REA 0007C Developmental Reading I

Instructor: Marie ParrisPhone: (407) 348-2451

Course Description

REA 0007C Developmental Reading I is a study of literal and critical comprehension skills with an emphasis on comprehension skills, organizational patterns of organization, and vocabulary enhancement. Class is two hours and forty five minutes of classroom instruction in addition to “out of class” assignments and LABS. Instructor provided modules will take the place of the two hours of required support work in the LAB.

Prerequisites: A score of 59 or below on the CPT or other state approved entry exam. This course reinforces the following CLAST and Valencia competencies.

CLAST Competencies:

Essay Skills

English Language Skills

Reading Skills

Valencia Graduate Competencies:

Think critically, clearly and creatively.

Communicate with different audiences using varied and appropriate methods.

Value – Make reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments.

Act purposefully, reflectively and responsibly in the context of adult life.

Reading with literal comprehension includes all of the following skills:

  1. Recognizing the stated main idea in a given passage
  2. Identifying supporting details
  3. Determining the meaning of words on the basis of context

Reading with critical comprehension includes all of the following skills:

  1. Recognizing the implied main idea in a given passage
  2. Identifying the author’s overall organizational patterns
  3. Distinguishing between statements of fact and statements of opinion

Educational Materials:

  1. Reading For Life by Corinne Fennessy

Office Hours:You can also call me at the above listed number and or E-mail me.

Evaluation:Your final semester grade will consist of:

1. Text assignments25%

2. Class work/Participation25%

3. Tests, Quizzes, Exit exam 25%

4. LAB Assignments25%

Absentee Policy:Valencia’s attendance policy is that a student will be present for all class meetings. Excessive absences or continual tardiness may

result in a student’s withdrawal from the class.

Grading:The grade scale for the course is:



C -70-79%



Withdrawal Procedure:A student may withdraw at any time before

by filing a withdrawal form in the Admissions Office in building 1 and receiving a “W”

for a grade.

We have a new withdrawal policy. The final withdrawal deadline is November 5 for full term classes. Ifyou withdraw on or before that date, you will get a “W”. After that date you may not withdraw and will get whatever grade you earn. There are no more “WP” or “WF” grades. I maintain the right to withdraw a student after the November 5 deadline, but I may only withdraw students, after the withdrawal deadline, for absences over the number allotted. Two absences are considered excessive.

Classroom Policy: Class begins at a scheduled time and is over when the instructor dismisses the class. Leaving class early will be considered an absence. Tardiness is considered unacceptable behavior. Three tardies will result in one class absence.

Disclaimer: Course policies and procedures may be changed at the discretion of the instructor; students will be advised of any changes in writing.


Session 1Introduction Activity: “Teamwork”

Course Outline/Syllabus

Session 2 Introduce Chapter1: “Plan To Succeed”

Setting Goals, Time Management

Assignment: Read Chap. 1

Write Down Your Goals pg. 4

Study Plan pg. 8

Complete weekly study plan on pg.8

9/5LABOR DAY (No Class)

Session 3MyReadingLab Orientation

Session 4 Go Over homework answers

Introduce chap. 2 “The Four Step Reading Process”

Practice activities

vocabulary preview pg. 33

Assignment: Read “Bayflite Down pg. 35

Thinking About What You Read pg.39

Comprehension Questions pg. 39

Vocabulary Practice pg. 41


Session 5Go over homework answers

Discuss Critical Thinking

Practice activities

Preview vocabulary pg 44

Assignment: read “An Illegal Immigrant Turned Brain Surgeon With His Own Two Hands” pg.46

Thinking About What You Read pg.50

Comprehension Questions pg. 50

Vocabulary practice pg 52


Session 6Go Over “Illegal Immigrant…” answers

Quiz on chap2

Discuss Summerizing

Assignment:Textbook Graphic Aids pg. 67

Chapter Review practice #2 pg 62

Making a Summary pg. 71


Session 7Go over homework answers

Chap. 3 Vocabulary Skills

Introduce context clues

practice activities

vocabulary preview pg. 87

Assignment: Read “Dangerous Duty” pg 89

Thinking About What You Read pg. 91

Comprehension Questions pg. 92

Vocabulary Practice pg. 94


Session 8Chap 3 (con’t)

Go over homework

Introduce: Word Parts: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

Practice activities

Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: Read “Fathers Day Rescue” pg. 99

Thinking about What You Read pg. 102

Comprehension Questions pg. 102

Vocabulary Practice pg. 104


Session 8Go over homework

Chapter 3 quiz

Assignment: Vocabulary grid practice


Session 9Chap. 4

Introduce “Topics, Stated Main Ideas, and Topic Sentences” and “How to find the Topic”

Practice activities

Reading I Vocabulary preview pg.142

Assignment: read “Escaping the Debt Trap” pg.144

Thinking About What You Read pg. 147

Comprehension Questions pg.148

Vocabulary Practice pg.150


Session 10Chap. 4( con’t.)

Go over homework answers

Introduce “Stated Main Ideas”pg. 132

Practice activities

Reading II: Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “Taryn Rose: Takning a Risk on Shoes” pg. 155

Thinking About What You Read pg.158

Comprehension Practice pg. 160


Session 11Go over homework

Chapter 4 quiz

Real Life Reading

Textbook Graphic Aids

Assignment: Practice test

LAB ______

Session 12Go over homework answers

Chap. 5 Supporting Details

Introduce “Major and Minor Details and Transitions’

Practice activities

Reading I Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “Lets Talk About Your Life, Son pg.202

Thinking About What You Read pg.206

Comprehension Questions pg.206

Vocabulary Practice pg.207

LAB ______

Session 13Chap 5 (con’t)

Go over homework answers

Introduce “Concept Mapping”

Practice activities

Reading 2 Vocabulary Preview pg

Assignment: read “Where Wishes Come True”

Pg. 214

Thinking About What You Read pg. 218 Comprehension Questions pg. 218

Reading 2 Vocabulary Practice pg. 220


Session 14Chap 5 (con’t)

Go Over homework answers

Practice activities

Assignment: Practice test


Session 15Chap 5 (con’t)

Go over homework answers

Chap 5 quiz

Assignment: Textbook Graphic Aid

LAB ______

Session 16Chap 6 Go over homework

Introduce Patterns Of Organization

Practice activities

Reading1 Vocabulary Preview pg. 258

Assignment: read “Winter Dreams” pg. 260

Think About What You Read pg. 264

Comprehension Questions pg. 264

Vocabulary Practice 266

LAB ______

Session 17Chap 6 (con’t)

Go Over homework

Introduce “Recognizing Overall Patterns of Organization pg. 252

Practice Activities

Reading 2 Vocabulary Preview pg. 269

Assignment: read “Most Valuable Player” pg 271

Thinking About What You Read pg. 274

Comprehension Questions pg. 274

Vocabulary Practice pg. 276

LAB ______

Session 18Chap 6 ( con’t)

Go over homework answers

Introduce Paraphrasing

Practice activities

Chapter 6 quiz


Chapter Review Practice #2 and #3

Textbook Graphic aids pg. 285

LAB ______

Session 19Go over homework answers

Chapter 7 Patterns Of Organization-Part 2

Introduce time order, process, space order, and classification

Practice activities

Introduce Outlining

Reading I vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “Game Master” pg. 317

Thinking About What You Read pg 320

Comprehension Questions pg. 320

Vocabulary Practice pg. 322

LAB ______

Session 20Chapter 7 (con’t)

Introduce the example pattern, the addition pattern,

Practice activities

Reading 2 Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “”Bionic Soliders” pg. 328

Thinking About What You Read pg. 331

Comprehension Questions pg. 331

Vocabulary Questions pg. 333

LAB ______

Session 21Go over homework answers

Chapter 7 quiz

Chap 8 Drawing Conclusions

Practice activities Reading I Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “College Drinking” pg.0363

Thinking About What You Read pg. 368

Comprehension Questions pg. 369

Vocabulary Practice pg. 371

LAB ______

Session 22Chap 8 (Con’t)

Go over homework answers

Practice activities

Reading 2 Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “The Girl in the Garage” pg. 376

Thinking About What You Read pg. 380

Comprehension Questions pg. 380

Vocabulary Practice pg. 382

LAB ______

Session 23Chap 9 Implied Main Ideas and Central Point

Chapter 8 quiz

Go over homework answers

Introduce Main Idea

Practice activities

Reading I Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: read “My Beat Role Ever!” pg. 425

Thinking About What you Read pg. 429

Comprehension Questions pg. 430

Vocabulary Practice pg. 432

LAB ______

Session 24Chap. 9 (con’t)

Introduce “Recognizing Stated Main Ideas and Implied Main Ideas

Practice activities

Reading 2 Vocabulary Preview

Assignment: “The Many Miracles of Mark Hicks” pg. 437

Thinking About What You Read pg. 441

Comprehension Questions pg. 441

Vocabulary Practice pg. 443

LAB ______

Session 25 Go over homework answers

Chapter 9 quiz Introduce Chap 10 Critical Reading and Thinking

Discuss Facts and Opinion

Practice activities

Reading I vocabulary preview

Assignment: read “Shark!”

Thinking About What you Read

Comprehension Questions

Vocabulary LAB______

Session 26Chap 10 (con’t) Go over homework

Review facts and opinion

Introduce Author’s Purpose, Author’s Intended Audience, and Author’s Tone

Practice activities

Reading II vocabulary preview pg

Assignment: read “Super Storm” pg 498

Thinking About What you Read pg 502

Comprehension Questions pg 502

Vocabulary Practice 504


Session 27Go over homework

Review fact, opinion, author’s purpose, author’s tone, and intended audience

Introduce “Detecting Bias and Point Of View”

Practice activities

Assignment: practice test

LABS due

12/7Go over homework

Chap 10 quiz

Practice Test

12/12Round 1/Exit Exam

12/14Round 2/Exit Exam