Science Fair: Choosing a Topic

As a fifth grader, our experiments should be higher level. The list below shows examples and non-examples of appropriate types of topics. Think carefully when choosing a topic so that the experiment is interesting and fun for you. Think creatively. Think BIG! Let’s think “DISTRICT AND REGIONAL COMPETITION”. Don’t settle for anything less than your best!

Level 1-Very Simple:
Second or Third Grade Examples of what NOT to choose
How can you measure the strength of a magnet? / Does temperature affect the growth of plants?
Does a bath take more or less water than a shower? / Which type of battery do toys run on the longest?
Does mint repel ants? / Can plants grow without soil?
Do the roots of a plant always grow downward? / What foods do mealworms prefer?
Do different kinds of apples have the same number of seeds? / Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the frig?
Level 2: Basic Fourth and Fifth Grade Ideas
Does the color of water affect its evaporation? / Which cheese grows mold the fastest?
How far does a snail travel in one minute? / How far can a person lean without falling?
How far can a water balloon be tossed to someone before it breaks? / Does baking soda lower the temperature of water?
Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers? / Can you tell what time it is without a watch?
Which liquid has the highest viscosity? / Does an ice cube melt faster in air or water?
Does the shape of a kite affect its flight? / Do all colors fade at the same rate?
Will more air in a basketball make it bounce higher? / Do different amounts of soil hold the same amount of water?
Do living plants give off moisture? / How much can a caterpillar eat in one day?
Which kind of glue can hold two boards together better? / Which gets warmer: sand or dirt?
Using a lever, can one student lift a larger student? / Does a baseball go farther when hit by a metal or wooden bat?
Does a plant grow faster when given milk or water? / Which kind of cleaner removes stains the best?
In my class, who has the smallest hands: girls or boys? / How much weight can an egg hold?

Level 2-Advanced: The Best Fifth Grade Examples

  1. Do boys or girls have a higher resting heart rate?
/ 18. What kind of line carries sound waves the best?
  1. Can the sun’s energy be used to clean water?
/ 19. Which grows faster: mold on dry or moist bread?
  1. Does a green plant add oxygen to its environment?
/ 20. What percentage of corn seeds in a package will germinate?
  1. Does an earthworm react to light and darkness?
/ 21.Which way does the wind blow most frequently?
  1. Does the human tongue have definite areas for certain tastes?
/ 22. Can you use a strand of human hair to measure moisture?
  1. Can the same type of balloons withstand the same amount of pressure?
/ 23. Does the size of a light bulb affect its energy use?
  1. Does the viscosity of liquid affect its boiling point?
/ 24. What distance can speech be heard through a tube?
  1. What kind of plant contains starch?
/ 25.Which type of soil filters water best?
  1. Do liquids cool as they evaporate?
/ 26.Which metal conducts heat the best?
  1. Does surrounding color affect an insect’s feeding habit?
/ 27. Do children’s heart rates increase as they grow older?
  1. What material provides the best insulation?
/ 28. Is using two eyes to judge distance more accurate than using one eye?
  1. What keeps things colder: aluminum foil or plastic wrap?
/ 29.Do different kinds of caterpillars eat different amounts of food?
  1. How does size affect the amount of food a turtle eats?
/ 30.How much of an apple is water?
  1. Does color affect the absorption of heat?
/ 31.Does sound travel best through solids, liquids, or gases?
  1. Do sugar crystals grow faster in tap water or distilled water?
/ 32.Can you see better if you limit the amount of light that enters your eye?
  1. What kinds of liquids are acids, bases, or neutral?
/ 33.Does a plant need some darkness to grow?
  1. Does the length of a vibrating object affect sound?
/ 38.Who can balance better on the balls of their feet: girls or boys?

You do NOT have to choose one of these. These are ideas of the topics we are looking for. Feel free to create one of your own. Be sure that you know which variable you control and which one you are changing. Please ask for advice if you get stuck. Pay attention to the posted due dates. Always try to have things ready a few days in advance in case of unexpected delays.