
We Are Our Children’s Model . . .

By: Marla Hanlon-Abeita

As our children learn from what they see, hear, and activities in which they participate, let us model for our children the values and behaviors reflecting thoughtful personal choice.

Whether at home or school, our children are constantly observing those around them and absorbing ways in which to act, talk, and think. For our children to come to school ready to learn and to interact in a positive manner, we must choose those behaviors at home that we want our children to reflect at school.

Parent modeling includes the unspoken word, as well as the spoken word and is the most powerful modeling force in shaping a child’s life (Bedley, 1985). For a child to be successful not only in school, but also throughout his/her life, we provide a matrix to help them make choices. Let our matrix include:

  • treating others with respect in word and deed
  • taking responsibility for our actions
  • doing our best to complete the tasks before us
  • accepting loss graciously
  • approaching life with a positive attitude

Especially, as coming to Taos Charter School is a personal choice, let us help our children understand that to make our experience here the best it can possibly beand we put forth our best effort as a member of the school. Remember, as a parent, we are modeling the behavior our children will express at school, in word and action.

Table of Contents

WE ARE OUR CHILDREN’S MODEL……………………………………………………………….……………………………2

Taos Charter School Mission Statement



Extended Absence Policy

Extra Curricular Absence













Application Deadline

Lottery Procedures

Waiting List Procedures

Sibling Lottery Procedures for the Following Year



Accelerated Stay Green:

Playground Rules – Grades K-5:


























Student/Parent Handbook Page of Commitment

Student Computer Use Agreement 2013-2014

Taos Charter School Mission Statement

The mission of the Taos Charter School is to provide our community’s children with a public school educational alternative, to provide our public school teachers with the best possible educational environment in which to teach, to involve the parents and families of our students in the education of their children, and to enhance the character education of all students.

Our school will be characterized by academic achievement based on high expectations, a high level of accountability for administrators, teachers, and students, and classroom level funding that can correlate funding and achievement.

Our school will strive to ensure that each child who attends the School can achieve their highest potential in all academic areas while fostering and developing the basis for a lifelong love of learning. Every school decision will be informed by this belief.

We will be a public charter school for the Taos Valley, providing all parents in our community the opportunity to choose where and how their child is educated. The Taos Public Charter School recognizes the importance of including students from all areas of our community so everyone can benefit from the school’s educational programs and environment. The employees, parents, and community supporters of the School will work together to create an educational atmosphere conducive to high achievement for all students in our community.

Our goal is to have a collaborative school environment in which parents, students, teachers, and administrators work toward common, well-articulated goals in a situation highly supportive of challenge and innovation. This environment then will provide the best possible setting for our children to succeed and use their acquired knowledge to help our community.


Maximize positive environment for learning.

Acknowledge and meet individual learning styles.

Provide regular, on-going experiential (hands-on) education.

Establish high standards for student behavior and attendance.

Increase the contact time between teachers and students.

Decrease the use of pull-out programs during regular classroom hours.

Vertically integrate curriculum with close coordination between all grade levels.

Increase accountability for student performance

Adopt and maintain performance standards for all students.

Establish a system of “gateways” for student assessment.

Discourage social promotion.

Help parents and family understand they are responsible for student achievement.

Stress the importance of regular attendance.

Monitor and regularly report attendance and non-attendance.

Enforce the policies, procedures and rules in the student/parent handbook.

Increase community involvement.
Encourageparent’s meaningful involvement in governance of the school.

Governing Council.

Friends of Taos Charter School

Taos Charter School PTA

Provide parents with opportunities to participate in the school.

Offer parent related school activities during non-working hours.

Schedule teacher/parent conferences during non-working hours.

Weekly school newsletter and yearly calendar.

Coordination and cooperation with local agencies and activities.

Maximize academic, artistic, physical and character development of students.


Develop student’s communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

Provide early childhood literacy program.

Increase student’sknowledge in mathematics and sciences.

Develop student’s understanding of history and geography, including an increased understanding ofthe unique character of our community.

Allow students to achieve and progress at their own level.

Understand student’s personal learning styles and provide for them.


Provide students’ interaction with the unique resources of the Taos Valley.

Increase the experiential (hands-on) component of the academic experience.

Develop students’ understanding and appreciation of the natural environment.

Develop students’ creative expression through drama and music.

Develop an enjoyment and understanding of art and art history.


Provide physical activities that increase coordination skills.

Increase students’ understanding and awareness of personal safety.

Develop and promote students’ good personal hygiene and healthful nutrition.


Help each child to attain a positive self-image.

Understand the social and emotional issues of each student.

Help each child to experience success, as an individual and in a group.

Help each child understand they are responsible for their actions.

Develop each student’s ability to meet change with confidence.


Extended Absence Policy

The Extended Absence Policy allows students and their parents/guardians to travel for educational purposes for extended periods. The Taos Charter School has set standards that teachers, parents/guardians, and students must agree to prior to travel. Parents/guardians are required to request extended travel in writing from teachers at least two (2) weeks in advance.Parents/guardians must fill out a Student’s Extended Learning Environment Form (SELE), turn it in to the teachers’ involved for signature, then the Secretary must verify total days the student will be absent then the Director must Approve or Disapprove. The information request will be for all educational objectives that will be given during the extended absence. The student will be required to keep a daily travel journal and work on curriculum objectives. Students will be tested on objectives, or will turn in work that demonstrates mastery. One week prior to the extended absence; parents/guardian will meet with teachers to obtain all educational objectives. The extended travel will then be considered a school-approved trip, and the student will not be considered absent. Upon one week of return, parents must meet with teachers to ascertain if the student has completed the scheduled educational objectives and has not fallen behind in any work. Students will receive zeros for incomplete work. Parents are considered responsible for meeting the school’s educational objectives.

Requests for extended absences may be denied for the following reasons:

An average below “C”

Frequent previous absences, totaling 10 or more, including a tally of tardies. (3 tardies equal 1 un-excused absence)

Lack of Teacher recommendation

The homework should be picked up one (1) week prior to the vacation or planned absence. Education objectives and/or homework assignments requested in advance must be completed and returned to the teachers on the day of return to school unless there are extenuating emergency circumstances. Teachers may not be able to provide all of the assignments in advance. Therefore, the student will need to get all other missed work immediately upon return. Due date for this work will be determined by the teacher. The student should present a signed request form to the Director. Absences are often detrimental to student achievement, even when make-up privileges are allowed. Therefore, parents and guardians need to be aware of potential negative effects these absences may have, particularly in classes where the student’s current status is marginal. The student is responsible for requesting make-up work from his or her teachers. Only one extended absence may be requested per year for no more than a fifteen day maximum.

Please do not plan any vacations or absences during the last week of March and the first 3-weeks of April due to mandatory NMSBA standardized testing.

Student’s Extended Learning Environment (SELE) forms are available to students in good standing to excuse absences where parents provide educational experiences. These may be picked up at the school office and filled out two weeks prior to the absence.

Extra Curricular Absence

Absences are often detrimental to student achievement, even when make-up privileges are allowed. Therefore, parents/guardians need to be aware of potential negative effects these absences may have, particularly in classes where the student may be doing poorly. Days missed under this contract will be counted as present in class unless agreed upon work is not completed. The request will be denied:

  1. If student has a “D” in any class or in grades K-5 an “X” I any subject or
  2. If the student has had 10 absences (excused or unexcused) or
  3. If the student did not complete work during previous request or
  4. If the student has any Out of School Suspensions (OSS).


  1. Activities eligible for this contract include: chess, skiing, swimming, tennis, soccer, hockey, martial arts, movie audition, dramatic role in play or movie, high school shadowing for 8th grade, job or school interview.
  2. This contract may be used for no more than six days per year; up to 2 days at a time. Use Student’s Extended Learning Environment form for longer absences.
  3. The student has 1 day after returning to turn in make-up work.
  4. The student is responsible for obtaining make-up work from the teacher prior to leaving if possible.

Extra Curricular Absence Forms are available in the school office and approval is conditional on the teacher’s documentation of student’s performance in each subject. Please submit this form two weeks prior to the absence.


Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Most subjects are taught in sequence, requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of its presentation. Persistent absenteeism creates a hardship for a student and is regarded a serious problem. Class attendance is taken and maintained by instructional hours. Over ten minutes up to fifty percent or three hours late equals half day absence. Over three hours late equals half day absence. Over three hours missed instructional time equals one day absence.

Pursuant to NMSA-22-12-7 New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law a parent or guardian is responsible for the attendance of their child. Violations will be reported to the authorities for enforcement of the law.

Parents are required to contact the school concerning absences and notify TCS of extenuating circumstances that may hamper school attendance by a child. The excuse must be received within 48 hours of the absence or the absence will be recorded as unexcused. State law requires that after 3 days ofillness a written doctor’s excuse be provided for documentation.

Students having 10 days of unexcused absences will be reported to the Children, Youth & Families Department and/or the Juvenile Probation Office. Students having 20 total days of absences will be considered for retention in their grade level. Any student showing a consistent pattern of unexcused absences will be reported to the Children, Youth & Families Department and/or the Juvenile Probation Office. Taos Charter School prohibits out-of-school suspension and expulsion as a punishment for unexcused absences and habitual truancy. Disenrollment due to consecutive absences will only be used after exhausting intervention efforts to keep a student in school.

Excused absences include: a student’s religious observation, a student’s illness, death in a student’s family or a student’s medical appointments and district sports participation. Unexcused absences include: vacations, shopping trips, family visits, parent unable to bring student to school (bus service is provided to all students in the district), etc.

Intergovernmental Agreements: While all children attending public schools are subject to the Compulsory School Attendance Law reporting, TCS takes into consideration the sovereignty of Native American tribe members (with 506 documentation) and will excuse absences due to tribal customs and religious practices. Native American students who are habitual truants will be referred to the JPPO and Tribal Government.

Students are expected to be on time and in attendance when classroom lessons begin. Being on time is a critical life skill, especially relating to future work activities.

Students are required to check in at the office for an admit slip when they are tardy. Teachers will not accept students into class without an admit slip.

Unexcused Absence Consequences

Three (3) days tardy, will count as one (1) unexcused absence for attendance purposes. Any student showing a consistent pattern of days tardy will be reported to the Children, Youth & Families Department and/or the Juvenile Probation Office. There are no “excused” tardies.

1 unexcused absence: It is the parent’s responsibility to call in to provide a reason their child was absent from school. Excused absences include: religious observation, illness, and death in family or medical appointments. Unexcused absences include: vacations, shopping trips, family visits, parent unable tobring student to school, etc. Parents have 24 hours to call in to excuse their child’s absence. After 24 hours, the child is considered unexcused.

3 unexcused absences: Referral to TCS’ Truancy Prevention Specialist, who will send a 3-day unexcused attendance letter by mail with personal receipt informing the parents that their child has 3 unexcused absences and if the absences continue, according to theNMSA-22-12-7 New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Act, the child and parents will be referred to the Juvenile Probation Office.

5 unexcused absences: 5-day unexcused attendance letter goes home via mailwith personal receiptinforming the parents’ of their child’s unexcused absences and possible referral to the JPO. A presentation on the problems associated with excessive absences will be available for parents to view.

7 unexcused absences: 7-day unexcused attendance letter goes home via mail with personal receiptinforming the parents’ of their child’s unexcused absences and a final warning that if the child should accrue 10 unexcused absences, he/she would be considered a Habitual Truant and referred to the Juvenile Probation Office. At this time, parents are required to schedule a meeting with the Truancy Prevention Specialist and a corrective plan shall be established. This plan will have follow-up procedures that address the causes of the child’s truancy and referral to community organizations for assistance if needed.

10 unexcused absences: 10-day unexcused absence letter goes home via mail with personal receipt informing the parents’ of their child’s unexcused absences with a date, time, and a place to meet to discuss what will happen if the child should accrue another unexcused absence. Pre-JPO referral paperwork is filled out and an attendance contract is designed to address the causes for the student’s unexcused absences and to establish a corrective action plan.

Documentation will be kept listing notification, communication, and interventions for each student in need of early intervention and habitual truancy.

11+ unexcused absences: Within 7 days a referral will sent by the school to the JPPO. Noncompliance with the conditions of probation will result in a referral to the District Attorney for prosecution, per NMSA-22-12-7 New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law.


  • Call attendance line, 751-7222 press 2 for attendance, and state the date and why your child is absent.
  • DO NOT rely on verbal communication or notes left with office staff or the teacher.
  • Messages left on a teacher’s voicemail are not sufficient; you must leave a message with the office.
  • Absences are only excused if called in within 48 hours.
  • Doctor’s excuses must be provided after the third consecutive absence and within 48 hours.
  • There are no excused tardies. Keep in mind 3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence. Instructional time begins promptly at 7:50am and 8:20am.
  • Even 1 minute late is a tardy.

Attendance is critical to academic success! Plan vacations during Fall, Spring, Winterand Summer Breaks!