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TopologicalGeometro Dynamics (TGD) Books

Dr.Matti Pitkanen

Postal address:

Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11

10940, Hanko, Finland



(former address:)

"Blog" forum:

This document lists the 15 TGD books as well as their abstracts. In addition, specific chapters in each one are given.

The books are intended for Physics experts. While much abbreviated, the same could be said for the abstracts and chapters.

However, some astounding revelations concerning Consciousness, Biology, Past/Present/Future "experienced-Time", remote mental interactions and experiences are put in layman's terms at doc pdfURL-doc URL-pdf.

the on-line TGD Books

Book / Source / Abstract
TGD - An Overview / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Quantum-TGD as infinite-dimensional spinor geometry / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Towards M-matrix / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Physics as a Generalized Number Theory / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Classical Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
P-adic length scale hypothesis and Dark Matter hierarchy / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
TGD and "Fringe" physics / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Bio-systems as Self Organizing Systems / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Quantum Hardware of Living Systems / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Genes and Memes / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
TGD and EEG / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Magnetospheric Consciousness / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf
Mathematical Aspects of Consciousness / URL-original URL-bkup / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf

Abstract and Full-Text links to the on-line TGD Books

Book / Chapter Title / Abstract module / Entire Chapter
TGD - An Overview / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdview)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdview / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD - Basic Visions / atgdview#tgd2010 / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-inspired Theory of Consciousness / atgdview#tgdconsc2010 / URL-original URL-bkup
Overall View About Evolution of TGD / atgdview#tgdevoI / URL-original URL-bkup
Overall View about Quantum-TGD: Part I / atgdview#tgdevoII / URL-original URL-bkup
Overall View about Quantum-TGD: Part II / atgdview#tgdevoIII / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and M-Theory / atgdview#MTGD / URL-original URL-bkup
the Geometry of the World of Classical Worlds (WCW) / atgdview#tgdgeom / URL-original URL-bkup
Classical-TGD / atgdview#tgdclass / URL-original URL-bkup
Physics as a generalized number theory / atgdview#tgdnumber / URL-original URL-bkup
was von Neumann Right After All? / atgdview#vNeumann / URL-original URL-bkup
Does TGD Predict the Spectrum of Planck Constants? / atgdview#Planck / URL-original URL-bkup
Cosmology and Astrophysics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / atgdview#tgdcosmo / URL-original URL-bkup
Overall View about TGD from Particle Physics Perspective / atgdview#TGDoverall / URL-original URL-bkup
Particle Massivation in the TGD Universe / atgdview#
TGDpadmasses / URL-original URL-bkup
New Physics Predicted by TGD / atgdview#
TGDnewphys / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / append / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum-TGD as infinite-dimensional spinor geometry / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - itgdgeom)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdgeom / URL-original URL-bkup
Identification of Configuration Space Kähler function / atgdgeom#kahler / URL-original URL-bkup
Construction of configuration space Kähler geometry from symmetry principles / atgdgeom#compl1 / URL-original URL-bkup
Configuration Space Spinor Structure / atgdgeom#cspin / URL-original URL-bkup
Does the Modified Dirac Equation Define the Fundamental Action Principle? / atgdgeom#Dirac / URL-original URL-bkup
Miscellaneous Topics / atgdgeom#misc / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / tgdgeom#Begin / URL-original URL-bkup
Towards M-matrix / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdquant)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdquant / URL-original URL-bkup
Basic extremals of the Kähler action / atgdquant#class / URL-original URL-bkup
Construction of Quantum Theory: Symmetries / atgdquant#quthe / URL-original URL-bkup
Construction of Quantum Theory: M-matrix / atgdquant#towards / URL-original URL-bkup
Category Theory and Quantum-TGD / atgdquant#categorynew / URL-original URL-bkup
Twistors, N=4 Super-Conformal Symmetry, and Quantum-TGD / atgdquant#twistor / URL-original URL-bkup
Yangian Symmetry, Twistors, and TGD / atgdquant#Yangian / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Field Theory Limit of TGD from Bosonic Emergence / atgdquant#emergence / URL-original URL-bkup
Does the QFT Limit of TGD Have Space-Time Supersymmetry? / atgdquant#susy / URL-original URL-bkup
Was von Neumann Right After All? / atgdview#vNeumann / URL-original URL-bkup
Does TGD Predict the Spectrum of Planck Constants? / atgdquant#Planck / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Hall Effect and Hierarchy of Planck Constants / atgdquant#anyontgd / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix A: Quantum Groups and Related Structures / [biagelbra] / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix B / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD as a Generalized Number Theory / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdnumber)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdnumber / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD as a Generalized Number Theory I: p-Adicization Program / atgdnumber#visiona / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD as a Generalized Number Theory II: Quaternions, Octonions, and their Hyper Counterparts / atgdnumber#visionb / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD as a Generalized Number Theory III: Infinite Primes / atgdnumber#visionc / URL-original URL-bkup
p-Adic Numbers and Generalization of Number Concept / atgdnumber#padmat / URL-original URL-bkup
p-Adic Numbers and TGD: Physical Ideas / atgdnumber#phblocks / URL-original URL-bkup
Fusion of p-Adic and Real Variants of Quantum-TGD to a More General Theory / atgdnumber#mblocks / URL-original URL-bkup
Negentropy Maximization Principle / atgdnumber#nmpc / URL-original URL-bkup
Category Theory, Quantum-TGD, and the TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness / atgdnumber#categoryc / URL-original URL-bkup
Riemann Hypothesis and Physics / atgdnumber#riema / URL-original URL-bkup
Topological Quantum Computation in the TGD Universe / atgdnumber#tqc / URL-original URL-bkup
Langlands Program and TGD / atgdnumber#Langlands / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdclass)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdclass / URL-original URL-bkup
Basic Extremals of the Kähler action / atgdclass#class / URL-original URL-bkup
General View About Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time: Part I / atgdclass#topcond / URL-original URL-bkup
General View About Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time: Part II / atgdclass#newviews / URL-original URL-bkup
Coupling Constant Evolution in Quantum-TGD / atgdclass#rgflow / URL-original URL-bkup
the Relationship between TGD and GRT / atgdclass#tgdgrt / URL-original URL-bkup
Cosmic Strings / atgdclass#cstrings / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and Cosmology / atgdclass#cosmo / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and Astrophysics / atgdclass#astro / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Astrophysics / atgdclass#qastro / URL-original URL-bkup
Hydrodynamics and CP2 geometry / atgdclass#hydro / URL-original URL-bkup
Macroscopic Quantum phenomena and CP2 geometry / atgdclass#super / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
P-adic length scale hypothesis and Dark Matter hierarchy / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - padmat)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / ipaddark / URL-original URL-bkup
Overall View about TGD from Particle Physics Perspective / apaddark#TGDoverall / URL-original URL-bkup
Elementary particle vacuum functionals / apaddark#elvafu / URL-original URL-bkup
Massless States and Particle Massivation / apaddark#mless / URL-original URL-bkup
p-Adic Particle Massivation: Hadron Masses / apaddark#padmass3 / URL-original URL-bkup
p-Adic Particle Massivation: New Physics / apaddark#padmass4 / URL-original URL-bkup
Recent Status of Lepto-Hadron Hypothesis / apaddark#leptc / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and Nuclear Physics / apaddark#padnucl / URL-original URL-bkup
Nuclear String Hypothesis / apaddark#nuclstring / URL-original URL-bkup
Dark Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter / apaddark#exonuclear / URL-original URL-bkup
Dark Forces and Living Matter / apaddark#darkforces / URL-original URL-bkup
Superconductivity in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / apaddark#supercond / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Hall effect and the Hierarchy of Planck Constants / apaddark#anyontgd / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and "Fringe" physics / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - freenergy)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / ifreenergy / URL-original URL-bkup
Anomalies Related to the Classical Z0 Force and Gravitation / afreenergy#Zanom / URL-original URL-bkup
the Notion of Free Energy and Many-Sheeted Space-Time Concept / afreenergy#freenergy / URL-original URL-bkup
about Strange Effects related to Rotating Magnetic Systems / afreenergy#Faraday / URL-original URL-bkup
did Tesla discover the Mechanism changing the Arrow of Time? / afreenergy#tesla / URL-original URL-bkup
UFOs, Aliens, and New Physics / afreenergy#mantleufo / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdconsc)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / itgdconsc / URL-original URL-bkup
Matter, Mind, Quantum / atgdconsc.html#conscic / URL-original URL-bkup
Negentropy Maximization Principle / atgdconsc.html#nmpc / URL-original URL-bkup
Self and Binding / atgdconsc.html#selfbindc / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum model for Sensory representations / atgdconsc.html#expc / URL-original URL-bkup
Time and Consciousness / atgdconsc.html#timesc / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Model for Memory / atgdconsc.html#memoryc / URL-original URL-bkup
about the Nature of Time / atgdconsc.html#timenature / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-inspired theory of Intelligent systems / atgdconsc.html#intsysc / URL-original URL-bkup
p-Adic physics as physics of Cognition and Intention / atgdconsc.html#cognic / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum model for Paranormal phenomena / atgdconsc.html#parac / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-based Model for Out-of-Body Experiences / atgdconsc.html#OBE / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Bio-systems as Self Organizing Systems / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - bioselforg)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / ibioselforg / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum theory of Self organization / abioselforg.html#selforgac / URL-original URL-bkup
about the Possible Role of p-Adic Numbers in Bio-Systems / abioselforg.html#biopadc / URL-original URL-bkup
Biological realization of Self hierarchy / abioselforg.html#bioselfc / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems: Part I / abioselforg.html#qcococI / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems: Part II / abioselforg.html#qcococII / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Hardware of Living Systems / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - bioware)
Introduction / ibioware / URL-original URL-bkup
Bio-Systems as Superconductors: Part I / abioware.html#superc1 / URL-original URL-bkup
Bio-Systems as Superconductors: Part II / abioware.html#superc2 / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Antenna hypothesis / abioware.html#tubuc / URL-original URL-bkup
Wormhole Magnetic Fields / abioware.html#wormc / URL-original URL-bkup
Dark Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter / abioware.html#exonuclear / URL-original URL-bkup
Dark Forces and Living Matter / abioware.html#darkforces / URL-original URL-bkup
about the New Physics behind Quantum-Biology / abioware.html#newphys / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-Universe as a Conscious Hologram / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - hologram)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / ihologram / URL-original URL-bkup
Time and Consciousness / ahologram.html#timesc / URL-original URL-bkup
Time, Space-time, and Consciousness / ahologram.html#time / URL-original URL-bkup
Macro-Temporal Quantum Coherence and Spin Glass Degeneracy / ahologram.html#macro / URL-original URL-bkup
Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms / ahologram.html#hologram / URL-original URL-bkup
General theory of Qualia / ahologram.html#qualia / URL-original URL-bkup
Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time / ahologram.html#homeoc / URL-original URL-bkup
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Metabolism as different sides of the same coin / ahologram.html#metab / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Genes and Memes / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - genememc)
URL-original URL-bkup
Introduction / igenememe / URL-original URL-bkup
about the New Physics behind Quantum-Biology / agenememe.html#newphys / URL-original URL-bkup
Topological Quantum Computation in the TGD Universe / agenememe.html#tqc / URL-original URL-bkup
Genes and Memes / agenememe.html#genememec / URL-original URL-bkup
Many-sheeted DNA / agenememe.html#genecodec / URL-original URL-bkup
DNA as a Topological Quantum Computer / agenememe.html#dnatqc / URL-original URL-bkup
the Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as a Topological Quantum Computer / agenememe.html#gari / URL-original URL-bkup
Evolution in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / agenememe.html#prebio / URL-original URL-bkup
Expanding Earth Model and Pre-Cambrian Evolution of Continents, Climate, and Life / agenememe.html#expearth / URL-original URL-bkup
a Model for Protein Folding and Bio-catalysis / agenememe.html#foldcat / URL-original URL-bkup
3 new physics realizations of the Genetic Code and the role of Dark Batter in biosystems / agenememe.html#dnatqccodes / URL-original URL-bkup
could the Genetic Code be understood Number-Theoretically? / agenememe.html#genenumber / URL-original URL-bkup
Unification of 4 Approaches to the Genetic Code / agenememe.html#divicode / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD and EEG / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - tgdeeg)
Introduction / itgdeeg / URL-original URL-bkup
Magnetic Sensory Canvas Hypothesis / atgdeeg.html#mec / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum model for Bio-superconductivity / atgdeeg.html#biosupercond / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum model for Hearing / atgdeeg.html#hearing / URL-original URL-bkup
TGD-inspired model of Nerve Pulse / atgdeeg.html#nervepulse / URL-original URL-bkup
Dark Matter Hierarchy and Hierarchy of EEGs / atgdeeg.html#eegdark / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Model of EEG / atgdeeg.html#eegII / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Magnetospheric Consciousness / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - magnconsc)
Introduction / [imagnconsc] / URL-original URL-bkup
Magnetospheric sensory representations / amagnconsc.html#srepres / URL-original URL-bkup
Evolution in Many-Sheeted Space-Time / amagnconsc.html#prebio / URL-original URL-bkup
UFOs, Aliens, and New Physics / amagnconsc.html#mantleufo / URL-original URL-bkup
Semitrance, Mental Illness, and Altered States of Consciousness / amagnconsc.html#semitrancec / URL-original URL-bkup
Semitrance, Language, and development of Civilization / amagnconsc.html#langsoc / URL-original URL-bkup
Crop Circles and Life at parallel space-time sheets: Part I / amagnconsc.html#crop1 / URL-original URL-bkup
Crop Circles and Life at parallel space-time sheets: Part II / amagnconsc.html#crop2 / URL-original URL-bku
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup
Mathematical Aspects of Consciousness / URL-original html
doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf / (entire Book - mathconsc)
Introduction / [imathconsc] / URL-original URL-bkup
Category Theory, Quantum-TGD, and TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness / amathconsc.html#categoryc / URL-original URL-bkup
Infinite Primes and Consciousness / amathconsc.html#infpc / URL-original URL-bkup
Topological Quantum Computation in the TGD Universe / amathconsc.html#tqc / URL-original URL-bkup
DNA as a Topological Quantum Computer / amathconsc.html#dnatqc / URL-original URL-bkup
was von Neumann right after all? / amathconsc.html#vNeumann / URL-original URL-bkup
does TGD predict the Spectrum of Planck Constants? / amathconsc.html#Planck / URL-original URL-bkup
Quantum Hall Effect and Hierarchy of Planck Constants / amathconsc.html#anyontgd / URL-original URL-bkup
Appendix / [append] / URL-original URL-bkup

Sorted alphabetically by module