshireCHP / 0.8
City/Board/Area/Country Wide Teams:
No of Consultants (headcount) / Locations / Total PAs
1 / LD-CAMHS (Templeton) / 1
2 / Paediatric Liaison Team (RHSC) / 1.4
2 / Child Inpatient Team (Caledonia House, RHSC) / 1.35
3 / Adolescent Inpatient Team (Skye House, Stobhill) / 2.45
2 / Academic Team (Caledonia House, RHSC)
Services within NHS GGC CAMHS:
Service / Location
East Glasgow CAMHS / Kerr St, Bridgeton
West Glasgow CAMHS / Knightswood Clinic, Knightswood Road
South Glasgow / Southbank and Twomax, Gorbals
North Glasgow CAMHS / Possilpark Health Centre
Renfrewshire CAMHS / Aranthrue Centre, Renfrew
Inverclyde CAMHS / Larkfield Centre, Greenock
West Dunbartonshire CAMHS / Acorn Centre, Vale of LevenHospital
Tier 4 CAMHS / FergusonSmithBuilding, RHSC
Paediatric Liaison Team / Ward 5b, RHSC
National Children’s Psychiatric Unit / Caledonia House, RHSC
Scottish Centre for Autism / Caledonia House, RHSC
West of Scotland Regional Adolescent Inpatient Unit / Skye House, StobhillHospital
University of Glasgow Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry Team / Caledonia House, RHSC
Eating Disorder Service (CONNECT ED) / Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton
Multi-Dimensional Treatment Foster Care / Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton
HITT Intensive Treatment Service / SkyeHouseStobhillHospital
Redevelopment of CAMHS Tier 4 Services in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde along with a consultant vacancy has led to the opportunity to develop an exciting new post for some of the most vulnerable children and adolescents in the Health Board area. We are hoping to recruit a child and adolescent psychiatrist who is innovative and enthusiastic to help to develop and deliver this service.
This post has been revised in the context of CAMHS Tier 4 redesign and focuses on children and young people who have complex vulnerability e.g. forensic risks and complex looked after children. These services will be delivered according to specific clinically-driven care pathways from Tier 2 through Tier 3 and into Tier 4 as required. There is also a CAMHS intensive treatment team to support children and young people in their homes.
The Tier 4 service provides psychiatric care to vulnerable young people, some of whom are accommodated and some of whom have forensic risks and often both. It will require an interest in the Law as applied to children in terms of the Children Scotland Act 1995 and the 2011 Act on Children's Hearings, the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Criminal Procedures (Scotland) Act 1995. The postholder will be responsible for providing psychiatric assessment and treatment to these children and young people, supporting and working with other team members and partner agencies, providing reports for the Courts and the children's hearing system where required.
The substantive post has a number of components:
  1. The post holder will play an active role in developing and delivering a mental health service to children and young people who fit the criteria for CAMHS Tier 4 services particularly in the complex vulnerability care pathway.
  1. The post holder will have a key role in the development, delivery and evaluation of Tier 4 services, ensuring effective care pathways and links of these services to other CAMHS services and relevant agencies
  1. The post holder will be expected to lead and contribute to the development of systems to ensure that service development is, as far as possible, linked to robust processes of evaluation and research. This will include contribution to research (time negotiable) as an acknowledgement that this service is set within a developing field of practice in relation to which the evidence base is limited.

1. The CAMHS Tier 4 Service proposes a Multi-disciplinary (MDT) approach at Tier 4 providing -
(i) increased capacity and support to CAMHS Tier 3 for vulnerable groups of children
(ii) A single point of entry from CAMHS Tier 3 to CAMHS Tier 4 for specific care pathways:-
  • Complex ASD
  • Complex LD and Mental Health Problems
  • Forensic CAMHS
  • Complex Vulnerability (including LAC)
  • Eating Disorders
(iii) An expansion and development of a multi-disciplinary team providing Home Intensive Treatment (HITT)
(iv) Co-location of CAMHS Tier 4 Services in a single multi-disciplinary team.
(v) Increased capacity and support in each care pathway at CAMHS Tier 3.
2. The MDTHIT Care Pathway provides a specialist and intensive resource for CAMHS Tier3 cases requiring intensity of input and/or input from a number of specialist disorder-specific services to allow children and young people’s needs to be met at home.
Individual care plans will be put in place with CAMHS Tier 3 that detail which aspects of service are required to meet the identified needs of a child or young person referred, and the required input will be provided without any cross-referral between teams.
3. The CAMHS Tier 4 Service will:-
  1. Build capacity in CAMHS Tier 3 to provide assessments and care for children and young people in the above care pathways.
  1. Agree roles and responsibilities between CAMHS Tier 4 services and CAMHS Tier 3 services specific to individual care pathways.
  1. Develop a workforce and training plan to ensure that both CAMHS Tier 3 and Tier 4 staff have the skills and competencies required to deliver the services specified.
  1. Provide link workers for the specific care pathways i.e. LD CAMHS and Complex Vulnerability (including LAC), to provide support, advice, consultation and case holding capacity to Tier 3. Link workers will deliver and support others to deliver Choice and Partnership appointments where the child or young person is presenting to CAMHS Tier 3 in these care pathways. These responsibilities can be effectively carried out by a number of professionals but the formal validated training in mental health, case holding capacity and skills and experience in the topic in the specified care pathway (i.e. LD CAMHS and Complex Vulnerability (including LAC) will be essential.
  1. Ensure that there is sufficient capacity and expertise across CAMHS Tier 4 services and that CAMHS Tier 4 services work collectively with a single point of entry and as a single MDT (NB. Current teams have been collocated in Block 4, RoyalHospital for Sick Children, adjacent to other CAMH services for service and clinical reasons. This will facilitate the creation of a single MDT CAMHS Tier 4 hub during the Workforce Change process.)
  1. Ensure that services for specific groups of children and adolescents with mental health issues and other co-morbidities (e.g. Learning Disabilities, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Substance Misuse issues etc.) are appropriately and effectively provided.
  1. Ensure that appropriate and effective services are available to respond to crisis/emergency mental health situations for all children and young people, both in-hours and out of hours. This includes CAMHS community on-call arrangements in hours and out of hours and timely admission to appropriate emergency inpatient services if and when required. A separate proposal for a CAMHS RMN Nurse in Charge/Out of Hours Service has been agreed to support the CAMHS Medical On Call Service currently in operation.
  1. Ensure that effective care pathways exist between CAMHS Tier 3 and CAMHS Tier 4: Including the following:-
  • Robust and clear systems and processes for each Tier and the service interfaces,
  • Effective communication between clinicians, users, carers and other professionals supporting children and young people.
4. All cases referred to CAMHS will be referred to CAMHS Tier 3 locality services in the first instance for assessment and the preparation of an initial care plan. Staff in locality teams are expected to be able to work with a full range of psychiatric disorders and will be able to seek support from CAMHS Tier 4 resources. This may occur when a case requires greater intensity of input than a local service working 9-5 can provide, or when a case requires a package of care with specialist input due to complexity of presentation. The Link Workers role will support Tier 3 teams by providing expertise and local capacity while linking back to CAMHS Tier 4 as required.
5. Intensity of clinical input (relevant to HIT care pathway in particular) and complexity (relevant to HIT and CAMHS Tier 4 Service), of the care requirements will determine cases to be managed at CAMHS Tier 4 as cases that can no longer be safely and effectively managed at CAMHS Tier 3. Distance from HIT and CAMHS Tier 4 services may require some local development arrangements to ensure that there is equity of access to HIT and CAMHS Tier 4 services for all CAMHS Tier 3 teams across NHSGGC
The Tier 4 hub will include 2.5 Consultant Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, systemic family therapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist. Nursing support is planned to come from RMNs in the Home Intensive Nursing team and support will also be available from link workers in each locality team.
For full-time consultants a split of 9:1 between Direct Clinical Care Pas and Supporting Professional Activity is now the advertised standards for all new consultant job plans within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. SPA time will reflect activity such as appraisals, PDP, revalidation, personal audit and professional development occurring outside study leave time.
While the candidate will be appointed on such a job plan more SPA time may be agreed if required. This will be agreed at initial job planning and reviewed if necessary. Exact activities will be agreed between the post holder and the Medical and General Manager.
10 programmed activities are allocated to this post. NHSGGC’s position is that all consultant posts are 9:1 posts but with negotiation possible reSPA sessions required.
Indicative Job Plan
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / DCC / Team Meeting / DCC / DCC / DCC
Community Mental Health Teams – Tier 3
Locality Child & Adolescent Mental Health services are provided from four settings within Glasgow and three settings in Clyde, with the development of a further team in East Renfrewshire/South West Glasgow. These are North East (Possilpark Health Centre), North West (West Centre - Drumchapel), East (Bridgeton/Kerr Street Clinic) and South (TwomaxBuilding – Gorbals). In Clyde there are 3 CAMHS teams based in Greenock, Renfrew and Vale Of Leven. These seven teams are multi disciplinary teams offering provision in Tier 2 and 3. Some sectors have Tier 2 and 3 services fully integrated or partly integrated with the same management structure. The Community Outpatient Teams provide specialist assessments and treatment for child and young people with moderate to severe Mental Health problems.
Tier 2 Service
This service is currently available in the 4 Glasgow teams but is in the process of redesign leading to a consistent delivery of tier 2 services across the 8 CAMHS teams in Greater Glasgow. The service offers psychology advice/support for a range of early stage psychological problems which require short intervention programmes. Tier 2 services are currently being reviewed with the purpose being an agreed model delivered from 8 CAMHS teams across NHSGGC.
Paediatric Psychology Service
This service is provided by Clinical Psychologists and Assistant Clinical Psychologists to all medical and surgical teams at RHSC (The Children’s Hospital for Greater Glasgow and Clyde). Child, young people and their families are seen in both an inpatient and outpatient basis. A number of the Hospital medical teams have dedicated links with Psychologists who work closely with the medical teams.
Paediatric Neuropsychological Services
Child Neuropsychologists are attached to the Fraser of Allander Unit. This is the Paediatric Neurology Service based in YorkhillHospital. The Neuropsychologists provide specialist diagnostic assessment and treatment to patients attending the Fraser of Allander Unit and who have cognitive behavioural or educational difficulties in the context of actual or suspected neurological illness or injury. The services covers children from birthday through to 16 years of age, although older adolescents are sometimes seen, if this is felt appropriate.
Clinical Psychology – Maternity & Neonatology
Clinical Psychological Services are also provided to parents whose pregnancy and/or birth is abnormal. This offered through ante-natal and post-natal referrals and for parents whose babies are admitted to the Special Care Baby Unit. There is also a psychological support service offered to parents whose children are followed up in the premature neo-natal outpatients service and long term follow up clinic.
Tier 4 Service: Current & Redesign Proposals
Tier 4 CAMHS teams are undergoing a period of review with regard to the model of service delivery. The agreed aim is to create better developed pathways of care between Tier 3 and 4 teams to maintain specialism within Tier 4 teams but also providing a capacity to undertake specialist work with more children and families being seen at Tier 3 level.