Haiderali 1

Asif Haiderali

Dr. Hobby

English 10

7 March 2002

Annotated Bibliography

10 Great Challenges Facing Every Muslim. 28 Feb. 2002. 14 Feb. 2002 < I believe that this article was really helpful according to the amount of information it contains. This article describes the 10 great challenges that Muslims face in the future. The way each of the challenges are described is very indepth and all the information it contains deals with the stereotyping of Muslims. Muslims are always uncomfortable in all public places that they attend to. For example, it explains the certain people that create this a very significant issue. Issues such as the following: going to the mall, or just going to any public area such as the library. I can conclude that this article is a very indepth and descriptive article that should be very useful if used properly.

Amburg, Penny Van. Two Barnard Faculty Members Warn of the Danger of Stereotyping. 1 Mar. 2002. 2 Feb. 2002 < The following article shows how difficult it would be for the majors to find the terrorists. They say that they look very alike as to other people. Right then and there, the article itself is stereotyping Muslim’s race and color. “In the wake of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, two Barnard faculty members warned that it would be a continuing challenge to combat stereotypes of people who look different (Penny Van Amburg).” The rest of the article just gives a broad summarization as to how the certain process is going to run. Other then that, there can be only one idea or factor that could be taken down from this article. It’s not as useful as many of the other articles that were found.

Astel, Cynthia B. Leasers: Don’t demonize Arabs, Muslims. 6 Mar. 2002. 10 Jan. 2002 < This article basically explains the factor in which Christian leaders in the United States and the Middle East called upon Americans not to demonize all Arabs, Muslims or Arab Americans as evidence mounted linking selfdescribed “Islamic” terrorists to last week’s attacks in New York and Washington. This article gives a very strong explanation as to why they conclude this. One of the statements included the following; “We strongly implore our congregants and all fellow citizens to refrain from acts of vengeance or harm against any individuals, groups, communities or houses of worship because of their ethnic or religious identity. This is a time for us to join as one nation and one people in affirming our nation’s diversity. The foundation and moral conscience of our nation will not be destroyed by bombs or terrorist threats.“ This article showed a proved their points. The source could be used greatly as well as some of the opinions.

Bodansky, Yossef. Bin Laden The Man Who Declared War On America. Roseville, California: Prima Publishing, 2001. This book informs details from day one to futuristic details. The details that are contained in this book help the reader to contain interest as well as gain an enormous amount of information. The book starts off with the generalization subtitles such as: “Crisis and Rebirth, Triumph over the Paper Tiger, and even the Declaration of War.” The book also includes what should be happening in the future. It also explains, the humiliation of the enemy. It contains an enormous amount of information from what caused the enemy for such strange anger, to his future plans. I believe that this book is a great source and a lot of useful information can be taken from it.

Burson, Pat . Fear Grips Muslim Communities. 22 Feb. 2002. 22 Jan. 2002 < This article is pretty informative; but the purpose of the article is to inform the audience. You don’t know whether the information is valid or not. Sure it could be valid, but what the intelligent readers would like to know is where the information came from. Though I don’t know where the information came from, there was still some information that I believe was important. It could make a great example. This article explains about a Muslim community or village the feels they’re living in fear. The communities are located on Long Island. A very important factor that I believe the article included was the following: “Like many Long Island Muslims, the safety and security of their daily lives ended after Arab terrorists smashed hijacked commercial airliners into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 (Pat Burson).” This is one of the reasons why this article came out to be negotiable.

Comis, Larissa. Beyru’s Battle. 21 Feb. 2002. 13 Jan. 2002 < This article basically talks about a rather interesting story that had happened in 1996. A ma said that he was accused because of his race and color by a police officer. It was a shocking quote after I read it. The article contains great details that prove why and how the Muslim was stereotyped.“When Philadelphia financial analyst Aziz Beyru stopped in a grocery store parking lot Mar. 2 to listen to a soccer game on his short wave radio, he never expected to wind up getting questioned by the police. But he was — by four Haverford Township police officers. And now Beyru, a Muslim native of Turkey and a 20year Philadelphia resident, believes he was singled out because of his ethnicity (Larissa Comic).” This story should be read because the story is rather interesting and it can be used as an example on the paper.

Elgenaidi, Maha. Muslims in the United States: How stereotyping of Muslims was used to pass “AntiTerrorism” Law. 28 Jan. 2002 < Maha ElGenaidi explains how stereotyping of Muslims passed a law. The article says that this has lead to bad government policies, which would affect mostly Muslims and Arabs, but could affect any American Citizen. What may be useful information that could be taken from this article could be the different type of questions that are stated and answered. For example, “is there a pattern of targeting Arabs and Muslims by the current US administration? In June 1996, President Clinton signed into law one of the most repressive pieces of legislation in our time: the “AntiTerrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act.” Since its the passage, the Justice Department has held and deported over 12 Arabs of Palestinian, Egyptian and Algerian origins, on the basis of “secret evidence.” This article also contains some useful information.

Gay, Malcom, and Turaya Bryant. Campus Muslim Students Braced for Backslash. 6 Mar. 2002. 6 Mar. 2002 < Malcom Gay and Turaya Bryant, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, created an article describing a special school program called the Muslims Student Association. This article basically explains the different types of reactions on the Campus of Berkeley. “They said they fear a violent backlash to media portrayals of Muslims as irrational zealots. “Every time something like this happens they pin it on Muslims,” said Nadia Yourself, her head covered in a traditional Islamic scarf. “I was told to be careful on campus. (Malcom Gay and Turaya Bryant)” The information was highly known about, therefore I issue this a good but unusable source. I can conclude this source is not usable simply because the authors of the source are not known to be done research on the following information. The purpose of their writing is jus basically to inform the audience. In other terms, they write for audience that uses this as entertainment purposes.

Latif, Omaya Abdel. Imaging the Future. 6 Mar. 2002. 28 Jan. 2002 < “Why should Arabs and Muslims care about the bad image they have in the Western media? According to one prominent media expert, no other group has been more vilified in the history of image making. Recent events have intensified this. The relationship between the Arab and Muslim worlds and the West is more dependent on images now than at any earlier time. Any attempt to break down such negative stereotyping is sorely needed Omaya Abdel Latif.” The following is a magazine article that contains great information about what the future of holds of the Muslims. This article has the indepth details that are needed in order to complete the paper.

Lyons, Eric M. Min. Stop the stereotyping! 6 Mar. 2002. 3 Jan. 2002 < This annotation gives an informative summary on the recent bombings. The article describes the many similar opinions on what Americans have to say about the attacks. The cruel, malicious, wicked thoughts of the Americans are all said and explained in this article. It also explains what the future steps should be taken in order for such events like this never to happen. They also use the Bible as a source of protection and information as to what they have to state. For example, “I want our government swiftly to find and punish the guilty persons who took the lives of those who bear the “image of God”—cf. Romans 13:14; Genesis 9:6; 1:2627.” The article then gives a very broad analysis of what Islam means to Muslims. One of the facts that the article state is: “90% of all Muslims believe in affiliation.”

Marayati, Salam Al. The Rising Tide of Hostile Stereotyping of Islam. 5 Feb. 2002. 6 Mar. 2002 <

Salam AlMarayati is director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles. The article explains the different types of Muslims that believe the media or even some people have affected their life by their color and race. It may be useful because of a couple of reasons. Some reasons such as, “was the terrorist attacks the only reason why Americans stereotype Muslims?” The answer had appeared and gave the full amount of information that is needed. It appeared that stereotyping of Muslims has been going on for a very long time. The attacks just appeared to make it inferior. The truth according to my understanding was also stated in this article. It was the following, “even though responsible journalists and most U.S. policymakers agree that virtually all American Muslims are lawabiding citizens. (Salam AlMarayati)” I believe that this article may be exceptionally useful. The source is also trust worthy simply because the writer himself is a Muslim (further research).

Martini, Kelly. Muslims still face U.S. stereotyping. 28 Feb. 2002. 3 Feb. 2002 < This is a great informative website. It explains the different times of politicizing done by the media against the Muslims. It also gives many examples such as the incident with the Response Magazine. The Response Magazine is the official publication for the United Methodist Women. “Prejudice against Muslims is one of several areas covered in Response’s current issue, which focuses on hatred and the problems it creates. (Kelly Martini). One of the very important factors that the author has written according to my understanding was, “AntiMuslim language and images have been building over the years, said Ghada Talhami, a professor at Lake Forest (Ill.) College. “It increases as the community becomes more visible. Muslims are more in the mainstream, which arouses fear and suspicion (Kelly Martini).

McInnis, Noel. National Post editorial fuels accusations of Islamic bias. 1 Mar. 2002. 4 Jan. 2002 < A Sept. 15 National Post editorial has prompted the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) to issue a statement accusing the Post of antiIslamic attitudes. This article is another one of those monotonous articles that explains the urge of a Canadian Congress to stop outranging on the Muslim community. The article was actually a question answer situation with the two parties being: the Canadian Congress, and the Post. “National CIC president Mohamed Elmasry said in the statement that antiIslam bias at the Post has reached unparalleled levels, and that it has “repeatedly proven itself the worst offender among Canadian newspapers for using language and biased editorial attitudes toward all Muslims. (Noel McInnis)” I believe that this source is rather a more generalization more then any information that is going to be useful.

Muslim Culture, Religion Misrepresented By Media. 17 Feb. 2002. 12 Jan. 2002 < This article is really interesting. As many of the other articles that were published, it is a great generalization of Islam. It explains the pillars of Islam. It also gives a couple of quotations of the Quran. By doing this, it keeps the reader interested as well as gives off great information as to what they believe in. Unfortunately, it’s just a generalization of the religion. It then describes the fundamental beliefs of Islam. T the end it declares that the reader has it’s own decision. The decision is whether or not they oppose Muslims or not. The article also states that there are about six million Muslims in America. I then go off to the may detailed factors such as fasting and Ramadan. By reading this article you would get some great information on what Muslim’s believe in. This is why a lot of information in this article is unfortunately UN useful.

Rotar, Igor. KYRGYZSTAN: MUSLIM RIGHTS ACTIVIST DETAINED. 20 Feb. 2002. 20 Jan. 2002 < This article basically talks about the following: “Bahodyr Akhmedov, the son of a prominent local imam, was detained on 11 January by officers of the National Security Service (NSS) in JalalAbad city, in southern Kyrgyzstan, Keston News Service learned on 17 January from the Bishkekbased Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law. Akhmedov is a member of the Committee for the Protection of Muslims’ Rights an officially registered nongovernmental organization in Kyrgyzstan founded by, among others, a member of parliament, the president of the subcommittee for religious affairs Alisher Sobirov. (Igor Rotar)” It then grows off talking about the many different types of problems that are going to be growing the United States. I believe this article may be useful in a way but in many ways it’s not. There’s not enough information on the detailed factor.

Smith, Jane I. Islam in America. New York, Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 1999. Islam to America gives a very broad generalization of what Islam is. It explains how Islam has migrated to America. It also explains that it’s one of the fastest growing religious groups on America today. It survey’s the history of Islam in the United States and profiles the lifestyle, religious practices, and worldviews of American Muslim, considering some of the many ways in which Islam has become an important and visible part of the society. The author presents a richly textured portrait of the contemporary American Muslim community in the United States today. It begins with an introduction to Muslim beliefs and practices. It also goes on to place the experiences of American Muslims within the context of Islam’s long and varied history. Once again this book gives one of the greatest generalizations of Islam that I’ve ever read. What is needed is indepth details that show stereotyping of Muslims. This may mean that stereotyping of Muslims dealing with terrorism never existed. Then again it might had occurred, this just wasn’t the right book to look for the following information. This is why I can conclude that this is not a very valuable source.

Tapia, Moeiz A. Recognize Muslims’ excellent contributions to the world. 3 Mar. 2002. 9 Feb. 2002 < Moiez A. Tapia is chairman of the Institute of Islamic Education and Research in Miami. On a sabbatical from the University of Miami, he is a visiting researcher at Florida International University’s School of Computer Science. This article describes how the media stereotype’s Muslims with such diversity every time too. This article also gives some very useful statistics such as: By contrast, the numbers of terrorist attacks by Puerto Ricans, leftwing groups, Jewish groups, antiCastro Cubans, and rightwing groups were 77, 23, 16, 12, and six, respectively. The article then goes off by explaining that, neither Muslims nor Christians promote terrorism. With these numbers, it explains, the media still pulls off by stereotyping “Muslim – Terrorism.” I believe that this source would be rather helpful simply because of the indepth information that is given.

Whitaker, Brian. Why the ‘rules’ of racism are different for Arabs. 15 Jan. 2002. 6 Feb. 2002 < It was very interesting how this article had started off. It didn’t have a link to it. The direct goal of the article was the first line. Arabs are the only really vicious racial stereotypes still considered acceptable in Hollywood, writes Middle East editor Brian Whitaker. The article gives many great comparisons that may be very useful information. Comparisons are given dealing with Arabs, Muslims, and even Blacks. The article then gives a tremendously detailed story that helps the reader keep interest. The details that are included in the story are true facts that go with any story. Though it is a true story, many fictions are told to be giving the same information, which is also stated in the article. Reading this article informed me with a lot of useful information that could be used. This is why I can conclude by stating that this was a great source.

Wormser, Richard. “Islam Comes to America.” Foreword. Growing Up Muslim in America. By Wormser. New York, New York: Walker Publishing Company Inc., 1994. 71 77. This book gives information on many different types of interpretations of Americans dealing with how they feel about Muslims. Since the publication ear is before the actual attacks have occurred, this book would give you a direct observation as to how the Americans felt about Muslims. One of the factors that the book states were that there was an estimated four to six million Muslims live in the United States. They continue by stating that, “yet Islam is still one of the most misunderstood and maligned religions in this country. (Richard Wormser)” This means that the books also gives a generalization of what Islam is and what they actually believe in. Focusing on the, “Islam comes to America” section, it gives useful information, but if I were to give a generalization report. The indepth details that are needed don’t really seem to appear. Sure the details appear when talking generally about Muslims and what they believe in. The information that I am looking for is not really there. This is why I can conclude that this is not really a successful source.